I am new (A picture about deaf people)


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Apr 4, 2011
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My name is Dave, and my sister is 80% in both ears. The reason I am joining is to tell this story.
I started takin art last year at school, it has magnified into the only classes I will take.
I am glad of this because I was recently diagnosed with PTSD and i feel like my memory is shot, so we will see what the military says about it.

So, I turn to my art which I am pretty new at, and I am like well, I am not at the point where I can do compelling realism pictures that make people go wow. But what can I do? I can paint what I feel.

So over the past couple weeks I have been painting som extremely dark shit (Rape in the military was one of my PTSD issues I am dealing with).

Last Friday I wanted to tell my sisters story on facebook and I started writing (I have the original copy of that document by the way). And I told my sister so she could come to my facebook and add in her comments. Then I went an posted the picture on facebook, and it bummed me that not many people "GOT IT". And I bummed, and trying to think of how to do it, I also had a professional art critique look at and she said she could not connect with it etc.
So sunday night April 03 2011 I am on MSN Messenger with my sister, and I assumed she had seen the pic for some reason. So, I asked her, so what were your thoughts on the painting.....I think I am going to redo it, I am trying to describe in pictures for hearing people to understand your world. Well, she says to me "What Picture"? I was like I posted it on facebook, so she goes and looks and here is what is she comes back with.

David, did you know that you painted a deaf graph? I am like what the hell is a deaf graph. She is like it is the graph they give you in a doctors office that shows you where your hearing is on a scale. I was like wow, damn, that is one of the coolest things I think i could find out.

I still believe the painting could be better, as in more effective in sending its message. But I guess one particular audience might see it in a way no other audience does, and just remember I REALLY tried to paint it for you.

I am on facebook as Dave Carpenter | Facebook if the link here does not allow images.

Ok, I am going to have to flikr them, but please feel free to add me into facebook if you wish.

Here it is on flikr along with the rest of my photostream.
hearing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Welcome to Alldeaf.Com Dave. The diagram is called an Audiogram which shows one response to sound- frequency-hertzs vs how much one can hear at what degree of loudness-=decibels-db. You mentioned 80% which is the classification of Profound Hearing Loss. Deafness is next at over 105db.

Implanted Sunnybrook A D Harmony activated Aug/07
Here it is on flikr along with the rest of my photostream.
hearing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Only one of your photostream show that you are very happy to be hearing while on the bottom of the picture where there is a wall between hearing and deaf. I don't think we are suffering under those conditions that you paint about us. We do suffered under the mainstream oral-only schools if we were forced to understand hearing teachers and hearing students with no ASL interpreters. I don't like what you put the picture out to be like that. Sorry, you are way off the league there. I would rather sign and be happy.
Only one of your photostream show that you are very happy to be hearing while on the bottom of the picture where there is a wall between hearing and deaf. I don't think we are suffering under those conditions that you paint about us. We do suffered under the mainstream oral-only schools if we were forced to understand hearing teachers and hearing students with no ASL interpreters. I don't like what you put the picture out to be like that. Sorry, you are way off the league there. I would rather sign and be happy.

If his photos show deaf people as having miserable and sad lives because they arent hearing, then I am not interested in viewing them.

Bebonang is right...many of us are fine being deaf and have no desire to be hearing like you all and be clones of you.

