What is the meaning of Christmas to you?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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What is Christmas?:

1.) What does it means to you?
2.) Why is Christmas such a big deal?
3.) Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?
4.) Why is tree decorated?(with ornaments, lights, etc.)
5.) Why is Santa characterized as a short, fat and jolly pipe smoker?
Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?
Why does he ride around in a sleigh? Pulled by reindeer? That lands on rooftops? So he can climb down the chimney? With a big sack full of toys? Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys?

I'll post after I read some of your comments of meaning of Christmas.;)
Well if you want me to be serious about this, Then here is the list of what Christmas means to me:

1) It means good money for the mass Media and Corporations.
2) Because there are millions and millions of children with greed and selfishness, The parents will buy anything for their child. So its a big deal for the corporations.
3) Because its a tradition. The 3 kings gave presents (gold silver etc.) To Jesus Christ when he was a baby so therefore we are recreating it every year on the birth of Jesus Christ, but since im an atheist none of this is true.
4) That is a interesting question. Why are trees decorated? I dont know, But slautering masses of pine trees just for decorating them is a disgrace.
5) Santa Clause is nothing but a stereotype. Everyday, people continue to create new stereotypes of Santa. I dont know who invented Santa, but St. Nichlous is the real Santa Clause. Dated back in the Jesus Christ times, He was a staint who gave food and gifts to children from his bag. He went from town to town in Jerusalem.

Christmas is just a "Heaven" for the corporations because today it is an estimated $8 billion that the Americans spent on decorations and holiday supplies this year. Mind you - That is enough money to feed Africa for starvation for 10 years, And that is enough money to support the AIDS reserach for 16 years. I will have to just get used to the greediness of America.

Other than those serious facts... Christmas means joy and love to me.

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1.) A time to remember the birth of Jesus, and the reason He was born
2.) It is important to me because I am a Christian. It is important to businesses because it means more sales.
3.) Traditionally, IMO, that represents the giving of presents by the Wise Men. It also shows love and appreciation for each other, family and friends.
4.) Traditionally, IMO, the lights (used to be candles) represent a starry night. I think the decorated American tree was originally copied from the Germans. Decorating for Christmas in America and England became important during the Victorian era.
5.) That image was created by Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist, to fit the poem's description of Santa in "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." Prior to that, Santa Claus/St. Nicholas/Father Christmas was usually depicted as tall and thin.
"Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?"
Maybe because he hasn't been caught by Stacey and Clinton yet.

"Why does he ride around in a sleigh? Pulled by reindeer? That lands on rooftops? So he can climb down the chimney? With a big sack full of toys? Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys? "
I think all those ideas came from the poem "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." At the time it was written, travel by sleigh during the winter was common, and every house had a chimney. I think the "good girls and boys" part was added to encourage kids to behave (like a bribe for presents).
Nusentinsaino said:
Well if you want me to be serious about this, Then here is the list of what Christmas means to me:

4) That is a interesting question. Why are trees decorated? I dont know, But slautering masses of pine trees just for decorating them is a disgrace.
Just to clarify: Most Christmas trees you see for sale were grown on tree farms, specifically to be harvested (not "slaughtered"). They are a renewable crop, just like wheat and corn. Each tree that is cut for sale is replaced with a new seedling.

Christmas is just a "Heaven" for the corporations because today it is an estimated $8 billion that the Americans spent on decorations and holiday supplies this year. Mind you - That is enough money to feed Africa for starvation for 10 years, And that is enough money to support the AIDS reserach for 16 years. I will have to just get used to the greediness of America.
I guess it is no worse to spend money on Christmas presents and decorations than to spend it on movies, big-screen TVs, junk food, fancy wheels for cars, alcohol, name-brand clothes, lottery tickets, DVDs, etc.

I prefer to donate money to people's needs, AND decorate (it is possible to do both). Besides, most of my decorations are many years old, so I don't buy many new ones, and I reuse my wrapping paper (yes, you can iron it), and bows. I cut up my cards to make other gift tags and cards. I bake, and make other gifts.

Christmas means joy and love to me. :)
Great! Me, too. I hope yours is a Merry Christmas. :)
1.) What does it means to you? It means the time when days become longer again, following the festivals of Winter Solstice. We get together with family and friends to enjoy the Stimmung and celebrate the days becoming longer again. Greens are brought into the house to represent the coming of springtime, when things will be green again. The Christians just took this holiday and changed it to celebrate the birth of Jesus, which was not even born on the 25th of December.

