ideas for implant-weather proof for marching season??


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Jun 11, 2008
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Well..Marching season is starting again. And lets just say i do not want to go through more nasty weathers with the risk of getting my CI broke, oh and that also goes with my HA.

Whenever I am at band camp (lasts about 2 weeks from 9-9pm or 5:30am-11:00pm at school or at miami university in ohio) or at band competitions or at a after school rehearsal, there always seems to be raining, hail, really windy winds, etc. But what puts me into risk the most is well, you guessed it, the rain and hail. My dad always have me wear a rain coat (but I DESPITE raincoats...they're always so big on me and i don't see the rest of the band members wearing a raincoat when I'm the only one) or bring a bowl to put my CI and HA into the bowl in case the rain puts the risk on my CI and HA. But Without my CI and HA i'm not able to hear anything in competitions. I need to be able to hear if we're already going on the field or at lucas oil stadium (our BOA- Bands Of America regionals and grand nationals are held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. which has a roof, luckily) And then I would have to wait for a few minutes until my hair is dry and then finally put my CI and HA on again.

It's always a pain in the butt when you have to put your CI and HA in your pocket or your bowl or in a bag to prevent it getting wet from the rain.

I've seen people invent their own stuff to protect the CI. I seen a video where they lets say "laminate" the CI in a bag and then wearing it in a swimcap and swim with it in the pool on youtube. I also seen some of that covers that protects the CI and HA. But the thing is My section of the marching band is the Pit or known as the Front Ensemble. We're up front, the ones that are not marching on the field. And we don't wear marching hats like the others do. Some front ensembles might but most Pit doesn't.

SO, I really need to be prepared for what weather might throw at me to put the risk of my CI and HA broken. My dad has been wanting to get me a hat (like a really tacky hat) for band camp (i'm going to band camp on the 21st-24th of july in miami university) to protect me getting sunburned from the top to my head and to protect me from the rain in case we're outside.

Does anybody have any ideas?? I really need some ideas so I can be able to hear what i need to know through the season. I desperately need to get some ideas. AND avoid the idea of wearing a really tacky hat that my dad might buy me..don't leave me hanging here!! Please post some ideas now before i leave for band camp.

Well, I sail boats and you guessed i wear my CI/HA sailing!! because my crew isn't deaf aware and never lets me know when to move over when tacking..

I don't use anything special just buff head gear, it does alot of ways of wearing like as head band, beaning and is very thin, it comes in all sorts of colours.

CI is remarkable thing, I got caught up in a bad storm once and i completely forgot to take them off (CI and HA) the HA stopped working but worked again after being in dri box! But CI carried on working, it still worked beautifully to this day. I also put it in dri box over night just in case.

There is EAR GEAR?? would that help? or Ear Condoms (bit like skins over HA's) For HA's? I haven't heard of one for CI's other wise I am sorry i got to agree with your pa, wear a hat... i don't think there is other choices. .
What I do is I wear a long coil for my CI , and hide the CI under my jacket if the weather gets nasty.I don't have any suggestion for the HA though.

overthepond , I know what the Buffs are , are they helping ya?
I know what you mean. Back then, I was in colorguard for 2 years. Like overthepond said, headbands are a good idea.
What I do is I wear a long coil for my CI , and hide the CI under my jacket if the weather gets nasty.I don't have any suggestion for the HA though.

overthepond , I know what the Buffs are , are they helping ya?

Problem with coil they can be bit too short... but worth trying, I have one too.

They are fanastic as they keeps wind out, is very comfy to wear without too much bulk. if you don't need to wear it it can be worn as wrist band/or neck warmer without loosing it or if feeling bit chilly it can be worn as beanie, I have the UV version for warm weather and the fleece version for colder weather.. It's not water proof but it does keep most of water out!
Problem with coil they can be bit too short... but worth trying, I have one too.

They are fanastic as they keeps wind out, is very comfy to wear without too much bulk. if you don't need to wear it it can be worn as wrist band/or neck warmer without loosing it or if feeling bit chilly it can be worn as beanie, I have the UV version for warm weather and the fleece version for colder weather.. It's not water proof but it does keep most of water out!

I clip the BTE on my shoulder , I will show you some pictures soon.

Hmmm , Maybe I could invest in one Buff for the winter.I don't wear anything in the summer , I don't like hats much , but in winter I don't have any choice.

Do you also have an Otterbox for safekeeping ? I tried getting one for my parents' boat , ( we have a motorboat ) and it's double the price for courier sending , what happened to the plain old post office? argh!
I have seen your pictures with BTE on shoulder, I have long neck and there is no way that the Bte would sit on my shoulder. It had to be around the nape of my neck so that the coil doesn't come off. It's too short for me. I need to beable to turn my head round freely.

I don't like hats much either, I only wear them when i am sailing or very cold! I do "cover" up when it's very sunny (wide brimmed hat) thats all.

I just use "addis" supermarket clip box... Cutted out padding (from the freedom box) and added
Rechargeable desiccant for Dry & Store - Hey presto home made CI watertight dri box and it's Blxxdy cheaper than otter box that does same job!.

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hmm these are good ideas. My dad got me a hat for band camp. Its a pink floyd boy hat.

I actually saw a video from youtube where the dad laminates the CI in a small plastic bag and then the little boy is able to wear it under a swimcap. It was kind of intresting..

But yes I was also talking about the HA and CI condom covers. Do they work pretty good? I never had one but my dad was thinking about getting me one before but never bought one.

