New Moderators


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
First off, I want to apologize for not being around here long enough to answer questions asked by our members and moderators this past week. I've been extremely busy these days but I'm here for now.

Before I talk about new moderators, I would like to ask you all to please stop PM'ng me about who you think should be our next moderator. I appreciate your suggestions and recommendations, but I have a total of 91 PMs since this past weekend and the majority of them are about, well, moderators. I think that's enough for me to handle. Thanks.

In the past, moderators were selected by our members. Are these moderators still around? No. Why not? I think the best answer is because they were simply not fit to be moderators. It wasn't about their sex, race, deaf or not, but because of their attitude in general.

In my opinion, and not to offend anyone, I think letting members select who should be moderator is not a very good idea. Like I said earlier, I appreciate members sharing their recommendations and suggestions, but I think the ones that should pick our future moderators is the mod team (me, Vampyrox, RoadRunner, etc.) However, I'm usually the one that picks the member first then I bring him/her to my mods' attention and ask for their opinions.

Now, I'm going to be straightforward and list some of the things that will NOT make you a moderator:

- If you're just looking for "power" by being a moderator, forget about it not here.

- If you were mentioned in our watch list in the Mod's Corner and were banned in the past, then most likely we don't want you in our mod team. Those that have continuously attacked a moderator in the past are automatically not considered.

- If you're not willing to stay neutral at all times, or at least TRY your best to be, then you're better off staying as a regular member.

- If you have made members uncomfortable being around you since you joined AllDeaf because of your negative attitude, then that's usually not a good sign.

- If you're not an active member and have made little contribution to AllDeaf, then sorry but the moderator position is not for you.

- If you know you're too busy and probably won't have time to moderate for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, then that's understandable but the moderator position may be a little too much for you.

That's all I can of right now and I think I was being reasonable with my expectations listed above. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here.

Have a good day y'all.
Alex, I know you rely on your mods quite a bit, but I certainly hope your decision is ultimately YOURS, as there is some question to the impartialness of certain others, and your ability to act in an unbiased manner has never been called into question. In all honesty, I don't necessarily want the position, but my actions have obviously gotten your attention :)

I do certinally understandable your situation..
No problem..
May be near the future.. if need.. In case if you post it. Let me know I'll be very happy
be around..
Thank you.. :ty:
Eve said:
Alex, I know you rely on your mods quite a bit, but I certainly hope your decision is ultimately YOURS, as there is some question to the impartialness of certain others, and your ability to act in an unbiased manner has never been called into question. In all honesty, I don't necessarily want the position, but my actions have obviously gotten your attention :)
Hello Eve,

Yes, the decision is ultimately mine.

Thanks for understanding. :)
Bullym0m said:

I do certinally understandable your situation..
No problem..
May be near the future.. if need.. In case if you post it. Let me know I'll be very happy
be around..
Thank you.. :ty:
You're one of the oldest member around. Remember the AD contest you won back then? The good old days.

Thanks for your continued support of AD. :)
Thank you for respond, Alex. I appreciate it very much. :)

Yes, I can understand your point and respect your wishes. Like what I mentioned that it´s your own decison because it´s your forum, you take care of. Yes, I know you did it very good...... that´s why I´m here frequently.

It´s no problem if you think it´s not necassary to have some new moderators or not.

I´m happy & sataisfy what I have is being member here... :thumb:

but I have a total of 91 PMs since this past weekend and the majority of them are about, well, moderators. I think that's enough for me to handle.

wow... it´s too much for you to handle like this... I doubt either you got my PM over my thread of last week or not. Please PM me either it´s okay to have my thread back or not. (I already talked RR over this issue). Thanks.
I know being MOD isn't that easy as you might have imaged. I used to be a SYSOP for local BBS, and did ran a public yahoo forum. It is WAY too much for me, I really don't have patience for BS. That is why I abandoned the idea of running any kind of forum or BBS. What Alex explained is very true. It is best to let the owner make the final decision based on experience. The owner is ALWAYS the ones who been around the longest. I rather being friend with MOD than to be MOD myself.
WB Alex,
Glad to see you come around... Life always busy !...

I dont want to say to some of Aders.. "I told you so!"

But I know the way the forums are... who is responsible and make decisions like you Alex.. they could input some suggestions... anyway I try my best to put foot down and stuff their mouths.. (just kidding)..

Hope your summer is good as mine (not really) hehe.

