AD site was weird this a.m.!


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
When I first came online to AD this morning, my screen displayed the "you are not authorized…" pop-up message. So, I refreshed my screen, and I saw the message notification icon (the little envelope) flashing next to name. I clicked on that and saw I had over 65,000 unread messages! No way! I can't be that popular! :lol: Anyway, I went to my messages list page, and saw no new messages. While I was there, I deleted a few old messages, then went back to the AD home page. I clicked on "New Posts" and everything seemed fine again.

I never had that happen before. Just weird. :giggle:
Ive had some weird things happen on other sites as well, like sign in and when you go to post it says youre not signed in but when you sign in it says you already are???
There has been other strange issues I cant recall exactly, but I have experienced one before that was simular to yours saying I had messages but couldnt access any? Then they dissappeared altogether after rebooting...crazy.
That happen to me too, I kept getting a notice about 'likes' I have gotten and it said I had 16 'likes ' but they where old likes that I read already.
Something is going on weird
When I first came online to AD this morning, my screen displayed the "you are not authorized…" pop-up message. So, I refreshed my screen, and I saw the message notification icon (the little envelope) flashing next to name. I clicked on that and saw I had over 65,000 unread messages! No way! I can't be that popular! :lol: Anyway, I went to my messages list page, and saw no new messages. While I was there, I deleted a few old messages, then went back to the AD home page. I clicked on "New Posts" and everything seemed fine again.

I never had that happen before. Just weird. :giggle:

I think it would've been rather time-consuming to go through 65,000 unread messages !! :) Whew!
Yeah, I signed in yesterday, and I didn't automatically show up as signed in, until I rebooted. Also I saw two similar likes from one of the members, too, which was odd.
Several times I've tried to log in to AD...but was denied....:hmm:...just waited an hour or so, then I could....dunno why it's happening tho'.
Oh, I forgot to mention something else. Sometimes the website would vanish completely, and not be accessible. That was also very odd, and happened yesterday.