Who's who on the Gallaudet University Board of Trustees for Spring 2006

I just got an email...


Gallaudet University is in lockdown, with all entrances and exits blocked by students and alumni. We've been working since 2:40pm yesterday, since the announcement of Dr. Jane K. Fernandes as the 9th President of Gallaudet University. We've been standing outside in the DC sun, sleeping on hard asphalt in front of the DPS kiosk, trying to keep our spirits going as high as our passion, without the reinforcement of at-ready water, and of necessary nourishment. We know that alumni and the Deaf community are backing us up, but visible support is always needed, for inspiration which is a must of humanity. So therefore, we announce the unveiling of the "SUPPORT WALL" which will be located at the front gates of Gallaudet. Flyers, banners, photos of your activism, video testimonies will be shown here. Please send in all those to us@notwithoutus.org. They will serve to keep our spirits high and to remind us of the reason why we are doing this- for the BEST of OUR Gallaudet's future and to show the BOT We ALL will NOT allow them to do this AGAIN- WE WILL NOT BE OPPRESSED, and we will be heard VISUALLY AND CLEARLY! Send 'em in!!!

Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts

True Gallaudetians, for the university is nothing without us-

alumni, fac/staff, students, community, and you know it!


We want our next Gallaudet President to be a leader who will transcend the pathological approach to deaf education and embrace bi-lingualism; reject insular, vertical leadership styles for deaf-centric, horizontal leadership models. We want a president who can address critical issues at Gallaudet, from low academic expectations to poor community morale, in which Jane Fernandes during her 6-year tenure as Provost has demonstrated an inability to make significant progress. She has created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among the faculty and never followed through with her promised implementation of the Audism Mandates, failing to recognize deaf and hard-of-hearing students'

communication rights.

The Board of Trustees has revealed itself to be oblivious to the real Spirit of Gallaudet by making their choice contrary to the Gallaudet community's wants and needs. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni were constantly promised by the Presidential Search Committee that their views would be heavily weighed by feedback forms, polls, and open forums with the candidates.

And yet, when in an official GSA poll, 65.9% of graduate students found Fernandes to be unacceptable; when in an official SBG poll, 81% of undergraduate students found Fernandes to be unacceptable; and when in an official faculty poll, 63% of the faculty body found Fernandes to be unacceptable, and after we all submitted countless feedback forms in favor of the other two candidates, and especially in opposition to Jane Fernandes, the Board of Trustees STILL chose her.

And hence we have two demands:

1. Jane Fernandes resign as President and the search process be re-opened.

2. No reprisals for students, staff, faculty, and alumni.


Immediately following the announcement of the 9th president, Ryan Commerson stood up in front of the room and calmly encouraged students to follow him out in protest. He was immediately and physically detained by DPS officers, forced outside where he stood in between several dps officers. Several interpreters (3) were nearby and one was interpreting.

One of the interpreters walked up and informed the other two that "we were told that this is not what we are here for" and were forced to leave the area, leaving Ryan without an interpreter. He was then brought to DPS headquarters in Benson Hall and Jeff Rosen was contacted for assistance. Jeff Rosen showed up, but not before DPS escorted Ryan off campus, informing him that he would be placed on PNG status.

Meanwhile, students rushed to the front of Gallaudet's entrance and blocked the way. One student estimated approximately 200 students blocked the entrance. Media outlets showed up to interview students.

Jeff Rosen addressed the crowd, as did Tawny Holmes-- each giving a message that we must not allow our voices to go unheard.

SBG and GSA officials showed up at approximately 6pm and informed the crowd that there would be a rally the following day and the SBG/GSA presidents would meet with the BOT on thursday of the following week.

Students were visibly upset, stating that they wanted action "NOW." the crowd thinned out as students flocked around Noah Beckman, the current president-elect, arguing with him. At approximately 7pm, all that was left was a 20 person group sitting on the ramp of the front entrance to GU. They brought blankets, pizza, water, and plenty of spirit. They offered food to anyone who came by and remained vigilant in their decision to stay. During this time meetings were going on in the SBG offices.

At approximately 9pm, a large group of students flocked to the front entrance, followed by Noah Beckman, Drew Robarge (sp?), Carl Pramuk, Lindsay Dunn, and more. They came bearing a table. The table was set up and Noah addressed the crowd, expressing pride in the group for their determination. Luis Valles, Jr. then addressed the crowd, encouraging them to stop talking and start "ACTING!."

