Abortion For Disabled Women


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Would you want to make a decision on a disabled woman's life weither she should get abortion or not? There are two differences you should think about: her being as a raped victim or she had sex for pleasure. She's really disabled which she probably has 4 years old mind and cannot take care of her own child.

I just learned news from cnn.com and I put the article in current events forum, here's the link if you want to read about it: http://www.alldeaf.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3155

In my opinion, I don't believe in abortion even though I'm not an hardcore anti-abortion. I think it really kills living thing, a developing of new life. This is very difficult decision for me because of that woman's condition, she may not be healthy and/or her baby, too. Or worse, birth could be life-theatening to the woman because of her health. I'd say if she's in a good health condition and so is her baby, then I don't see a reason she should get an abortion and give the baby away for a family who can take care of it.
In that article, it said the baby was healthy but it could be life-threatening to the woman. I don't know if it's accurate information but if it is, then for the woman's sake, the baby shall be aborted. This decision will be scarred on me forever. :(
UMM Im bowing out of this debate..... but i already said my peice in another abortion thread... damn.... this is tuff!!!
I don't agree with abortions either.. I don't think it is fair for the fetuses..plus the physically/mentally disabled mothers..there has to be a better solution to this than abortion..
If the person is not mentally or physically able to follow through with the pregnancy, then that person should not have a baby. If we let that person follow through with the pregnancy, extra money and care will be needed to see it through and we don't always have time for that. That is like taking care of two things.
abortion is like a murder for kids that aren't allowed to be brought into the world and go figures the goverment doesn't want to waste time takin care of more kids that disabled women can't even take care of themselves and the kid in their stomach but I sometimes wonder how they will deal with after have the abortion ugh I don't want to talk about it so I'll just go :barf: sorry about that :|
She's really disabled which she probably has 4 years old mind and cannot take care of her own child.
This has been discussed on a few of the other BBs I frequent and I heard that she has the IQ of a one year old(classfied as profoundly MR) . She is also autisic, and has severe behavoir problems and seizures. We're talking severe-profound issues here, not a person like me! (I can be and am classified as severely disabled, due to the fact that I have multiple disabilties)
I think I also read somewhere that if she gives birth she could DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe that some of you are against abortion. I only believe that a woman has the right to make her own decision, not you or me. Please do not interfer anyone to talk about their business what to do with their life. We have so many babies all over the world. Even worst if a poor mother has 13 children with different fathers - this is really greedy and sicko. We have too many stupid laws because we have too many people in our country, especially werid lawyers bought up new ridiculous laws. If you insist to against abortion, that is your business but you really have no right to control peoples' life.
No government should control our lives just because they decide that it's unethical. :p
The problem lies with the disabled mother to be -- she probably won't have an inkling of what pregnancy and having a baby is all about due to her intellectual status. I believe abortion should be done because it could endanger both the unborn baby and the mother.
But, in special cases -- should the mother understands what to expect from being pregnant and having a baby...it is a small possibility for her to get some training and classes to understand motherhood and raising a child. Yes, it can be doubly hard for the government to support them both. The mother to be is human, too.
This issue is extremely sticky.
This leads me to another question. If this disabled woman knows not to get pregnant due to her health or unability to care for herself or the baby, then why did she go for the sex? (Excluding the rape situation.) Not to get pregnant is not to have sex = safe sex --That's just IMO. :|

I'm not against or for abortion, it all depends on what situation it is.
webexplorer said:
I cannot believe that some of you are against abortion. I only believe that a woman has the right to make her own decision, not you or me. Please do not interfer anyone to talk about their business what to do with their life. We have so many babies all over the world. Even worst if a poor mother has 13 children with different fathers - this is really greedy and sicko. We have too many stupid laws because we have too many people in our country, especially werid lawyers bought up new ridiculous laws. If you insist to against abortion, that is your business but you really have no right to control peoples' life.

I agree. I'm all for pro-choice for the woman. Let her face her own thing with her own husband or with/without boyfriend, and let God decide for herself. Get over yourselves as judges in defining what life is and what it is not, and I do mean this gracefully. :dizzy:

I know women who also had abortion but people don't know about it, and they are scared to share this info or it's just none of others' business. People do tend to punish others emotionally or in other ways if things aren't done or things are done and it doesnt go their way. Sounds like some of you, huh?

Integrity is a big thing these days, not FEAR. Out with the old energies.

Hey, a healthy debate is always good.... next CI! :laugh: