My cat almost got killed by red car last Thursday!!!!!

Prime Boss

New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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I'm going to admit that I'm very, VERY ashamed to let my cat go outside to roam free anywhere that he wants to. That almost ends his life this past Thursday afternoon after I was on computer watching my cat walking along down on the street to relax. Then all of a sudden, this damn red car overran my cat!!! You could see my cat!! He was so scared and went ran hide behind the tree until this red car go away.

At first, I thought that my cat was running away from that car, because he doesn't like the noises, it scared the holy hell out of him, but apparently the red car went too fast for him and got hit! Only hit his mouth and chin! That's when I called his name out yesterday morning with his favorite medicine. When I lifted him up to observe the damage of what that evil man has done to LORD!!! :-o

SERIOUS damage to his beautiful mouth and chin! I don't like the way am I sniffing his mouth..the odor is so damn strong! That night I took care of his mouth, he was so angry at me for took care of him, but rather hissing at me for no reason. I used swabs to clean his mouth off, but still mad at me. He wanna me to leave him alone, but I can't do that!

Finally, I told my cat that he will need to have that surgery to repair his beautiful mouth. He replied back with scary meow. Now his adventure is over, he can never going back outside to play with his grandfamily now. It hurts my heart that I'm apart them for a while until we're moving out! (Raise my angry fist) Curse that bastard for what he did this to my poor cat that I have more than nine years! This small town don't give a damn about cats nor dogs! Did you know that I saw this poor cat was on the road two weeks ago or so, he was lying dead after being hit by a car! They just picked him up and dump away in the trash!!!! They're treating those animals like nothing!! It hurts my heart!! Now I will have to protect my cat's grandfamily from meets dangers and their deaths!
I am sorry to hear about cat , I hope s/he is ok. If I had a pet cat , I would not let it out as there are too many wildlife looking for food and a cat would be an easy meal.