2.) Why is Christmas such a big deal? It just is. People feel so good sharing the times with their family and friends, so they do it every year with huge feasts.

3.) Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day? Mentioned in other posts.

4.) Why is tree decorated?(with ornaments, lights, etc.) Like I said, in the old traditions, greens were brought into the house to remind the coming of springtime. This was popularized by the Germans in the US, and Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, who was German. Prince Albert was the first person in British royal family to set the tree up in royal household, and it caught on during the Victorian times.

5.) Why is Santa characterized as a short, fat and jolly pipe smoker?
Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?
Why does he ride around in a sleigh? Pulled by reindeer? That lands on rooftops? So he can climb down the chimney? With a big sack full of toys? Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys?

This image of St. Niklaus, like Reba said, was popularized by the poem. This is not the image that St. Niklaus has in another countries though. St. Niklaus comes on 6th of December, and the Christ Child comes on the 24th of December for Germany. St. Niklaus is dressed with green fur clothings, and brings a Christmas tree in his arm, and a sack in another. Some people say he comes on a horse or a donkey, so that is why children leave their shoes out with hay, to feed the horse/donkey, and they will leave the treats in the shoes or on a plate.
Reba said:
Just to clarify: Most Christmas trees you see for sale were grown on tree farms, specifically to be harvested (not "slaughtered"). They are a renewable crop, just like wheat and corn. Each tree that is cut for sale is replaced with a new seedling.

:eek2: I am totally ignorant about that fact. Thanks for that info... now i feel better hehe

Reba said:
I prefer to donate money to people's needs, AND decorate (it is possible to do both). Besides, most of my decorations are many years old, so I don't buy many new ones, and I reuse my wrapping paper (yes, you can iron it), and bows. I cut up my cards to make other gift tags and cards. I bake, and make other gifts.

Thats my girl, You are environment friendly :) It is a good deed to buy decorations for Christmas AND donate money. But still, America is the richest nation in the wolrd and apart from Christmas, We still have the money to pay the debts of starvation instead of war.

Reba said:
Great! Me, too. I hope yours is a Merry Christmas. :)

I espectially hope that your christmas will bring you joy :) Merry christmas.
Christmas means being BROKE, fighting through angry mobs at the malls, waiting in long lines at customer services, looking for a parking lot in a full parking lot, overeating candies and overdrinking egg nog, putting up with obnoxious family members, listening to christmas songs until you cannot take it anymore and cleaning up the mess on Christmas Day.

Sounds like me being Scrooge? Heh

But in reality, despite all of above mentioned stress factors, Christmas is a wonderful time to be with beloved ones as we are too busy to take time out to reflect with loved ones. Most importantly, it is a time to celebrate Jesus's birthday :)
haha Meg, good one girl! ;)

Christmas is to remember and celebrate of Jesus' birth and why He is here, also to celebrate with our families and friends, spending time with them, having a few laugh, tears, enjoying and loving eachothers....

Christmas means so much more and it's a special holiday to have a chance to spend with much love, peace and joy! and having the time to help others in needed such as lifting a friendly finger to those who needs it the most at Christmas time.... :ily:
Good comments everyone;)

1.) What does it means to you?

The word Christmas comes to the word of "Christ's Mass." Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, It is both holiday and holy day.

2.) Why is Christmas such a big deal?

281 million people are Christians, and the birth of Jesus is important to them. Children loves the presents.

3.) Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?

The tradition of gifts seems to have started with the gifts that were gaven to Jesus the day he was born.

4.) Why is tree decorated?(with ornaments, lights, etc.)

This is a German tradition, started as early as 700 A.D. In the 1800s the tradition of a Christmas tree was widespread in Germany, then moved to England and then to America

5.) Why is Santa characterized as a short, fat and jolly pipe smoker?
Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?
Why does he ride around in a sleigh? Pulled by reindeer? That lands on rooftops? So he can climb down the chimney? With a big sack full of toys? Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys?

Santa Claus started with a real person, Saint Nicholas, a minor saint from the fourth century...
Cheri said:
What is Christmas?

here is my some answer:

1.) What does it means to you?
Christ-mas which mean the christ and the massive. it come from cathotic tradtations.

