Planned Parenthood Director Reportedly Caught On Camera

"The Mary Gatter Planned Parenthood "Sting" - Follow the Money?"

"The Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Sting: Dr. Mary Gatter and Using Different Techniqueshen I moved on"

"Fetal remains"
A euphamiam for baby remains...thats exactky what fetal remains are. The remains of babies...
Words a great things...with them we can deny anyone humanisty..likw slaves werent people, just slaves, or women wherent at one time persons, neither were us Deaf at times too.... and the remains feom murdered babies are just fetal.
The spin is getting the third vid...we will see where it goes....
I agree with kari,you can make anything sound slanted
A fourth video now has been released.
Wehwve four different videas of foir different individusls, stating whwt they do, to people they bekieved to be in on it...
I dont expect the religious adherents to abortion to.believe the vids...but of course ive known nazi to deny the holocaust too...
The vids will keep comming...
So are you stating these docs did not actually say what they said?

No, that's not what he meant by. Those videos that Live Action members make a lot of points in here about the video editing to make it seem like PP is profiting from donations rather than recouping costs... which, in my mind, still provides them more money than they would have had otherwise so why exaggerate?

While I don't deny that PP do abortions, I don't believe in exaggerating or lying to support any movement. Doesn't it just discredit the movement, anyways?

For your info, Real Choice Blog is owned by the researcher pro-lifer who worked on researches and studies for more than 30 years.
No, that's not what he meant by. Those videos that Live Action members make a lot of points in here about the video editing to make it seem like PP is profiting from donations rather than recouping costs... which, in my mind, still provides them more money than they would have had otherwise so why exaggerate?

While I don't deny that PP do abortions, I don't believe in exaggerating or lying to support any movement. Doesn't it just discredit the movement, anyways?

For your info, Real Choice Blog is owned by the researcher pro-lifer who worked on researches and studies for more than 30 years.

Ive spent allot of my time in Courts,and dig the legalese, regarding profit or recuperating costs....

But thats not the crux of this...were these docs discussing selling the body parts "remains" of babies. "Fetuses"

Thats. The issue....not if they saved a few pennies here, or cooked the books for a.buck there....profit or recouperating costs...

I agree re lying, but the abortion industry is chalk full of word play ie lies....isnf it?
In the end the murder of babies is so entrenched and supported even if we have 100 vids of these evil docs haggling over the price of body pars on sale from murdered wont do swquat...
Hey look
Some guy killed a lion.......outrage!!!!!
Thus the march of folly continues
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Whoa! I don't see how those body parts from the aborted babies are functional as they are sold.
They are used for stem cell research.
How would it help the research while the part is less than 24 weeks old? In other words, the part is not fully developed. Oh well, if it's illegal, then it's illegal.
How would it help the research while the part is less than 24 weeks old? In other words, the part is not fully developed. Oh well, if it's illegal, then it's illegal.

They take tissue from part for research purpose.

I support stem cell research because I want someone to find a cure for Usher Syndrome/RP.
A fifth video has now been released.
And more to come...