A group of freshmen hosted an open forum, where students made clear that they want Fernandes out. They gave their reasons.

Faculty members are also clearly upset. During the senate meeting Faculty made clear that they are upset and would like a vote of no confidence to the appointment of Jane Fernandes. They plan to have a larger faculty meeting in the coming days.

Word has spread fast: there is a rally tonight at midnight at the football field. The SBG office is alive with bustling energy. At the same time meetings are taking place with Dunn and other members of groups that represent diverse students. They are working hard to come up with a consensus for demands. Once those demands are agreed on, they will be announced to the public.


It was a weird and surreal experience. I had a feeling of deja vu, but even that felt wrong. CM baldwin did a wonderful job building up the excitment for the announcement and said the decision was unanomious, but the name she announced just felt very wrong.

The minute she said, "Dr. Jane Fernandes!" about 10 students immediately got up and walked out. When Dr. Fernandes walked in, a few more people walked out. Nobody clapped. Nobody cheered.

I craned my neck to look at my students who were sitting behind me to gauge their reaction. They were stunned. Nearly everybody in the room looked stunned.

When Dr. Fernandes started signing, she was tight-lipped and talked in a monotone. Immediately after she began, Ryan Commerson, a graduate student who staged a hunger strike at Michigan School, walked up front and said, "if you don't agree with the choice, leave!"

A few more people did indeed leave. When he walked up the aisle, he was arrested and carted off the campus.

As Dr. Fernandes spoke, small clusters of people got up and left, a few at a time. I tried to focus on what she was saying, but all I was able to see was the terror in her eyes. She kept her face absolutely rigid.

Her speech was really dreadful, because nothing sank in. She captured very few people's attention, and people kept on either looking around or getting up to leave.

Fortunately, I saw Adam Stone furiously taking notes, so he is bound to give a good summary of what was said in Dr. Fernandes' speech on deafdc.com. When Dr. Fernandes finished her speech, the remaining audience (which was about 1/3 of what it was at the start) gave her a very half-hearted applause. The tense smile on Dr. Fernandes' face disappeared quickly and she made a beeline to the door stage left. No waving to the audience. It looked like she had dogs at her heels.

It was horrible. The security in the room was very thick, which showed they knew they would not receive a warm reception. It was just a very sad shame - it was supposed to be a moment of celebration, not anger.

Professors and staff I spoke to were so dispirited by the announcement.

However, they kept on looking around to make sure nobody could see what their comments - certainly not an environment for free-thinking and protected dissent.

As I walked out, many continued to look dazed. I was cutting it very close, as I had a 3:30 class at George Washington University - and it was already 2:50. When I got to the mall, I was astounded (but maybe I shouldn't have been surprised) to see a huge crowd gathered there. I later learned there was a fire alarm at sau, so it forced everybody out of the building.

Three students (Noah, the new SBG president, Robert McConnell - one of my students, and a much older man) were on a podium, calling out for a representative for the graduate students and a female student leader, eventually hollering for Tara Holcomb. I saw Bren walking around the fringe of the crowd and disappearing into sau.

Someone (I think Tawny Holmes, the SBG prez from 2004 2005) urged the students on the podium to send the students to the front gates to stage a sit-in. Everyone moved there. One of my students drove his SUV to the gate and blocked it. Tawny popped her head through the SUV's sun roof and started leading students to chant "better president now" I had to start laughing... Deja vu, but not so deja vu. Present SBG and GSA leaders met while Tawny continued to whip up the crowds. They were trying to figure out their message. When they agreed, Noah got up on the front gate post and asked the crowd if they agreed with the decision. A sea of hands in air, No! Anthony Mowl, last year's Buff and Blue editor, told the crowd that the message must be unified.

I looked at time and gasped - 3:15!! I was late to my class and I was scheduled to give a presentation! When I looked up, I saw David King and other BDSU and ASA leaders weave their way to the front, and I knew I had to stick around for at least a few more minutes.

There was a heated exchange between these students and Dana Sipek and a friend of hers whom I didn't recognize. I didn't catch what was being said, and it was decided to give them some platform time. In the meantime, handlettered and painted signs popped out of nowhere. A student used a marker to write 'better president now!" on his plain white tshirt.

