Weight Issues for pregnancy.


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Dec 23, 2004
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For women who had been pregnant before;

Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant?

How did you feel about it?

Did you just go ahead to excrise right after doctor says you're 100% heal?

For women who are pregnant right now;

Do you gain or lose weight during you're pregnant?

HOw do you feel about it?

Are you planning to going to excrise right after doctor says you're 100% heal?

For me;

At start, I lose weight then finally gained 21 lbs but right now, Im starting to lose weight AGAIN. I know that it's normal for me to lose weight at start then gain some, but now Im losing weight and asked my doctor if it's normal and she says yes, it's very normal for overweight women who got pregnant and lose weight which it's trading from fat to baby's weight, etc with pregnancy stuffs. And, I asked my mom if anyone in my family have it and my mom says yes it happened to her, my both grandmas and sister when they was pregnant also.

Weight isn't really bother me that much since I'm overweight for many years. I don't care about what people think of me but I do care about my own healthy that's it.

Yes, I'm planning to going to start excrise after doctor says it's safe to doing that. Im planning to join in Curves with my mom and grandma, then join in Weight Watchers also. I hope I will lose weight at most also Im planning to breastfed to baby.

Go ahead to dicussion about weight issues and such like that. :D
Here are the answers! :)

For women who had been pregnant before;

Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant? Gained too much.. :(

How did you feel about it? Frustrated cuz I keep gaining during pregnancy

Did you just go ahead to excrise right after doctor says you're 100% heal? I didn't because I breastfed and I lost weigh..thanks to breastfeeding! But when I stopped, I gained back. GRRRRRRRRR! Now I have a hard time to loose weigh...*sigh*

Here are the answers! :)

For women who had been pregnant before;

Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant? Gained too much.. :(

How did you feel about it? Frustrated cuz I keep gaining during pregnancy

Did you just go ahead to excrise right after doctor says you're 100% heal? I didn't because I breastfed and I lost weigh..thanks to breastfeeding! But when I stopped, I gained back. GRRRRRRRRR! Now I have a hard time to loose weigh...*sigh*

Aw, that's pretty sucks to gain some weight but I do understand for pregnant reasons.. Oh yeah, lose weight is very diffcult. But just work so hard as you could ;)
I gained over 100 lbs with my first baby. :( I ate right (even refused to drink my beloved Dr. Pepper and eat anything that was bad) and exercise but the weight gain was due to having preclampsia and there was also other risks. Both babies were in danger so I was put in complete bed rest for a total of two months. I couldn't even go to the bathroom - they put the cath' tube in and everything.

The second baby, I only gained like 25 to 30 pounds.

It is important not to be so worried about weight during pregancy. The main thing is that you keep eating healthy, well-balanced meals (smaller meals throughout the day is much better than just three meals a day) and exercise regularly. Take good care of your body and your baby will thank you :).
I gained around 35 pounds. I stayed very physically active during my pregnancy (even rode horses up to my 7th month), and went right back to being physically active soon after I delivered. But then, I have always been very energetic (some call me hyper, lol), so it was just natural for me not to slow down much.
i JUST had a baby...not even two wks old yet and he still has the price tag on! lol

i was told to gain 50 lbs b/c i was underweight. i lost 20 immediately following delivery and i was told another 12 would come off in the comming weeks naturally. plus im pumping so that's an extra 500 calories a day.

i had a pretty bad episiotomy and it's super hard to sit down w/o feeling pain but the minute i can tolerate it, im taking thebaby to the park and we're gonna walk the track a few times just to get my blood pumping. it's hell being cooped up in the house all day
i JUST had a baby...not even two wks old yet and he still has the price tag on! lol

i was told to gain 50 lbs b/c i was underweight. i lost 20 immediately following delivery and i was told another 12 would come off in the comming weeks naturally. plus im pumping so that's an extra 500 calories a day.

i had a pretty bad episiotomy and it's super hard to sit down w/o feeling pain but the minute i can tolerate it, im taking thebaby to the park and we're gonna walk the track a few times just to get my blood pumping. it's hell being cooped up in the house all day

Awww...he's beautiful!
Thanks for posting.

I guess at most, always gain but I hope my weight will be pretty normal for my pregnancy. But at least, my baby is healthy.
I gain lot weight while I was pregnant with my daughter so after she was born I lost 60 pound after she was born then I gain again. So Doctor says it take me a year to heal. Every women is different. So since it almost a year, Doctor says it okay to start doing some serious work out. Right now I am now joined with "NutriSystem" to lose more weight from having a baby. Women have a harder time to lose weight when having children. But if we set our mind to our goal to lose the baby weight from the pregnancy we can success to do it. :)
I've never found anything wrong with women gaining weight when they're pregnant. In fact, I would be happy if my wife gained some weight when she got pregnant. That would show me that the baby is getting the food he/she needs.