2.) Why is Christmas such a big deal?
Because it is nothing special to me. its not story in bible.

3.) Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?
they want to be clone of magi from Far east gifted travelled to Israel, gifted their presents to mary while jesus was the infant.

4.) Why is tree decorated?(with ornaments, lights, etc.)
Good question, i never resource about this tree decrated.. someday I will resouce about tree decorations' tradation from what of country.

5.) Why is Santa characterized as a short, fat and jolly pipe smoker?
Yes, I am in kind of remember that I was student in high school, teacher told my class that, true story based on name Nicholas ( i can't remeber spell right) who live in iceland. he had beard and wear thick coat. He was very wealth and grace man. he always give things to poor people alltimes. that how some people borrowed it from his title and change named santa. look at "santa" which secret code that backwarded "satan"

Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?
Good question..I can't answer or assume.. like i said in #4.

Why does he ride around in a sleigh? like i said in #5 , Nichlous used to ride on sled with all huskies (dogs). somehow people change it into myth as " sleigh" over sled.
Pulled by reindeer? Good question.. i don't know why! I wish that i could answer.

That lands on rooftops? I have no idea, it is myth..

So he can climb down the chimney? dunno

With a big sack full of toys? good question, unfortunately I dunno..

Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys? it is not kind of story in bible likt that... i wish i could answer. but I dunno why..

btw I don't be believe in chrismas or santa c. though! :D
1.) What does it means to you?
It's the season to remove that stick from our asses once in a while. ;)

2.) Why is Christmas such a big deal?

Because it's an excuse to get pressies... we get to pretend to be Jesus for a day and get presents. The story of Jesus' birth is probably to remind us how special we are also. But I digress.. Christmas is special to people in different ways.. some pagans, some Christians, and all... especially children everywhere! Everyone's happy. That's enough for me. :)

3.) Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?

Because they want to. Want my address so you can send me some pressies?

4.) Why is tree decorated?(with ornaments, lights, etc.)

Because it doesnt look naked, ya know. ;)

5.) Why is Santa characterized as a short, fat and jolly pipe smoker?

It was either that or the dildo. He sounds a bit like Buddha, hehe... probably the characterizations are used more as metaphors... to how we feel... fat with richness of all things that are good. We are childlike in our hearts.

Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?

Because he's from the North Pole... nobody cares how you dress up there. lol

Why does he ride around in a sleigh? Pulled by reindeer? That lands on rooftops? So he can climb down the chimney? With a big sack full of toys? Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys?

Are you smoking something, Cheri? Hehehehe.... just kidding. I think this is a fun tale to tell children, after they wore down the parents in how Santa enters their houses if the doors are locked, etc... you know how logically curious some kids are. ;)
Christmas means alot to us !!

Liza said:
1.) What does it means to you?
It's the season to remove that stick from our asses once in a while. ;)

2.) Why is Christmas such a big deal?

Because it's an excuse to get pressies... we get to pretend to be Jesus for a day and get presents. The story of Jesus' birth is probably to remind us how special we are also. But I digress.. Christmas is special to people in different ways.. some pagans, some Christians, and all... especially children everywhere! Everyone's happy. That's enough for me. :)

3.) Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?

Because they want to. Want my address so you can send me some pressies?

4.) Why is tree decorated?(with ornaments, lights, etc.)

Because it doesnt look naked, ya know. ;)

5.) Why is Santa characterized as a short, fat and jolly pipe smoker?

It was either that or the dildo. He sounds a bit like Buddha, hehe... probably the characterizations are used more as metaphors... to how we feel... fat with richness of all things that are good. We are childlike in our hearts.

Why does Santa wear such outlandish clothes?

Because he's from the North Pole... nobody cares how you dress up there. lol

Why does he ride around in a sleigh? Pulled by reindeer? That lands on rooftops? So he can climb down the chimney? With a big sack full of toys? Which he leaves under the tree for good girls and boys?

Are you smoking something, Cheri? Hehehehe.... just kidding. I think this is a fun tale to tell children, after they wore down the parents in how Santa enters their houses if the doors are locked, etc... you know how logically curious some kids are. ;)

Leave it to Liza to be a smart ass! LOL

Good one, kid! You made me laugh and I appreciate it! :cheers: