The 40 Smartest People of all time....


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Apr 22, 2007
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American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims took an unorthodox approach when he set out to rank the smartest people of all time.

Thims first compiled a list of people with IQ scores over 200 as a matter of curiosity. Anything over 130 is extremely high, though it should be noted that IQ tests are a highly imprecise and controversial measure.

Later, Thims ranked everybody who had a strong aptitude, marked capacity, or heightened inclination in some area that coupled with their IQ would make them worthy of the title genius.

Not wanting to exclude any geniuses who existed before IQ tests were invented, Thims referred to IQ ratings based on the Cox methodology, which predicts IQ based on how much people accomplished every 10 years of their lives. Thims then adjusted the IQ scores he thought were inaccurate by reading through many of the individuals' works to check for errors.

Thims evaluated both IQ and accomplishments to rank the smartest people in history.
Of course, this list is highly subjective and at times seemingly random. Still, we found it thoughtful enough to warrant a second look.

1. Johann Goethe

Considered by Einstein to be "the last man in the world to know everything," Goethe was a German polymath who founded the science of human chemistry and developed one of the earliest known theories of evolution. His estimated IQ scores range from 210 to 225 by different measures.

He's considered one of the greatest figures in Western literature: his 1808 poetic drama, "Faust," is still widely read and studied today.

2. Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science whose estimated IQ scores range from 205 to 225 by different measures. He is best known for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 which has been called the world's most famous equation.

Einstein articulated the principle of relativity and attempted to disprove quantum theory until he died in 1955 at the age of 76.

3. Leonardo da Vinci

A painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer, Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived. His estimated IQ scores range from 180 to 220 by different measures.

He's one of the most celebrated painters in history, revered for his technological innovations such as flying machines, an armoured vehicle, concentrated solar power, and adding machines. Da Vinci was a chronic procrastinator, though, and few of his designs were ever realized during his lifetime.

4. Isaac Newton

Most famous for his law of gravitation, English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton was instrumental in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. His estimated IQ scores range from 190 to 200 by different measures.

He wrote "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica," widely believed to be the most influential book on physics and possibly all of science. Although some of his assumptions were eventually proven wrong, Newton's universal principles of gravity had no parallels in science at the time.
5. James Maxwell

James Maxwell was a Scottish mathematical physicist who is best known for formulating the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. His estimated IQ scores range from 190 to 205 by different measures.

Maxwell is credited with laying the foundations for quantum theory and was was revered by many, including Einstein. When Einstein was asked if he had stood on the shoulders of Newton, he replied: “No, I stand on Maxwell’s shoulders.”

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*contemplates the possibility of a brain transfer to that of superior intelligence* Hmmmm...
noel Gallagher is said to have the highest iq proberly on record all he needs do is use it