I've seen some people who got pregnant, but worked out like crazy and had strict diets just so that they can stay extremely skinny. When I see them, I don't even know how far along they are... and fear what their kids look like. Luckily, the kids turned out alright. Whew!
i was just told my episiotomy willtake 6-8 wks to heal so in a few wks, we'll start our walks!
I've never found anything wrong with women gaining weight when they're pregnant. In fact, I would be happy if my wife gained some weight when she got pregnant. That would show me that the baby is getting the food he/she needs.

I've seen some people who got pregnant, but worked out like crazy and had strict diets just so that they can stay extremely skinny. When I see them, I don't even know how far along they are... and fear what their kids look like. Luckily, the kids turned out alright. Whew!

Good for you. Most guys I know (such as my ex and my friends' husbands) are jerks when their wives gain weight (as they should!) and make insensitive comments, etc.
It is important not to be so worried about weight during pregancy. The main thing is that you keep eating healthy, well-balanced meals

Well said. :P

I never cared how much weight I gain during my pregnancy, Keep in mind that the extra weight is important for a healthy pregnancy, I learned that from my doctor. :)
Good for you. Most guys I know (such as my ex and my friends' husbands) are jerks when their wives gain weight (as they should!) and make insensitive comments, etc.

Yep, same here, my ex used to call me a whale, I told him ok, tell that to your son after he is born that you were more concerning about my weight gain than his well being. He didn't know what to say after that. :giggle:
Hi there...with my first pregnancy, I gained about 40 lbs and didnt lose it until like 2 years after the baby was born. When I started losing the weight, I got into exercise like crazy and started exercising at the gym at an average of 10 to 12 hours a week. Got my body in better shape than my pre-pregnancy body!

With my 2nd one, gained about 50 lbs and thought I would lose it the same way as I did after my first one..no luck. It seems harder..maybe due to lack of motivation to commite 12 hours a week at the gym, less time, age, or just plain lazy? Who knows but finally, as of recent December, I am starting to lose the weight.

With my first one, I was upset cuz I was 24 years old and very very obsessed with my weight.

With my 2nd one, I wasnt thrilled but not too upset. However, my dr thought I was gaining too much and he worried that I was developing diabetics during my pregnancy. Had a test, whew! I didnt but he warned me. My good friend developed diabetics during her 2nd pregnancy cuz she gained too much weight. Not good at all.

As I stated before, I didnt get right to exercise after healing. First one, I assumed the weight would come off...when it didnt after 2 years, I knew I had to exercise when before, I never really did. Big difference!

The 2nd one, like I said...I could have but no motivation. Now, I am getting the motivation and doing it slowly. It seems like it takes me an average of 2 years after having the baby for me to get to exercising...interesting..hmm.

Both of my hubbies..ex for the first one and current never made me feel bad about gaining weight. It was ME and my own insecure issues.
Hi there...with my first pregnancy, I gained about 40 lbs and didnt lose it until like 2 years after the baby was born. When I started losing the weight, I got into exercise like crazy and started exercising at the gym at an average of 10 to 12 hours a week. Got my body in better shape than my pre-pregnancy body!

With my 2nd one, gained about 50 lbs and thought I would lose it the same way as I did after my first one..no luck. It seems harder..maybe due to lack of motivation to commite 12 hours a week at the gym, less time, age, or just plain lazy? Who knows but finally, as of recent December, I am starting to lose the weight.

With my first one, I was upset cuz I was 24 years old and very very obsessed with my weight.

With my 2nd one, I wasnt thrilled but not too upset. However, my dr thought I was gaining too much and he worried that I was developing diabetics during my pregnancy. Had a test, whew! I didnt but he warned me. My good friend developed diabetics during her 2nd pregnancy cuz she gained too much weight. Not good at all.

As I stated before, I didnt get right to exercise after healing. First one, I assumed the weight would come off...when it didnt after 2 years, I knew I had to exercise when before, I never really did. Big difference!

The 2nd one, like I said...I could have but no motivation. Now, I am getting the motivation and doing it slowly. It seems like it takes me an average of 2 years after having the baby for me to get to exercising...interesting..hmm.

Both of my hubbies..ex for the first one and current never made me feel bad about gaining weight. It was ME and my own insecure issues.
They do have special girdles that are elastic for post-pregnancies. After the woman has her baby, she puts on the elastic girdle before she puts her clothes on. It won't be obvious that it works right away, but it does hold the extra skin in place while it shrinks back to normal while they do their daily activities.
I do struggle with my pregnancy's weight!! Both my girls> 10lb 12 oz and 10lb 9 oz :eek: of course with C-Sections :( but Now I am working on diet and fitness :D
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yep....i had my husband buy two tubs, plus i use the squirt bottle when i ues the restroom. i had some stinging down there today and when i looked, it looked like the previously healed stitched opened a bit so we'll see how it goes. =(