Market Survey for an Upcoming Product for Deaf Individuals


New Member
Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
In a world that is so sound dependent, how are you aware of sounds such as....

a tea kettle ringing?
a telephone ringing?
the doorbell ringing?
a baby crying?

We believe that our device is equivalent to an ear on your wrist, as our device is multifunctional and uses vibration, text image, and flashing LED light to notify the wearer of the watch of an alert. Our device is an innovative solution for deaf people. The watch has a preexisting library of images that can then be programmed to a sound. Further, our device is also capable of being trained to new sounds and images for customized alerts. The users of our device will have a simple, one tool method in being aware of all of these sounds that are present in one’s daily life. With just a glance at their watch, they will be able to immediately know what is going on around them through four alerts which can save lives and also keep the user of the watch alert. Our device is a complete solution to the daily needs of a deaf person. What do you think of this product? Would such a product be of interest to you? Thank you so much!
Tea kettles don't ring. My electric kettle shuts off automatically when it boils and I know roughly got long that takes. Don't need Telephone.... I'm Deaf! My Videophone has flashing LED when it rings and it also rings to my mobile devices at same time by vibrating. Deaf Culture is normal for expected visitors to just open door and come in. If you are not expected, I don't want to buy what you are selling.. already have device that us doorbell and flashes lights through wireless receivers or strobes around house.
Cry sensors connect to same system as doorbell and VP alerts. Same with fire alarm. I have strobe fire alarm.

I have ideas for actual useful deaf alert products, But that's gonna cost you... See ameriphone or sonic boom products for more examples of Deaf tech. I'm guessing you are in China or Asia somewhere. USA already has tech for deaf
Heh, my teakettle rings because my partner refuses to use an electric one. I have overboiled a teakettle more than once.
Nikkijoon, I don't think you will find a lot of useful answers in this thread. There are TOO many products out there (just google Deaf products, and you'll see companies like Harris Communications, etc. that already sell just about everything from here to the moon.)

Bottom line, d/Deaf people have learned to become aware of surroundings and events. If someone has put a kettle of water on to boil, they're going to come back and check on it. Sure, on occasion d/Deaf people miss it -- we've all talked about that throughout this forum - some funny and good examples if you want to use the Search feature, but the same happens to hearing people even if for different reasons - they may have left to go to use the bathroom or stepped outside because someone came to the door, etc.

I would not buy a watch as you are proposing. I don't feel I need one. I've already got everything I need. Guess I can't vouch for everyone else, but I think your market is going to be very limited. Other "inventors" have come here asking the exact same type of questions.
Teakettles whistle from the escaping steam. :whistle: