Why Do Farts Stink??


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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So deaf people can enjoy them too.
i actually explains this to people in the waiting line at the supermarket to break away from unintended loud rudeness to humour, sometimes it works other times it made it worse...with that 'dirty look' i shrugs like i dont fkn care...
U farts of monkey ass

Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf
I m deaf and little cp
Deaf person with cold sore can't smell fart, what's next? Do you want to inhale the fart through your mouth?
:eek3: that is so nasty to smell like farts. Maybe people eat too much beans and potatoes can cause stink fart as loud like a fart bomb. :laugh2:
when on a train my son was able to fart timed it right walked away and everyone looking at me or hid dad I got so embrassed
My son farted big time at the Burger King on a Saturday evening at lunch time....it was packed in there and we were walking to our table...people were staring at me and I didn't know why...but caught my son laughing so hard...then I smelled it....He didn't think it was so funny when we got home tho'....
but the thing is, hearing people are too stupid to use 'hearing' where as the smell is more accurate, it leads you to the culprit....THEY SMELLS !! ....
some people mainly teenage boys have talent how to throw a fart
Taco Bell is the worst farthing! The Mexican Restaurant is the worst farting! LoL