Yes, we do suffer when hearing people try to make us hearing like them because IT doesnt work!
His pic to Me was if there's meanness and no reaching out or caring from the hearing world then it can make deaf life hard and further build the wall between d&h but i don't know, love, kindness, etc. can break through the wall between deaf n hearing.. keep in mind he has ptsd and he said his paintings were quite dark.. there is a small part of it that implies that being hearing makes you happy n being deaf makes you sad but its all part of bigger picture n somedeaf people do think that.. n he said it could be more effective in sending its msg... but I really connect with the pic because growing up my boyfriend many times considered suicide because he didn't want to be deaf, his mother taught him minimal sign and nothing about deaf culture at Home and his teachers never had much patience for special needs.. therefore he grew up very confused and angry.. and believes that hearing would make everything better. anyway I think I've written too much already...sorry
That is what I call "Brainwash". It is sad that the deaf person wanted to commit suicide because of what happened with his family and the mainstream school who are not helping him at all. That is true that he is angry, but I don't think it is confused. It is always the choice of the hearing family members and hearing authorities to make the decisions for him to go through hell. No one listened to him at all. That is what happened to some of us who had to put up with hearing teachers and hearing principals on how hard for us not to be able to understand what is being talked about in the hearing classrooms. It is not his fault. It is the hearing people that do not understand his needs. It is like hearing people conquer deaf people and the hearing people win. So that is why it is not fair at all. You really don't understand how we had suffer under the mainstream schools (Oral-Only program).
His pic to Me was if there's meanness and no reaching out or caring from the hearing world then it can make deaf life hard and further build the wall between d&h but i don't know, love, kindness, etc. can break through the wall between deaf n hearing.. keep in mind he has ptsd and he said his paintings were quite dark.. there is a small part of it that implies that being hearing makes you happy n being deaf makes you sad but its all part of bigger picture n somedeaf people do think that.. n he said it could be more effective in sending its msg... but I really connect with the pic because growing up my boyfriend many times considered suicide because he didn't want to be deaf, his mother taught him minimal sign and nothing about deaf culture at Home and his teachers never had much patience for special needs.. therefore he grew up very confused and angry.. and believes that hearing would make everything better. anyway I think I've written too much already...sorry

You are hearing speaking for deaf?

I wish that didn't happen. I would rather see your boyfriend speak for himself.

He can tell his own story.
You are hearing speaking for deaf?

I wish that didn't happen. I would rather see your boyfriend speak for himself.

He can tell his own story.

He can't read or write :hmm:... I am tryin to teach him but it is slow work.. he was mainstreamed with an interpretor . He knows basic signed exact english but has forgotten so much due to lack of use. I am learning what sign I can from him, its the only way we communicate, then I hope to take auslan courses n help him learn more.
He can't read or write :hmm:... I am tryin to teach him but it is slow work.. he was mainstreamed with an interpretor . He knows basic signed exact english but has forgotten so much due to lack of use. I am learning what sign I can from him, its the only way we communicate, then I hope to take auslan courses n help him learn more.

On the bold quotes, that is funny that there was another thread talking about that specific person who could not communicate and was very unhappy.

I can not stand to read comments saying that he or she can not do with reading and writing, have lack of sign language like basic Signed Exact English (SEE) and was mainstreamed. That is hard to believe that you are pulling my leg on all this negative things he could not do. It seemed like some of you hearing people think that we are being fooled by saying that he is or was very hard to help him teach so that he can understand what is going on in the world.

You think that hearing is more important than deafness. No, I won't stand for what you do by pointing out to us. It is like "Ha, ha, ha, we fool you" by having us be sooooo dumb. We are use to being deaf and hard of hearing and anyone who are late deafened has to learn to live with hearing loss because trying to hear with hearing aids or CIs is not going to work as hearing loss is not the same as normal hearing. It is the whole entire different thing.

There is no miracle to make us hear like having a normal hearing. Every hearing person dreams of having us be normal hearing like hearing people. So take the pill and wake up. It is the fact that we will always be deaf and hard of hearing no matter what. So don't try to change us to be like you and other hearing population in our world. :roll:
Who wrote the first post?

Dave wrote the first post and also his photostream. But that is way out of line on his part and then now we have Chiq came along and try to point out to us what Dave said. That is way out of Chiq's line too. I don't know where they get the idea about deafness. They don't know Sh*t anything about deafness. It is too much to think that we are wrong and they are right. :nono:
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Every hearing person dreams of having us be normal hearing like hearing people.

Not Every hearing person. :(

I don't want a deaf person to be hearing or try to change anything about them. I want there to be better communication rather than frustration and headache. Some hearing people actually do make the effort and want to communicate with deaf individuals and only help when the deaf individual asks. With how the history of society is, or has been, most cases the deaf person(s) are skeptical of most hearing peoples.

Sucks for those hearing that are actually trying (or struggling) to go that extra mile to bridge that communication.

I know it shouldn't be in this thread, but I just had to comment. My apologies.

A side note, Chiq isn't in America. I personally don't know how it is where she lives. But.. I have been learning that in different countries, education is very limited. There are many stories of deaf individuals who don't learn any type of language until a later age, and this effects their education. I know that situation happens far and few between because of the rights and laws now, nonetheless, it still happens in poorer countries. So maybe that happened with Chiq's boyfriend?

Once again, just spouting from what I have learned.
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Not Every hearing person. :(

I don't want a deaf person to be hearing or try to change anything about them. I want there to be better communication rather than frustration and headache. Some hearing people actually do make the effort and want to communicate with deaf individuals and only help when the deaf individual asks. With how the history of society is, or has been, most cases the deaf person(s) are skeptical of most hearing peoples.

Sucks for those hearing that are actually trying (or struggling) to go that extra mile to bridge that communication.

I know it shouldn't be in this thread, but I just had to comment. My apologies.

As long as the Deaf or HOH want to sign the sign language to make the communication better. Oral-Only can only frustrate and having the headache if we can not understand lipreading or speechreading hearing people whether it is at a Mainstream Schools or Workplaces or Doctor's Office or Court.

Reading and writing are very important in the deaf and hard of hearing world. We starve for understanding communication like this whether sign or write including to read what the hearing person wrote. Not to be able to read and write is very terrible for the deaf and hard of hearing with no way to communicate and if they have limited sign language, then they are lost. I am sorry that it is impossible for the deaf or hard of hearing not be able to do those things. It just freak me out.

If the deaf or hard of hearing person want to do oral-only, then they can handle it if they have no problem with what the hearing person say. But lipreading is not one hundred precent accurate and we miss what the hearing person say. There is the difference. Sign language or write down papers are two ways to communicate. Okay? :thumb:
A side note, Chiq isn't in America. I personally don't know how it is where she lives. But.. I have been learning that in different countries, education is very limited. There are many stories of deaf individuals who don't learn any type of language until a later age, and this effects their education. I know that situation happens far and few between because of the rights and laws now, nonetheless, it still happens in poorer countries. So maybe that happened with Chiq's boyfriend?

Once again, just spouting from what I have learned.

We do have that problems in Mexico, Central America and South America, too. That is why we can not change the deaf and hard of hearing to be hearing. That is something we all have to live with our hearing losses for the rest of our lives. Hearing people think that hearing aids and CIs are miracles to cure hearing loss. But not for listening, only for environment sounds. Mild or moderate hearing loss (hard of hearing) seem to understand what the hearing person said on the phone or maybe try to understand what the person say without reading the lips. That is hard and they do struggle trying to understand by listening. They will get misunderstand a lot if they did not get the right conversation being said.

Anyway, that is Chiq's problem with her boyfriend. :roll:
chiq boyfriend can apparently communicate with her pretty darn well to tell her all his suicidal feelings, etc.

What she is describing is almost feral and probably would be no person's boyfriend.
chiq boyfriend can apparently communicate with her pretty darn well to tell her all his suicidal feelings, etc.

What she is describing is almost feral and probably would be no person's boyfriend.

Yep yep our communication is pretty good. As i said before i am learning sign . n being uneducated in no way makes him feral. Say what u want about Me but u don't know anything about him so stfu :pissed:
I was confused by this thread. Now, I understand. Chiq is writing about her deaf boyfriend who is "uneducated" in Australia. The boyfriend knows sign language and I don't consider that uneducated. He lives in Australia, not Central America. It just doesn't make sense.

Chiq, don't tell your elders to stfu. It makes you look like an obnoxious brat.
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