I'm going to try as hard as i can to not get my implant in risk with rain. Because rain has bothered us alot last year in rehearsals and in competitions outside.
hmm these are good ideas. My dad got me a hat for band camp. Its a pink floyd boy hat.

I actually saw a video from youtube where the dad laminates the CI in a small plastic bag and then the little boy is able to wear it under a swimcap. It was kind of intresting..

But yes I was also talking about the HA and CI condom covers. Do they work pretty good? I never had one but my dad was thinking about getting me one before but never bought one.

I'm going to try as hard as i can to not get my implant in risk with rain. Because rain has bothered us alot last year in rehearsals and in competitions outside.

Like the "pink floyd" hat idea!

The condom thing is pain in the ASS! excuse my lang. if you have those open battery door to switch HA on you'll have a job getting those damn HA turned on... the condoms should have reversed opening... tighter round ear hook but open at the bottom so we can turn our HA on also the rain doesn't get in that way!!
Like the "pink floyd" hat idea!

The condom thing is pain in the ASS! excuse my lang. if you have those open battery door to switch HA on you'll have a job getting those damn HA turned on... the condoms should have reversed opening... tighter round ear hook but open at the bottom so we can turn our HA on also the rain doesn't get in that way!!

haha, does sound like a job to get the thing turned on. But what if you just leave the hearing aid on while putting the condom cover on?

It also seems like it does a pretty good job. oh well.. I like to avoid the raincoat if i may say. Because i'm always the only one wearing a raincoat thats suppose to be rain-proof to prevent my CI and HA getting wet. My dad always say that if i don't wear my raincoat and that if my CI and HA breaks, its my own fault and that he is not going to buy me another one. Which i understand that it is really expensive and all..
Oooh Charlotte , you saved me from ordering from US , I was ready to order that from US , was getting tired from having to get disposable every three months!

Hmmm I definitely think I can get an tupper ware , but problem's is that we swim from the boat to the seaside a lot of the times...hence my dilemma...

Whats a pink floyd hat?
Just put it in ziplock for extra waterproofness and put in your bag or something.. I have those water proof bags that i put my clothes in when sailing. very tough thing... umm... let me look for it and give you better details. it comes in all sizes. How do you carry your stuff???

If you want me to order the dri discs thing I need few more probably 3 (the more the cheaper i think) how many do you need? I could send them on to you.

Pink floyd hat is ferora (sp) i think..
If you want me to order the dri discs thing I need few more probably 3 (the more the cheaper i think) how many do you need? I could send them on to you.

Pink floyd hat is ferora (sp) i think..

I was thinking maybe I'll have to get two , to have a spare one :roll:
Do you put them in oven? it seems a bit dangerous to me :hmm:
Actually I was going to order a few more things from some other location , and they hadn't gotten back to me from UK site abt the postage costs to Greece , and it's been since Thurs I emailed them.

I'm going to google pink floyd hat now :lol:
Pink Floyd is music group.

Yes I put my disc in the oven (electronic) at 200 for 15 mins or until the crystals turns blue... it will be hot to touch put it on proof tray and turn glass upside down over the disc until it's cool to touch then put it in airtight box.
Just put it in ziplock for extra waterproofness and put in your bag or something.. I have those water proof bags that i put my clothes in when sailing. very tough thing... umm... let me look for it and give you better details. it comes in all sizes. How do you carry your stuff???

If you want me to order the dri discs thing I need few more probably 3 (the more the cheaper i think) how many do you need? I could send them on to you.

Pink floyd hat is ferora (sp) i think..

I use a sport bag. I have a Adidas drawstring bag. I carry my extra batteries for my CI and HA, My Ipod, my Pencils (we write notes in our music just in case), my binder (sometiems my binder won't go in my bag because it's too big) My wallet, My bowl For my CI and HA to prevent it getting wet, my chapsticks, my hand-lotion ( my hands get dry alot after playing mallets in band all day but I wait until we're done with rehearsal because my mallets tend to slip off my hands when i play).

My adidas bag looks like this:View attachment 14006

My dad told me he is also going to bring extra batteries with him too just in case the ones i carry don't work anymore or that when i don't have any batteries with me at a competition. By the way, i saw the water-proof duffel bags. They're awesome. I saw some that have a water-proof cellphone case and ipod case. But they're a little expensive. Do they come in drawbags?? I think its more easier if they had drawbags because Not alot of us in the band brings bookbags to band camp or stuff like that.
Oooh Charlotte , you saved me from ordering from US , I was ready to order that from US , was getting tired from having to get disposable every three months!

Hmmm I definitely think I can get an tupper ware , but problem's is that we swim from the boat to the seaside a lot of the times...hence my dilemma...

Whats a pink floyd hat?

Pink Floyd is a i think a 1960 or 70's band. They were really popular back then. I have their songs on my IPod. My dad is a really huge fan of them.

Pink Floyd | The Official Site

how about taking some plastic wrap and wrap it? it might work.

haha that might, but it also might be hard to put it back on once you have the wrap on.

What does the rain ruin the most on the CI? is it the processor? or the magnet part of the cochlear implant? or the battery?
Coil isn't affected much from the rain , and it's always easy to get a new one.I've been caught in rains lots of the time , coil never had a's the proccessor part , but if you put it religiously in the dry n store ( bring it with you ) every night , I think it won't be a problem.

also get a lot of processor covers if you have Freedom and change them every now and then.