EVIDENCE of being deaf with Hearing Aid device

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From another thread / post.

Sweetmind, I'm going to comment on your post in your thread, because it's unfair to Lisa to do it in hers. Anything you said in the post over there is Off-Topic, so I feel that this thread is a better place to reply.
I'll do it inside your quote so that you might read your own words again. (Or for the first time. :whistle: )

Sweetmind said:
MY POINT is... Do they really feel sorry for this person? I THINK NOT!
That's quite a strong accusation, based on ... what?
I have my right to say it aloud since they dont have any good valid points in my topic.
That's a strange conclusion, plus a wrong assumption. To clarify: You have no right, and points in "your" thread are valid.

All they bashed and insulted/ namecalled to a direct person who cares so much. While I didnt until you think I m not taking it serious so I had to point that out for a good reasonable strong point of view of what audism people did it all along.

And you told lies about us Deaf people and Deaf Community about being against CIers.
Of course I am very against CI device on those Deaf children s nonchoice.
Yeh, we noticed. What about deaf children? When is a deaf child becoming a Deaf child. Any age-requirements?

They dont feel sorry for those CI failure deaf children at young age and dump them into your trashy cans as far as I can see it very clear. They dont care or dont even help them at all after the parents were lost and did not know what next steps to take.
Again, fantastic accusations and assumptions... Where do you get them from?

I have seen some parents who do not sign with their CI failure deaf child and their written english is not very good.
Have you now... When was this? I have asked you this before and never got an answer... I doubt if you know any child where CI failed.... Or is it just 1 you describe here....?
This kid is still in Mainstream and use an SEE interpreter in the classroom only. SEE is artificial language that relates to a spoken language. There is something very seriously wrong going on and I am not very comfortable with this sticky situation. It is not a two way street. Also NO information about Deaf community that we can provide them with a very positive outlook that we all are Deaf people of Deaf community that cares about them. The information was hidden for a long, long time and wasn't shared with the parents. We did our job but no one even sees it I dont understand why.Thats why there is too many oralism rules and has to be their way all the time after all it is not the solution yet to avoid making the same mistakes.
What information was hidden....?

Thats why I am here, because I want to help and educate them to get as much information as I can offer them to read with all my heart. Thats their choice to think of their best interest for the deaf child 's sake that comes first.
On DeafNotes you made evryone with some open views and commen sense disappear. Is that your plan for AllDeaf as well.....?

I know some parents do regret making a mistake and they wont admit because it s very painful for them. That's understandable and I dont blame parents 100 percent. Therefore, they are not the blamed for it 100 percent only since they didnt know any better and realized they got in with the wrong crowd in some ways. I m sure they read my writings that shows I do care for their Deaf children. NO matter what you think of me.
What are you talking about.....?

MODERATOR: I feel as though you are trying to control or overpower me and I am somewaht bothered by that. I dont think I should have to agree with everyone here. I think it is ok to agree to disagree. I m here to make the point and how I feel. NO one can stop me after all they dont have any respect for CI failure Deaf children.
No-one wants you to agree. People want you to read what you and other people write. Listen to other people that have first-hand experiences.....?

I feel like You did not say anything to all the members that were rude/nasty / oppressive/ discriminative towards me.
That works both ways. But discriminative??? BAsed on WHAT....?
I dont think I should have to refrain, after all I am very strong supporter for Deaf children and Deaf community that saves my life. So I feel as though it s my job to save those Children from harm or the destruction ( for lack of a better word) of their true identity and language that works for both sides of the community that is possible to make the difference.
Children that are operated before they aquire language, growing up in a hearing environment will not loose a deaf identity.... They never had it!!....?

Let the children have their own Deaf spirit to make them feel good about themselves for being deaf. Deaf children can do anything except hear.Sure... but don't force it upon them. That's child-abuse....?

I am not talking about this lady which I havent said anything yet about her.That's why you should stay out of that topic.....?

Im talking about Deaf children going through surgery for that reason..it is the wrong reason, let them have a HA if thats their choice.
But the HA doesn't work.......?

Thank you very much! ;) :ty:
You're welcome
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Cloggy said:
Just before you wrote the post, you had 1003 post, and wbharely had 1003 posts.... :)
Hey I didn't notice that but indeed it is amazing coincidence! Thanks for pointing that out heh...
SxyPorkie said:
Sweetmind did not train any of us... she only made good points of view... she has a right to voice!!!!


TOTALLY agreed, SxyPorkie! Sweetmind does know what she is talking about. She has a right to her opinion and her experience is actually pretty common.

As I see it, the CI is not a way of "overcoming obstacles". It's a way of walking around them.
If you haven't read all my posts here, don't waste time replying to me.

My family and I had a wonderful talk on VP tonight. I told them that I've decided to receive a cochlear implant only if I'm able to benefit from it. It is for reasons I shouldn't even have to explain but if you must know: I yearn to dance lovingly with my wife to beautiful music. I want to be a true knight in shining armor to my wife. I want to hear my wife and our children's voices as well as the world's many voices. Those reasons are only the tip of the iceberg.

We also agreed that Sweetmind and the others do have good intentions but they are misguided.
gnulinuxman said:
TOTALLY agreed, SxyPorkie! Sweetmind does know what she is talking about. She has a right to her opinion and her experience is actually pretty common.

As I see it, the CI is not a way of "overcoming obstacles". It's a way of walking around them.

So hearing aids provides a way of walking around obstacles, too? Some deaf people can't benefit from hearing aids, you turd.

Let's take walking canes from the elderly to make them really overcome the obstacle of walking with their 80 year old knees. Let's pull wheelchairs out under the paralyzed. Let's smash the prescription eyeglasses so the visually impaired will overcome obstacles the good old fashioned way. You're a tool, GNU.
gnulinuxman said:
TOTALLY agreed, SxyPorkie! Sweetmind does know what she is talking about. She has a right to her opinion and her experience is actually pretty common.
If only we knew what she was talking about.
gnulinuxman said:
As I see it, the CI is not a way of "overcoming obstacles". It's a way of walking around them.
No, you're overcoming them with CI... I can see it right here next to me....
ASL would be walking around it!!
Fragmenter said:
If you haven't read all my posts here, don't waste time replying to me.

My family and I had a wonderful talk on VP tonight. I told them that I've decided to receive a cochlear implant only if I'm able to benefit from it. It is for reasons I shouldn't even have to explain but if you must know: I yearn to dance lovingly with my wife to beautiful music. I want to be a true knight in shining armor to my wife. I want to hear my wife and our children's voices as well as the world's many voices. Those reasons are only the tip of the iceberg.

We also agreed that Sweetmind and the others do have good intentions but they are misguided.
Man, what a rollercoaster ride you picked. WOW, you know how to make life exciting.
I congratulate you on your choice.

2kids1hoh said:
Today my daughter got her second pair of hearing aids (the most powerful ones out there), and I think she actually heard something for the first time!! To see her little face light up when she heard noises was so great. I am not sure how much she heard, but I think for the first time she actually heard herself make a noise, and I think she heard my voice too. She was very excited. I really agree with you, I think she loved listening to herself babble!

I look forward to seeing her reaction as she hears other sounds in the future!

Aww that's great, it must be really nice to have your daughter being able to hear your voice and being able to hear herself as well too....

Thanks for sharing your story about your daughter and I'm glad that this hearing aids are helping her

gnulinuxman said:
As I see it, the CI is not a way of "overcoming obstacles". It's a way of walking around them.
from my experience, you are wrong. It's not a way of walking around them.

Will you ask the Artinians Family the question "Did CI help you overcome the obstacles?" Will their answer be "no, it is a way of walking around them?"

Wait till you see the new documentary!

Having a CI is a way to overcome the obstacle not to walk around them.

Having a interpreter is not a way to overcome the obstacle but walk around them. because with interpreter, you don't go from a to b, you have to go from a to interpreter then finally to b and back.

Having some training in oral deaf education under my belt, it does help me overcome some obstacles now coupled with CI. It lowered lots of obstacles for me but not completely.

NOW you still don't know what you are talking about. It is safe to say that my ASSUMPTION is that you have been hearing alot about deaf culture from your finance and this board. Now there are plenty of us, ci users on this board who is telling you directly what we already experienced as a ci users. we look at what you said over the time and shake our head in disbelief. Also we have told you what have experienced as what oral deaf education have given us in the past. Like for example fragmenter telling what his wife can do then you dismiss his story.

I am sure you will dismiss my stories too like for example before I had CI, I had to use pen and paper to from time to time to converse with my brother, the oldest one in his 50's. I don't write but he does. now after I got my CI, he only write the word that I don't know the pronunciation to it that's it so I would say 95% of time, no paper and pen at all even in noisy setting.

Seeing is believing and hearing is believing..

I suggest you stick to your own world and enjoy your life with finance and she will know that you will be the only to save her from harm if she fail to hear something dangerous because you are hearing.

My family is overjoyed that I could chat with them without pestering them "what did he or she or you say" that I did with HA (because it wasn't powerful enough to put me in the 0-40dB range)

Now that with CI, it put me in 30-40dB ranges, I could hear all those lings sound that I haven't with HA. that's overcoming the obstacles!

I suggest you step back and leave us alone and let others ask me question without you stepping in and rile us up with false assumptions about CI or Oral approaches. Unless you learn more about them by researching and meet more CI users or mainstreamed folks. I don't mean those who are negative like sweetmind is. I mean those who think positive more often than sweetmind does.

From all the post I see of yours, you are negative person except in area of deaf culture. that's all.

Wow, I am rambling.. sorry folks, I'll let you have your turns on this thread. **stepping down the soapbox**

Moderators, lock this threads. We need a fresh threads full of positive than this one because sweetmind fails to reply to one of moderator's question to see if she want this thread locked. I'll second it.
Fragmenter said:
If you haven't read all my posts here, don't waste time replying to me.

My family and I had a wonderful talk on VP tonight. I told them that I've decided to receive a cochlear implant only if I'm able to benefit from it. It is for reasons I shouldn't even have to explain but if you must know: I yearn to dance lovingly with my wife to beautiful music. I want to be a true knight in shining armor to my wife. I want to hear my wife and our children's voices as well as the world's many voices. Those reasons are only the tip of the iceberg.

We also agreed that Sweetmind and the others do have good intentions but they are misguided.
Oh man! all the disscusssion with those two pest riling us up for no reason and without forcing you to get one although the discussion was about your deaf kids getting one not yourself.. I am floored!

Yes, I get to hear my kids! (nephews and nieces of courses! LOL I don't have kids of my own yet haha) as well as my siblings too!
Boult said:
Oh man! all the disscusssion with those two pest riling us up for no reason and without forcing you to get one although the discussion was about your deaf kids getting one not yourself.. I am floored!

Yes, I get to hear my kids! (nephews and nieces of courses! LOL I don't have kids of my own yet haha) as well as my siblings too!

Cloggy and Boult... I'm a sensitive man and I'm worse than Dick Vermeil at press conferences but I admit that I wasted 25 years raging against logic.

I go where my heart is.


My logic was an illusion of the propaganda I grew up in and I find it extremely ironic that I'm a mirror image of a small percentage who grew up orally.
Dick Vermeil? (I am lost and not familiar with this name eh sorry!)

I wasn't raging against the logic for many years growing up but I was subliminally suggested that I should be anti-ci upon entering NTID.
Boult said:
Dick Vermeil? (I am lost and not familiar with this name eh sorry!)

I wasn't raging against the logic for many years growing up but I was subliminally suggested that I should be anti-ci upon entering NTID.

Oh, I never expected anyone to know Dick Vermeil. He was the coach of St. Louis Rams who won the Super Bowl in '99 and he's a very emotional gentleman who cries at press conferences yet is cutthroat during games.

I'm sorry you were told negative stuff about CI... I feel responsible simply because I was one of the instigators. I'm sorry man.
Fragmenter said:
Oh, I never expected anyone to know Dick Vermeil. He was the coach of St. Louis Rams who won the Super Bowl in '99 and he's a very emotional gentleman who cries at press conferences yet is cutthroat during games.