MsGilz, Now I found what you were talking about Alex mention about the "new Moderators postion", from the other thread. :giggle:


Welcome back between. ;)

That list that you made above is perfect and fair :thumb: That something I would like to see in moderators too. Keep up the good work Alex, You're the best!
:applause: to you Alex, along with the other AD'ers it's nice to have you back.

This is your forum, rightfully your's, and you along with your Moderators should be the ones to make the decision of future moderators.

Your list of qualifications to become a moderator are more than fair, and a moderator should maintain a neutral position.

Since I have joined Alldeaf, I have talked to so many nice people, the variety of topics are so interesting. You have setup a good forum and because of all your hard work to be keep it this way, I would not like to see this go astray.

Keep up the good work, and I pray that the morale of all the AD'ers will continue on the good road. Thank you!!
Hey there, Welcome back Alex!!!!:hug:

Boy, I've been praying for this to happen and God is sure awesome!!! I agree with Alex 100% on the type of moderators he would want on his forum, that why I love being here in AllDeaf, this is one of the best friendly and peaceful forum I ever been on and plan to stick around here for a very long time as long as Alex still running this forum....I have alot of respect for Alex and the type of person he really is...Hes a very good man who knows how to run his forum the way he wanted it to run....and that why we have so many new members coming in everyday cause we rather to keep this forum the way it always had been when I signed up here in AD...

This forum still rocks in my book!! Keep up the great work Alex, Roadrunner, Vampy and the other moderators as well too.... :D
I'm wondering about what you thought on my idea about assissant mods. :D
Alex said:
First off, I want to apologize for not being around here long enough to answer questions asked by our members and moderators this past week. I've been extremely busy these days but I'm here for now.

Before I talk about new moderators, I would like to ask you all to please stop PM'ng me about who you think should be our next moderator. I appreciate your suggestions and recommendations, but I have a total of 91 PMs since this past weekend and the majority of them are about, well, moderators. I think that's enough for me to handle. Thanks.

In the past, moderators were selected by our members. Are these moderators still around? No. Why not? I think the best answer is because they were simply not fit to be moderators. It wasn't about their sex, race, deaf or not, but because of their attitude in general.

In my opinion, and not to offend anyone, I think letting members select who should be moderator is not a very good idea. Like I said earlier, I appreciate members sharing their recommendations and suggestions, but I think the ones that should pick our future moderators is the mod team (me, Vampyrox, RoadRunner, etc.) However, I'm usually the one that picks the member first then I bring him/her to my mods' attention and ask for their opinions.

Now, I'm going to be straightforward and list some of the things that will NOT make you a moderator:

- If you're just looking for "power" by being a moderator, forget about it not here.

- If you were mentioned in our watch list in the Mod's Corner and were banned in the past, then most likely we don't want you in our mod team. Those that have continuously attacked a moderator in the past are automatically not considered.

- If you're not willing to stay neutral at all times, or at least TRY your best to be, then you're better off staying as a regular member.

- If you have made members uncomfortable being around you since you joined AllDeaf because of your negative attitude, then that's usually not a good sign.

- If you're not an active member and have made little contribution to AllDeaf, then sorry but the moderator position is not for you.

- If you know you're too busy and probably won't have time to moderate for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, then that's understandable but the moderator position may be a little too much for you.

That's all I can of right now and I think I was being reasonable with my expectations listed above. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here.

Have a good day y'all.
Damn Alex, you steal my thoughts that what exact I had been thought of. This post is beautiful and nail on their head.. I feel so good what every single words you speak out and gotta straight with all aders...

I expect that alex pick right person for moderator!

Eventually, you one of aders who will become a moderator, I like to saying: GOOD LUCK FOR BEING NEW MODERATOR AND OUTSTANDING!
Mod Note:

Posts have been removed that holds no bearings to what Alex created in this thread....Your suggestions, comments, compliments, questions, etc. is welcomed in this thread.

Let's stop the nitpicking, finger-pointing, etc., or posts will be removed and warnings possibly given....

Not only can we agree to disagree, but we can do well to learn to respect one another and learn to keep such negativity this way, we all can be able to at least get along and create an air of enjoyment for all members here in AD.

As for whatever took place in the past, let the past be bygones and move forward, improving in ways that each post we contribute to AD will significantly be refreshing for other members to read, to be able to enjoy the variety of views expressed here in AD with RESPECT...RESPECT is definitely a vital key and instrumental for the success of AD, the integrity and image that AD dearly aheres to and strives to maintain.

Thank you!

Mod Edit: Sabrina, please, that's enough about RR. Talk to me via PM or email. Thank you. -Alex
:angel: I believe in freedom of speech too, but, when someone "singles" another person out, then that should be done in private.