Speech Intelligibility, Loneliness, and Sense of Coherence Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hea



Source:Speech Intelligibility, Loneliness, and Sense of Coherence Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children in Individual Inclusion and Group Inclusion -- Most 12 (4): 495 -- The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

This study examined the sense of coherence and loneliness of 19 children aged 12–14 years with severe to profound hearing loss. These feelings and their interrelations with speech intelligibility (SI) were examined in 2 settings: in special classes within regular schools (group inclusion) or individuals integrated into regular classes (individual inclusion). Two self-report measures (Loneliness Questionnaire and Sense of Coherence Scale) and one SI measure were utilized. Results indicated no significant differences between sense of coherence and loneliness scores of children in the 2 settings. Children in group inclusion received a significantly lower average SI score than did children who were in individual inclusion. Examination of the relations between SI and loneliness and coherence in each educational setting revealed no significant relations among these measures for the children in the group inclusion, whereas significant correlations did emerge for the children who were in individual inclusion. The study emphasized the importance of good SI not only for basic communication but also as a factor that affects the child's social and emotional feelings. In selecting a school setting, it is important to look beyond academic factors and not to ignore the significant effect of SI on the child's well being in school.

Correspondence should be sent to Tova Most, School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel (e-mail: tovam@post.tau.ac.il).

Received September 28, 2006; revised March 5, 2007; accepted March 18, 2007
ehh.. rock.. I don't mean to sound negative.. but instead of just posting news articles.. how about giving us YOUR opinion on them! And how it may affect you! would make for a bit more interesting reading.. especially from a conversation standpoint
ehh.. rock.. I don't mean to sound negative.. but instead of just posting news articles.. how about giving us YOUR opinion on them! And how it may affect you! would make for a bit more interesting reading.. especially from a conversation standpoint
I do plan to but I admit to not having read them all yet. I'm glad I can go back to reference and discuss them. My goal today was to get the abstracts up with links to the full articles for later discussion. Your point is constructive and not negative. Thanks!