Hard-copy Resource/citation On Cochlear Implants And Tasers

Ricky Harris

New Member
May 4, 2016
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Where can I, as a deafness resource specialist, find a hard-copy resource/citation of a journal or an article regarding Cochlear Implants and Tasers used by law enforcement officers? Does there have a guideline for the law enforcement officers that may use a taser on a person with a CI? If so, please provide a link or pdf to resources for further research. Something that can be used in a power-point presentation to support a hard fact.

How could a person with CI communicate or inform the officers that one has a CI in head? Is there a guideline to prevent an incident?

Once an officer discovers that a person has a CI, and an implant may be fried -- cannot use for an effective communication in police interrogation. It may bring an alternate auxiliary aid to support an effective communication?

Finally, last question, once a police department has learned that a person with CI -- its implant was damaged, caused by a taser, who is responsible for a replacement? How to report an insurance company if possible to have a replacement?

Note: I am only interested into hard-copy, hard facts, journals, articles for further research that law enforcement officers may need to be aware.

Thank you for your time and read.

If a person has a CI--don't do anything that would cause the police to use a Taser on you.
its not like police have ever shot someone before who didn't do anything to deserve it
Either with a gun or a tazer

Dream land is fun land
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This is a very interesting question, so I went to google some info - from what I read, tasers shouldn't do any big damage to those with medical implants.
I don't have any hard-fact citations, I'd just like to say that it might not be as dangerous as it sounds.
He should do research on the affects of an mri and ci, a little more bloody and painful. I don't see a taser doing much unless they are tasing the head by the ci, but even then most ci are morphed into the bone.
'I see you have a gun pointed at my head and you are clearly upset, but do you have a tiny hearing robot attached to your skull that will mess you up if I use a taser?'
its not like police have ever shot someone before who didn't do anything to deserve it
Either with a gun or a tazer

Dream land is fun land
It happens yes, but not commonly. In the situations where such things did happen, I don't think concern for the person's CI would have made a bit of difference in the actions of police.

I still say it's better to avoid confrontation with LEO than to worry about whether or not their taser might harm the implant. As you pointed out, such a confrontation could also result in a gun shot, which is more to worry about than a damaged implant.

The odds are more likely that a law-abiding person will not get shot or tazed by the police.
This is a very interesting question, so I went to google some info - from what I read, tasers shouldn't do any big damage to those with medical implants.
I don't have any hard-fact citations, I'd just like to say that it might not be as dangerous as it sounds.

Exactly, my thoughts. I went googling up some info -- not much to cite the information for law enforcement officers and trainers for follow up. Others say, YES!! However, there are other groups saying no. One of my team has a father who works in EMS service, he says yes, it could. They are looking into some hard-fact citations to support the fact.
He should do research on the affects of an mri and ci, a little more bloody and painful. I don't see a taser doing much unless they are tasing the head by the ci, but even then most ci are morphed into the bone.

MRI is not my concern at this time. Tasers is the main concern how to train law enforcement officers when handling the deaf or hard of hearing individuals. I know few having CI. Is there a way to avoid tasering? I need a citation to support the training presentation. Does an office have to call EMS, and inform that this individual has CI, need a medical attention, or blah blah blah? The point of here is to improve and strengthen the training workshop/presentation for the law enforcement. I am sure they will ask my citation and work to support my presentation, know what I am saying?
I would think if a police thought his life or someone else life is in danger they're not going to stop and ask the suspect if they have a CI .

Right, an officer has a splitting-second decision to make. An officer has a right to defend oneself from a suspect who could be Deaf or HOH. They are not going to stop and ask the suspect whether they have a CI. Good point.
Right, an officer has a splitting-second decision to make. An officer has a right to defend oneself from a suspect who could be Deaf or HOH. They are not going to stop and ask the suspect whether they have a CI. Good point.

anyone has the right to defend themselves period.

not just cops
anyone has the right to defend themselves period.

not just cops

Period? No, not always. Anyone has to "cooperate" with any officer. Once resisted, the situation gets escalated, officers have the "authority" to execute or exercise an arrest. My main question, as I mentioned in the top of this thread -- the officers may or may not realize an offender or an individual resisting is deaf or hard of hearing. THEY CAN USE tasers if necessary to subdue resistance and make an arrest for "resisting." Officers do you a favor to avoid escalation and make things worse -- to protect yourself and the officers. Yes, I agree with you, individuals have the right to defend themselves, but not necessary to resist the officers. Once resisted, you may be tasered, no question! Again, would the taser hurt a person with CI? If so, I still need the research's citation to reinforce the facts.
Period? No, not always
Mr. Ricky Harris, you are wrong. It is a human right, in which everyone has. Period.

Amendment 14
Civil rights

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Well, you could argue with that to a local judge in a municipal court regarding Amendment 14. This would work out for everyone in the court. Yet, in the nature of sensitivity situation, your response have not reassured the Deaf individuals for resisting officers before executing a taser on them.

So, how do you tell an officer you are quoting Amendment 14 on them in a split-second? In their perception, you are simply persistent resisting the officers. Amendment 14 is not sufficient reinforcing or helping us to communicate. Officers would perceive that you are plainly resisting, anyway. Without a question, officers taser you for constant resisting, and they can.

Put yourself in their shoes, what is a better solution without escalating the situation? Yet, the main question above hasn't answered, I need an article's citation regarding a cochlear implant to reinforce the statement in a law enforcement training. Thank you.

Mr. Ricky Harris, you are wrong. It is a human right, in which everyone has. Period.

Amendment 14
Civil rights

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
to be clear. my remark to you, was not somuch regarding resisting officers.
it was just a blanket statement regarding the rights to defend oneself generally

now look

ive had allot of experience with cops. allot, both by training with them and trainign them in the dojo or by bieng on the recieving ends of wee tyrants wanting to play with their toys...
ive seen it all really

regardless on what any paper says or states regarding rights.

in my experience. its really always the wiser bet when faced with cops to not physicaly resist. once it gets to the point where the cops are pysical with you. your going to lose. in more then one way. of course i want to stress ive never been in fear of my life with cops in amaerica or canada. so the severity of resisting wasnt much high prioroty. in mexico and in ulster i can truly say a few times i was actually rather worried.

by stating its wiser not to pysicaly resist that doesnt mean not to reason with them when that window is open. if those present can be reasoned with. de-escalation should always be the goal.
(this is experience signing by the way)

ive taken some good beat downs by cops. i admit some well deserved, but ive aslo taken non deserved serious beat downs..

in toronto of all places i was given a solid canadian ass kicking by 52 division. (which incedently had nothign to do with me. i was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when a riot broke out, i know we all state that but its true), ..;-)

besides busting me up real good with their batons (tonfas) i was also given a very liberal and healthy dose of peper spray..then denied medical care as i cuffed to a bench with no water to wash the pepper spray off, they aalso stole a bottle of jameson from me which i never got back...bastards!!
in quebec city i took rubber bullets in the back, while fleeing..at close range..leaving me hurting..and staggering unable to get away. or off the ground. i didnt have a shirt on..so i was ill equiped for what to come to put it mildly.when the cs gas canister preety well dead on target as i laid their came into contact with me as it rolled. was so hot it left burn marks on my chest still visible today, i was dragged away by some strangers, they too got attacked..and hauled in..while i escaped...
luck of the draw they sign

good times..

the plm and issue with the above. while it makes very good sense.
it actually in the end bleeds your true rights.
by relenquishing them when faced with tryanny. or tyrants. who do not care for the law they are bound to uphold.
so its a tricky thing.


in the end they got the guns..and all the toys...
best just to say nothing go in, and sleep and wait for your laywer or wait to get out..you wont be in long.
so be it
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Thank you for clarifying your intention. I am not here to get this whole thing heated up. My intention, here, is to collect information, resources, and sources with citations -- actually, I need an resource to track down an official source to reinforce the training regarding law enforcement officers using tasers on Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals who may have CI in their head. I am here to find a source with citation that say that tasers may or may not hurt a person with CI. That's all I am looking for.

to be clear. my remark to you, was not somuch regarding resisting officers.
it was just a blanket statement regarding the rights to defend oneself generally

so be it