Which taste better Pepsi or Coke?

Which taste better Pepsi or Coke?

  • Pepsi

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Coke

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • I don't drink soda so i don't care

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters

The Joker

New Member
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Ok Mates,,Tell me which taste better Pepsi or Coke? Vote!

I rarely drink soda, but if on very hot day, I'd grab a glass bottle of Pepsi that comes with cane sugar...slurp.......BURPPPPPP......excuse me!
I don't drink soda much but when I do... coke. pepsi is way too sweet for me.
I'll occasionally have a soda.....I like Coke the best. Unfortunately almost every restaurant around here will ask "is Pepsi OK"....I only take a few sips, usually drink water so much cheaper.
I don't drink either one of them , my dad used coke to remove rust from metal . So he never brought any for us kids to drink and we all still have all of our teeth.


I've used coke to clean the battery cable connections in my car (years ago) and I'm a Coke drinker and still have all my teeth. The only thing my dentist said not to do is sip on the sofa throughout the day - I had gotten into a bad habit of buying a fountain soda at lunch and drinking it throughout the afternoon.
And I'm in pretty good health too.
I'll occasionally have a soda.....I like Coke the best. Unfortunately almost every restaurant around here will ask "is Pepsi OK"....I only take a few sips, usually drink water so much cheaper.

Same here about the "is Pepsi ok". Sometimes I'll say, with a frown, "I guess". :D
I quit drinking soda about a month ago. However, I was a Dr. Pepper lover.
I don't drink soda much but when I do... coke. pepsi is way too sweet for me.

Same here. I don't drink soda at home. Only if I go out to movie with popcorn or with girlfriends or pizza but not much.

Coke is the first choice then Pepsi. I tend to mix coke with little of lemon juice.
Dr Pepper was a fav of my family...I liked Coke better...but was a Pepsi drinker a long time before changing and admitting Coke tastes better...as for the Diet Sodas...ugggg!...
Mexican Coke. Or if not available, real sugar Pepsi. I drink very little sugared soda, and none with high fructose syrup as a sweetener. It taste slimy and disgusting.
I quit drinking pop (that's right we in Michigan call it pop) about a year ago. Used to drink diet Pepsi. Coke was always too sweet for me.
I was actualy doing this today had bottle of pepsi and coke I think coke got more edge to it
I prefer Pepsi- Coke seems sweeter to me.

And like LoveBlue- I still have all my teeth- all of my cavities were from when I was a kid- and NO not from soda- soda was rarely allowed in our house when we were small- only time was visits to McDonald's (usually after weekly swim meet) or to grandparents house(they had Coke...).

And am healthy for the most part aside from any late manifestations from CRS.
Vote for Pepsi. Coke is tasting strong. Pepsi is tasting less than strong.