Cat survives 19 hours in freezer


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Jul 25, 2003
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A south Waikato family's cat has survived 19 hours in a freezer.

The cat, Krillen, was found by owner Sarah Crombie, 27, lying stiff and semi-conscious on a bag of dog food when she went to get a loaf of bread out of the freezer.

"I was looking in there and I heard this funny noise," the Te Kuiti mother-of-two told the Herald on Sunday .

"It was sort of a 'miaow' but he was so half-frozen he couldn't get the noise out properly, poor thing. So I look down and I see this grey fluffy thing sitting on top of the bag of dog food under a rack."

Her partner Sid Sisson had shut the top-loading freezer the night before, not realising the cat was inside.

Fortunately, Mr Sisson, 28, knew it was essential to raise the body temperature of hypothermia sufferers slowly. So he put the cat under his shirt and got into bed with him.

The dairy farmer kept Krillen under blankets and against his bare chest for three hours until he thawed out.

Dr Nick Cave, senior lecturer at Massey University's Veterinary Teaching Hospital, said the cat's survival was impressive and probably down to Mr Sisson warming him up slowly.

Source: Cat survives 19 hours in freezer - Yahoo!Xtra News

That cat is very lucky to alive after being frozen in a freezer for 19 hours, amazing.
Poor kitty :hug: I'm so glad Krillen's ok though!!!!! :D Slowly recovering I bet...
How kind of poor owner to help the cat like that. Bet they felt just terrible for that sad accident, but the kitty lived - that is amazing!
That's creepily amazing... I'm so relief that kitty is alive and well. :shock:
something like that happened to a cat i had.

in a nutshell, when i was in 3rd grade, there was a night when my family couldn't find my cat. in the middle of the night, i went to get something out of the fridge, and out popped gracie! we unfortunately don't have gracie anymore (we had to give her away), but to this day, we have no idea how she got into the fridge, nor do we know how long she was in there for!
Guess they'll give the cat another name, such as "Frosty, the Kitty". But, really happy the kitty thawed out and is doing well! Nothing like "body heat" to do the trick!

Bet the kitty, when he woke up, was wondering what the heck he was doing "in bed" with his master???? And under the covers, too!
I can't imagine a cat being in the freezer for 19 hours and coming out still alive! It didn't say if the cat suffered frost bite on its paw or any other damages. Guess it's true when they say the cats have nine lives!
Update: Cat's story aired fur and wide

The amazing survival story of Krillen the chilled out cat has gone global, since the Herald on Sunday's report last week.

The lucky feline endured 19 hours trapped in his Te Kuiti owners' freezer, and now his story has been picked up by radio, websites and print media in countries as far afield as the US, Britain, Italy and Chile.

While Krillen was oblivious to the attention, owners Crombie and Sisson were bemused at all the fuss and surprised to receive on-air calls from Australian radio stations.

Since his ordeal, Krillen has developed a touch of frostbite to his toes but is otherwise fine. "We took him to the vet and they gave him a complete clean bill of health," said Crombie.

Source: Cat's story aired fur and wide - National - NZ Herald News
I dont think this is "Shocking" but... Arent cats made to survive the wild?

Sometimes it gets a bit cold out there for extended periods of time.