I really had to get to GWU, as it was now 3:30. As I was walking off the campus, I passed one of my students and he was signing to his friend, "exams must be cancelled!" I told him, "Oh no! Exams will stil be on!"

He looked at me with murderous eyes :)

The last I heard, was that the rally ran out of steam, and student leaders are meeting now trying to figure out their next steps.

Ps. I know this is lengthy, but I wanted to capture everything that's still in my memory, and I thought you would be my audience :)
Do you think students should have a right to help pick their school's president?
Choice Votes Percentage of 668 Votes
Yes 485 73%
No 183 27%

NBC4.com thanks you for taking part in this informal survey.

Complaints Against Fernandes Not Shared By Everyone

POSTED: 10:29 am EDT May 4, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Some faculty and staff have joined students at a growing protest at Gallaudet University over the appointment of a new president for the school.

Jane Fernandes was introduced Monday as the person who will take over as the school's ninth president in January, but her appointment was immediately met with student protests.

Should Students Help Pick Their School's President?

About 1,000 people rallied at the campus Wednesday, and some pledged to stay all night. And about 1,200 alumni have signed an online petition.

Protesters complain they were shut out of the presidential search process. Many of the differences protesters have with Fernandes center on personality conflicts.

Fernandes had served as the school's provost.

Protesters handed over a letter outlining their grievances to current President I. King Jordan. He said he would forward it to the board of trustees.

However others said not everyone shares the complaints against Fernandes.

Previous Stories:
May 2, 2006: Students Protest New Gallaudet President
April 19, 2006: Gallaudet Students Protest Candidates For University President
Copyright 2006 by nbc4.com. The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Another Memo:
Office of Public Relations - Countering Campus Rumors and Myths

There are many rumors floating and flying around campus these days. PR intends to provide the community with facts to counter the misinformation and falsehoods. The hope is that when thinking people are presented with the facts they will make decisions that are fair and informed.

FACT #1: Dr. Jordan was NEVER involved in the Presidential Search Process. His interviews of the three finalists were at the very end of the process. A sitting president is often asked to interview presidential finalists. His or her [the sitting president's] feedback is an important part of the overall information used by a Board of Trustees to make their decisions.

FACT #2: Dr. Fernandes has NO INTENTION of punishing staff members for their involvement in the current protest.
Academic Search Consultation Service Selected to Lead Gallaudet University Presidential Search
Dr. Patricia T. [Tobie] van der Vorm, a senior consultant with Academic Search Consultation Service, will serve as lead consultant for the overall search process in collaboration with the Presidential Search Committee. Before joining the firm in 1998, Dr. Van der Vorm was an administrator for 18 years at American University, where she worked extensively with faculty and representatives of the corporate and public sectors to develop experiential learning and career development programs for students in the liberal arts. During her time at American she worked often with Gallaudet’s career services programs, serving as a consultant and evaluator for the Experiential Programs Off Campus (EPOC) office for several years. She also has served as chair of the Board of Trustees at Wells College. Dr. van der Vorm has personally led over 30 presidential searches for colleges and universities during her seven years as a consultant with Academic Search Consultation Service.

Patricia T. van der Vorm's BIOs

Dr. Tobie van der Vorm has been a senior consultant with Academic Search Consultation Service in Washington, D.C. since 1998, and has served a variety of institutions including liberal arts colleges, universities, divinity schools, art schools, technical institutions and foundations in their searches for presidents and chief academic officers.

Before joining Academic Search, Dr. van der Vorm was an administrator at American University for 18 years, where she worked extensively with faculty and representatives of the corporate and public sectors to develop experiential learning and career development programs for students in the liberal arts. She began her career in higher education as an admissions officer at Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia.

Dr. van der Vorm has presented at conferences both in the United States and abroad and been interviewed by national media on a variety of topics regarding higher education and the workforce. Her published works focus primarily on career preparation, experiential learning and management in higher education. She has served as a consultant to a number of two year and four year institutions and as a program evaluator for the U.S. Department of Education.

She recently served as chair of the Wells College board of trustees. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Association for International Practical Training, a member of the Howard University Advisory Council for career services, and a mentor and founding member of Women of Washington, Inc. Dr. van der Vorm has a bachelor’s degree from Wells College and earned her master’s and Ph.D. degrees from American University.


