Hearing Impaired Term?


New Member
Apr 26, 2008
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question for profound deafies (all forms of hearies opinions are welcome too), sorry if this was brought up before - do show me the thread if so.

question: I understand hearing impaired is politically corrected term, do you find it offensive? makes you feel really 'disabled'? psychologically disabled? or just fine? if so or whatlike, why, etc.

and by the way, while I think this is a sticky question, do you, people who can hear at least a bit well (with or with no hearing aids), do you consider yourself deaf or hardofhearing?

eager to hear all, diverse thoughts!
I despite that term due to the underlying message it conveys that I am impaired in some way. It causes a lot of people to see me as not capable of doing a lot. Anyone who calls me hearing-impaired will get a lashing from me.

I consider myself Deaf.
Actually, the term is no longer considered to be "politically correct." Deaf or hoh are the preferred terminolgy. Hearing impaired is used only by those who are trying too hard not to be offensive. In the end, they end up offending more.
oh and please identify yourself deaf, hardhearing or hearing and how much do you hear when you post too so I understand you better.

oh jillio, hoorah! I didn't know that... jeez, I need to read some newpapers. when was that?
I think the most excite label I should be called "Zip!"
oh and please identify yourself deaf, hardhearing or hearing and how much do you hear when you post too so I understand you better.

oh jillio, hoorah! I didn't know that... jeez, I need to read some newpapers. when was that?

Sorry about that...I'm a hearie. Actually, it wasn't an event with a specific date, lol. It has been a gradual understanding over time.
I despite that term due to the underlying message it conveys that I am impaired in some way. It causes a lot of people to see me as not capable of doing a lot. Anyone who calls me hearing-impaired will get a lashing from me.

I consider myself Deaf.

Same for me.I am hard of hearing in both ears (two hearing aids). I call myself Deaf.
good one, shel.
Sorry about that...I'm a hearie. Actually, it wasn't an event with a specific date, lol. It has been a gradual understanding over time.
hah yeayeah...hmm. I guess there's still a lot to educate! not a while ago where 'my' doctor puts down hearing impaired as well as deaf and mute into my chart. *gasp*

anyhoo, I still would like to know how you (peapods) feel about that term. :)
oh and please identify yourself deaf, hardhearing or hearing and how much do you hear when you post too so I understand you better.

Hi, I am HOH 70db bilateral loss. Identify me as HOH with or without hearing aids.:lol:
good one, shel.

hah yeayeah...hmm. I guess there's still a lot to educate! not a while ago where 'my' doctor puts down hearing impaired as well as deaf and mute into my chart. *gasp*

anyhoo, I still would like to know how you (peapods) feel about that term. :)

In my experience, doctors could use the most education! They seem to be so full of knowledge regarding pathology that there is no room in their brains for cultural information! LOL.
In my experience, doctors could use the most education! They seem to be so full of knowledge regarding pathology that there is no room in their brains for cultural information! LOL.

Ha, ha, tell me about it. My dad is a retired M.D.

I keep telling him that while he may know more about the medical aspects of deafness, he doesn't know what it's like to have to live with deafness day in, day out. Since I don't have a college degree, I'm not educated. He'll discount anyone who doesn't have the degrees he has regardless of if they're hearing or deaf. The worst crititism in my family is "_____" is not educated. I'm not an expert on my own deafness because I don't have a degree in audiology or anything medically related.
Ha, ha, tell me about it. My dad is a retired M.D.

I keep telling him that while he may know more about the medical aspects of deafness, he doesn't know what it's like to have to live with deafness day in, day out. Since I don't have a college degree, I'm not educated. He'll discount anyone who doesn't have the degrees he has regardless of if they're hearing or deaf. The worst crititism in my family is "_____" is not educated. I'm not an expert on my own deafness because I don't have a degree in audiology or anything medically related.

And truth be told, you have more expertise than all of them put together!
Well, I have sensorinueral hearing loss that is 80 db HL. I can not use hearing aides and just a few years ago I began emerging into the Deaf/HOH community ..learning about the Deaf culture, whereas I learned not to say I am hearing impaired.....say Hard of Hearing.. or Deaf because I am not impaired in no way.
I'm hearing, but I also object to the term "hearing impaired", or in my case "mobility impaired." YUCK!!

I guess referring to myself as disabled (I was born with spina bifida and I am wheelchair bound) is no better in some people's eyes, but I like to call a spade a spade. In regards to other people, I will generally go with whatever term the other person is comfortable using.

Most deafies prefer to use the term "Deaf" or "deaf" (also, Hoh or hard-of-hearing), and that's perfectly fine with me. I'm not one to go looking to offend someone.
question for profound deafies (all forms of hearies opinions are welcome too), sorry if this was brought up before - do show me the thread if so.

question: I understand hearing impaired is politically corrected term, do you find it offensive? makes you feel really 'disabled'? psychologically disabled? or just fine? if so or whatlike, why, etc.

and by the way, while I think this is a sticky question, do you, people who can hear at least a bit well (with or with no hearing aids), do you consider yourself deaf or hardofhearing?

eager to hear all, diverse thoughts!

I am not offended by the word "hearing-impaired" as I knew the definition of that word. I have severe to profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and I know my hearing is impaired from Congenital Rubella Syndrome that my mother contracted during first trimester. I am glad I survived! I also have CI.

Cochlea reach to adult stage before a infant was born.
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It does not make me feel "disabled" or "psychologically disabled"

You may want to see this one
Hearing impairment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes discussion of "hearing-impaired" has been brought up several times on AD, you can use search functions to find those threads.

My parents called me Hearing Impaired since I was born. I enrolled to mainstream school. Teachers called me hearing impaired and other students. When I joined to Deaf School. I found it out there is many deaf and hard of hearing. Nobody mention about hearing impaired. I asked my mom "Which is deaf or hoh do I have?" She said deaf. I am wearing hearing aids to hear. I'm still deaf.

The hearing parents with hearing impaired children. They didn't like to mention about deaf. They are being deny about their children are deaf or hard of hearing. They aren't ready for anyone to know about their children.

Same thing with my cousin. I found it out her son is deaf at age 5 months old. I tried to call her. She hang up on me. She wasn't ready for anyone to talk her about her son. She is calling her son hearing impaired. When I asked her how many is your son's percent deaf?? I said that word "Deaf" for test on her. She got angry! She said her son has 90% hearing impaired. She said if hearing tube isn't work and get him a CI! She walked away. She don't want to learn sign language to communicate. I did apology to her for offend her. It was happened last 5 years ago.
I dislike word 'impaired'- I may not hear without hearing aids, but I am in no way incapable because of that. I use D/deaf and Hard of Hearing equally as often.
I have a question about hearing impaired and deaf/hoh between. Do you think Deaf and hoh are offense?? How about hearing impaired word is offense?? I am little confusing. Because my cousin think "deaf" is offense it make her angry.
I have a question about hearing impaired and deaf/hoh between. Do you think Deaf and hoh are offense?? How about hearing impaired word is offense?? I am little confusing. Because my cousin think "deaf" is offense it make her angry.

I think for people who are ashamed of their deafness feel that being called "deaf" is offensive. I grew up so ashamed of my deafness because I was mainstreamed in a strictly oral-only environment and was also taught that being deaf was a terrible thing so if anyone called me "deaf", I would get upset. The reason for that was cuz I was in BIG time denial about my deafness. When I finally learned ASL and discovered the Deaf community, I realized that being deaf was ok and also realized how degrading the term "hearing-impaired" had been for me all of my life. So, since that "wake-up" moment, I have desested that term "hearing-impaired" ever since.

All of my friends in the Deaf community deset that term too.