Trying to think of ways to help out


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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When I was growing up, I used to go to temple. My family and I have not went to temple much those days. Anyway, we asked our rabbi to minister the funeral service. Our rabbi was mentioning that Grandma would send a $100 check every year for rabbi's birthday. To be honest, I was surprised about that. Rabbi was joking about how he will have to change his lifestyle because he'll not have that $100 any more. I had to smile at this sense of humor :).

Now I don't know if rabbi used the $100 for personal use or temple use. I'm not going to ask, but I want to make up for it somehow. Maybe one idea would be to donate a small % from my bike sales to temple for a certain # of days or something like that.
A donation in your grandmother's name (in memoriam) would be nice.
Sometimes it's not necessarily money but time. Perhaps set an afternoon each week to either educate underprivileged people about their bikes or fix bikes for them? Time = money if that sits better with you. I do photo booths sometimes where it's a "suggested donation of __" then whatever proceeds to go something (i.e. the temple/rabbi)
A donation in your grandmother's name (in memoriam) would be nice.

My dad would have a tree planted Israel in memoriam of someone that dies and my ex sister law did this when my mom dies. I was very surprised when I heard that she did this.
I have heard people doing this at our synagogue too.
I'm sorry about your bubbie, derek.

my dad's family members names - sister, dad, mom - are read at Yahrzeit -and when my dad's sister died, my mom sent a donation in her name to a library in the area where she'd lived most recently.
I did suggest donation to my Mom, but the rabbi may not want donation. You see, the rabbi normally charges $500 for giving funeral service. He did it for free for my family. He said that is because we're long time friends of his. I've a feeling that he wants to "pay" back some of the money that Grandma gave him for his birthdays all those years.

The rabbi did tell me that he would like to get together with me. I would love to hang out with him and talk about different ideas. It does not have to anything to do with temple, but it would be nice to get together as friends.

I really appreciate all the ideas and keep them coming. I love ideas.