NBC fired Donald Trump for immigrant remarks

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He spoke his mind...and from what I've read, he's not backing down....Reminds me of a cartoon I saw....that if Trump was to make the Presidency....:giggle:...then there would be "Hell Toupee".....

I know he'll not back down , he is entitled to think this , I wonder which station will air his beauty pageants now, I could care less if taken off the air I never watch them.
Well alienating a huge amount of voting power isnt a way to get the whitehouse...
im suprised he blundered as he did.
hes also full it...
How do you say you're fired in spanish?
NBC actually said ...."You're Fired"...and won't air his Miss America Pageant....read where he said..."I really don't care...had a good run with NBC but their opinions differ from mine"....
Well, with his money he will probably just buy and start his own network, then he can have all the beauty contests and reality shows he wants.

What a jerk, his immigrant statement is more like an ignorant statement!
Yeah he could start his own network , he did threaten to sue NBC b/c they have a contract with Trump.


With his loot, he prob coukd buy nbc and fire the ines who fired him...
he certainly isnt no penikiess.push over, or hurting actor ssying the wring thing.
Its prob all calculated anyway...
Im sure its all part of he smoke and mirrors. The society of the specticle wt its finest..
His immigrant statements is not the only one. He had talked really trash about trying to take the lands away from the people (mostly white people who are common people) in the whole United Kingdom. He was never nice to any lower common people like us. I have never like Donald Trump's remarks over people just because he think he is the big boss. He does not deserve to be the President Of The United States.

I wish he would go on an abandon island and stay there. He can mouth off any way he wish to offend into the air (invisible) for himself. :mad:
Well. if he is...it's just a fluke...getting publicity...no chance he's gonna win. Ironic he just throws his mouth and $$ around without even a care...
Yeah , I really doubt if made it to the general election for president, he is more like a spoiler to me. He will take votes away in the primary election from other candidates . I think he just like having a lot of attention .
Did Oprah accepted his offer to become Vice President?
Well Fox News did the samething to Bob Beckel,, SO THERE! :P:rockon::dance2:
I thought he was talking about illegal aliens, not legal immigrants. :dunno:

If he was, well, illegal aliens can't vote.
I thought he was talking about illegal aliens, not legal immigrants. :dunno:

If he was, well, illegal aliens can't vote.

I thought he was talking both illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
I know one thing this is not going to be a boring election and SNL
has to eaten this up ! :giggle:
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