Open Letter to the Gallaudet Community from Celia May Baldwin, Interim Board Chair
Proposals were solicited from search consultants and representatives from those submitting proposals were interviewed. The PSC selected Academic Search Consultation Services, a firm that specializes in searches for university presidents and other chief academic officers. Dr. Tobie van der Vorm and Dr. Tom Gerety of academic search met with campus constituencies to identify characteristics desired in the president and participated in most the meetings of the PSC. They helped ensure that best practices in presidential searches, including inclusiveness of diversity and freedom from bias, were followed.
Thomas R. Gerety's BIOs

Tom Gerety joined Academic Search in 2005 after serving for three decades as a professor of law and philosophy, as a law school dean, and as president of two liberal arts colleges. He is a collegiate professor of law and humanities at New York University.

Mr. Gerety served as the 17th president of Amherst College from 1994 to 2003, leading Amherst to new levels of success in diversity, teaching, and endowment. He was widely known for his efforts in athletic reform and as a national spokesman for the liberal arts. From 1989 to 1994 he was the president of Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, where he formulated a celebrated model of city and college collaboration that included public magnet schools and mixed income housing initiatives surrounding the campus. Prior to that, from 1986 to 1989 he was the Dean and Nippert Professor at the College of Law of the University of Cincinnati. As a law professor he taught and wrote on constitutional law and political philosophy, with a special emphasis on First Amendment freedoms, including speech, privacy and religious freedom. He taught at public and private institutions, including the University of Pittsburgh, Indiana University, Stanford University, and the Illinois Institute of Technology. With Judy Woodruff, he wrote and narrated a PBS series, "Visions of the Constitution," funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. His new book on liberal arts teaching, The Freshman Who Hated Socrates, will be published next year.

He has had a long-standing interest in refugees and poverty, in America and abroad. As a student, he worked in a barriada in Lima on the Peru Project of the Joint Center for Urban Studies at Harvard and MIT. He served for a dozen years on the Board of the International Rescue Committee and now serves on the Board of Save the Children, where he chairs the Council on Children in Emergencies and Crisis. From 2003 to 2005 he headed the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School.

As a college president, he twice chaired the New England Small College Athletic Conference and served as chair of the Consortium on Financing Higher Education. He was a member of Connecticut's statewide Board of Public Education. For many years he lectured on presidential lives and leadership at the Seminar for New presidents at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Mr. Gerety has four degrees from Yale: a B.A. from Yale College, an M. Phil. and Ph.D. in philosophy from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and a J.D. from Yale Law School. He holds honorary doctorates from Williams and Amherst Colleges, from Wesleyan University and from the Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. He speaks fluent French and Spanish.


Jane K. Fernandes Named
9th President


If you wish to write a complaint letter, here is their boss's address:
Academic Search Consultation Service
1825 K Street, NW
Suite 705
Washington, DC 20006

Fax: (202) 234-7640
Toll Free: (800) 472-6043

Email: info@academic-search.org

Don't forget to ask Academic Search Consultation Service for a 100% refund. That's right...money belongs to U.S. taxpayers...
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Letter of Application - Jane K. Fernandes
Gallaudet’s mission holds both personal and professional meaning for me. I am a white deaf woman, the daughter of a deaf mother and a hearing father, with both deaf and hearing brothers, all of whom are white people. The generations of white deaf and hearing people in my family have never signed; they have always been oral people. Having grown up deaf, I came to learn Sign Language relatively late, at the age of 23, while I was a graduate student at the University of Iowa. From that time on, I have embraced signing and visual communication as the keystone of deaf education and now the uniting feature of Gallaudet’s diverse, deaf community. While we respect a variety of communication modes and languages among deaf people, we must also unite in affirming visucentric public discourse.

How did Gallaudet University selected the search consultant service firm in Washington, DC?
See the pix of 100% white consultants working for

258, isn't that a bit of racist issue?

How comes Gallaudet University with colorful diversity paid consultant service business with its own practive of racial discrimination? Of course, they do have low-paid wages of their black employees.

I wonder if Congresspeople are responsiblity to deal with it?
The Honorable Ray LaHood, Illinois
The Honorable John McCain, Arizona
The Honorable Lynn Woolsey, California

All you have to do is to contact your Congresspeople in your district to inquire the question about the PSC procedure....

Yes, there is a hope to re-opening. How? John McCain is possibly entering the U.S. Presidential Candidate Campaign. Hopefully, he as hot under the collar will demand....
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This thread is very old and why u has to still obession abt this?