Teen dies playing 'pass-out game'



Beware of your kids. I have no idea about the game called Pass-Out. Please teach your kids not to play that dangerous game...

Teen dies playing 'pass-out game'

PUBLISHED: Tuesday, August 16, 2005

LAWRENCE (AP) -- A teenager found hanging from a dresser drawer with a coated bicycle chain lock around her neck apparently died while playing the "pass-out game," the girl's parents said.
Kimberly Wilson, a 15-year-old student at Veritas Christian School in Lawrence, died last week.

Her parents, Tim and Carol Wilson, began discussing the details of her death Monday because they wanted other parents to be aware of the dangers of playing the choking game, which cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain. Those who play achieve a type of "high," they said.

"We are very close to our children, and we did not know this was going on," Tim Wilson said Monday. "There were no outward signs. This isn't like drugs or alcohol use, which a parent should be able to detect.

"We want parents to know this is out there."

The game has been in the news in recent weeks. Just last month, a 10-year-old Idaho boy was found dead, hanging from a tree. Authorities said he apparently died while trying to get high by playing the choking game. The case was similar to that three months ago in the Idaho town of Nampa, where 13-year-old Chelsea Dunn was found dead after apparently hanging herself in her closet.
Believe it or not, this game is getting more popular right now. Some of you here are parents, and I urge that all of you discuss the dangers of this game with your children now. Most parents weren't aware of what their children were playing. Even some children over 7 or 8 are getting involved with this dangerous game.

How the heck did they come up with an idea like that? :ugh: Poor kids. :(
Adults are doing this "game" as well-- but for sexual gratification. So this is quite possible some kids saw a porn video or heard about their older friends/siblings/parents doing this and hearing it as the best thing ever...
(I first heard about this on a cop drama show recent where a woman was found dead by strangulating and friends claimed that she was into AEA but the show ended with the FRIENDS killed her out of jealousy... drama, you know how it goes).

"Autoerotic asphyxia (AEA), the practice of using strangulation to enhance the pleasure of masturbating. AEA claims the lives of between 250 and 1,000 young American men each year. It is, without question, the most disturbing and unthinkable of sub-intentional adolescent suicides. The participants are most often white, middle class males under the age of 30 with no outstanding history of mental illness."

"The strangulation device such as a rope, neck tie, or bathrobe belt is used to occlude (reduce) blood-flow to the brain which creates varying degrees of hypoxic euphoria, diminished ego controls, giddiness, light-headedness, and exhilaration--all of which may enhance masturbation sensations and orgasm intensity. Some release the ligature at the point of orgasm while others continue to strangle themselves past the point of orgasm. In some cases individuals ("baggers") use plastic bags to cover their heads and enduce suffocation. In this case, it's the reduction of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air that they re-breathe that causes the lightheadedness."

http://www.cwu.edu/~jenkinsa/Autoerotic_Asphyxia_Page.html has all answers to questions such as why people do this, et cetera.
I use to hold my breath until i almost passed out when i was a kid. that use to give me a high feeling. i didn't know it like elevated into a game. thats crazy. i would say the kids are stupid but, with peer pressure and fitting in, and curiosity...its not really their fault.
WTF!? :crazy: Why would people do these thing for those stupid highs?
AJ said:
I use to hold my breath until i almost passed out when i was a kid. that use to give me a high feeling. i didn't know it like elevated into a game. thats crazy. i would say the kids are stupid but, with peer pressure and fitting in, and curiosity...its not really their fault.
:eek: My friends would play this game when we were in high school back in the late 60's, at parties. They would hyper-ventilate while they were in a stooped position, and then rise up fast, making the blood go to their heads fast, and then pass out. This game used to scare me, and would never do it. Since then, it really has become deadly!!! This is such a shame for young kids to be losing their lives this way. So unfortunate.
Banjo said:
Believe it or not, this game is getting more popular right now. Some of you here are parents, and I urge that all of you discuss the dangers of this game with your children now. Most parents weren't aware of what their children were playing. Even some children over 7 or 8 are getting involved with this dangerous game.

The more popular the game is, the more stupid the kids get. :roll:
AJ said:
I use to hold my breath until i almost passed out when i was a kid. that use to give me a high feeling. i didn't know it like elevated into a game. thats crazy. i would say the kids are stupid but, with peer pressure and fitting in, and curiosity...its not really their fault.
...and curiousity always kill the cat.
now days its popular..

Speaking of Devil... Dr. Phil talked about it last week on tv show... I was like wow.. its called "Space Monkey" I watched almost all through the show, the kids came home from school ... (about 15 min left to end the show).. I talked to my older kids if they did it.. two of them said yes but never again after they passed out.. I was like... :confused: told the kids, please next time... talk to me if you did or plan to.. they said they are scared that I might be freak out or pissed.. I said.. I will be .. because I care about you guys!..

anyway here the link .. it was good show..


I found out why its popular.. because they are tired of getting caught by using drugs or drinking.. so space monkey is not drug or drink... just getting tingle high and passout..

Sadly, I found out that our kids did it many times only at friends'-- like parties.. they refused to talk about it..


I am going to ask their friends' parents about it. :(
Ya I remember about that pass out game when I was kid at school and I hold my breath and it turns red face and my teacher saw me and said hey don't do that and can cause to death if keeps up again and again it's going to be surprised to death immediately without knowing it. So I learned from my teacher and last time ever since then now I realized my teacher was right talking that I seen what pass out game really means to me. Whoa! I am so lucky that I did not die. I almost did that to die myself thought it was just for fun. but it was not for fun. That's very serious business. Now that I know and watch my 2 kids to be sure that they not do that play as like pass out game. I tell my 2 kids and I just want to tell something to say just in case do not try to play like pass out game and I tell them what it is alike pass out game that it means play as like real choke by self or something comes with holds their breath that got them stuck could not breath. I already told my 2 kids and they said yes they did play pass out game from hold their breath while bath tub inside the water who win for a long time inside of water. I told them don't do it again.