I'm sorry you were told negative stuff about CI... I feel responsible simply because I was one of the instigators. I'm sorry man.
OH yeah now I Know who.. I forgot all about that! That tells you I am not crazy about the Rams LOL just Dallas Cowboy!

No, it was not you because you were a little kid probably not old enough to understand what deaf culture is about (I could be wrong considering your family background) but anyway, you were not at NTID at that time of my entrance to that college. I don't hold you responsible at all. :)

Sometime it is peer-pressure to be like others and I would diss on CI in front of others who are anti-ci anyway back then in college. I was never like that from elementary up to end of high school (that time was wonderful years for me. I had funs among my peers both deaf and hearing whenever I wants to)
Boult said:
I had funs among my peers both deaf and hearing whenever I wants to)

That is my MO. I couldn't care less who were with me as long as I had a good time.


for example, my best friends right now are: my deaf brother in law and one of my co-worker who is hearing. I've had around 10 best friends from various backgrounds that doesn't necessarily involve hearing abilities.
I am not giving up my glasses or my hearing aids. I can take them off when I want, I control them, they do not control me.
Linden said:
I am not giving up my glasses or my hearing aids. I can take them off when I want, I control them, they do not control me.

Welcome back, Kenny.

Exactly, we control our instruments.

By the way, how was the 2 year vacation?
gnulinuxman said:
How true....

Why is it that a lot of people here are assuming I said things I never said? Methinks they don't read my posts.

Giving your seal of approval on Sweetmind automatically shows your true colors.

It's that simple.
Boult said:
from my experience, you are wrong. It's not a way of walking around them.

Will you ask the Artinians Family the question "Did CI help you overcome the obstacles?" Will their answer be "no, it is a way of walking around them?"

Wait till you see the new documentary!

Having a CI is a way to overcome the obstacle not to walk around them.

Having a interpreter is not a way to overcome the obstacle but walk around them. because with interpreter, you don't go from a to b, you have to go from a to interpreter then finally to b and back.

Having some training in oral deaf education under my belt, it does help me overcome some obstacles now coupled with CI. It lowered lots of obstacles for me but not completely.

NOW you still don't know what you are talking about. It is safe to say that my ASSUMPTION is that you have been hearing alot about deaf culture from your finance and this board. Now there are plenty of us, ci users on this board who is telling you directly what we already experienced as a ci users. we look at what you said over the time and shake our head in disbelief. Also we have told you what have experienced as what oral deaf education have given us in the past. Like for example fragmenter telling what his wife can do then you dismiss his story.

I am sure you will dismiss my stories too like for example before I had CI, I had to use pen and paper to from time to time to converse with my brother, the oldest one in his 50's. I don't write but he does. now after I got my CI, he only write the word that I don't know the pronunciation to it that's it so I would say 95% of time, no paper and pen at all even in noisy setting.

Seeing is believing and hearing is believing..

I suggest you stick to your own world and enjoy your life with finance and she will know that you will be the only to save her from harm if she fail to hear something dangerous because you are hearing.

My family is overjoyed that I could chat with them without pestering them "what did he or she or you say" that I did with HA (because it wasn't powerful enough to put me in the 0-40dB range)

Now that with CI, it put me in 30-40dB ranges, I could hear all those lings sound that I haven't with HA. that's overcoming the obstacles!

I suggest you step back and leave us alone and let others ask me question without you stepping in and rile us up with false assumptions about CI or Oral approaches. Unless you learn more about them by researching and meet more CI users or mainstreamed folks. I don't mean those who are negative like sweetmind is. I mean those who think positive more often than sweetmind does.

From all the post I see of yours, you are negative person except in area of deaf culture. that's all.

Wow, I am rambling.. sorry folks, I'll let you have your turns on this thread. **stepping down the soapbox**

Moderators, lock this threads. We need a fresh threads full of positive than this one because sweetmind fails to reply to one of moderator's question to see if she want this thread locked. I'll second it.
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