How Gay Are You?


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
I'm on a shitty pc up high in the hills. Picked up this couldnt wait to share.

Channel 4's Gay-O-Meter

I'll share my score when I come back to earth.

Is that bad

I scored 50% and wonder if thats bad. No wonder some people still don't know I'm gay. Maybe I should nelly it up a bit. Kind of advertising.
When I saw the meter go up to 100% I was like :eek3: but then later it showed my score. 40%
VamPyroX is 20% gay!

You're a walking, talking, red-blooded hetro guy.

Just way to straight for these modern times mate!
53% I do fool people all the time. Others are like, "he is so gay how could you not know?!" LOL
50% for me.

Although, I didn't much care for the question formats/answer selections. There are some better (and/or funnier) tests out there, I think I'll try to find one or two, and post those, too.