Sidekick 3 wipes credit cards?


New Member
May 23, 2003
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Apparently, the magnet used to latch the screen on the Sidekick 3 can hold a fork captive, leading some guys with a credit card reader to ask the obvious question: what happens if a magnetic data stripe passes in harm's way? Sho' nuff, it looks like you get a bricked card. Of course, the number can still be read and typed in, but stay with us, folks -- the point is that the closed Sidekick ate the stripe in less than a second of exposure. We're guessing most people aren't carrying their credit cards in their pocket along with their phone, but don't say you haven't been warned. -

be ware: dont put ur credit card in ur pocket with sk3 ! or you wud be hungry at mcdonald's ! :scatter:
It's possible to damage credit card or debit card's strip. Accord to MythBusters, they were talk about eel wallet that could erase which isn't true. Fortunately, they expert with medium to strong magnetic which able to damage or erase strip as well.
I watched the Mythbuster episode. It had to be really really strong magnet to erase data... I don't think the SK3's magnet is strong enough to erase data on credit card strips.
:topic: Speaking of Mythbusters on easing memory data...

I was watching on film. Is it true that any battery for auto can easily damage videotapes?
RickL66 said:
I watched the Mythbuster episode. It had to be really really strong magnet to erase data... I don't think the SK3's magnet is strong enough to erase data on credit card strips.

why dont we call Mythbuster to see if they can test those mobiles that may wipe the strips. :)

btw yea i saw that episode about eels and credit card issue too.
Yes, it does work. I had my school ID in my pocket with my Sidekick II one night. Suddenly, the card stopped working. Now, I keep my Sidekick and my wallet in separate pockets. ;)
I can matter of factly state that the magnet on my new SK3 is quite powerful. I have let the unit hold itself to a metal table. Its quite strong. So it wouldn't surprise me if it would obliterate the magnetic strips on credit cards!
Well that's fucked up! Seems to me that SK is poorly designed. Would have thought that SK3 would have been better designed but guess not.

that's funny, credit card won't work anymore cuz of the blasted Sidekick haha
I had my bus pass card with a sidekick, it's wiped out the strip on my bus pass card to be inoperatable, I went to transit office to replace new bus pass card. So my bus pass card and credit cards in my backpack in front of wheelchair (hooked on belt and lay backpack on my legs) and for sidekick in my fannybag (on waist).
I checked my sidekick 2 to hold paper clip onto speaker magnite of rear panel. It may damage credit cards from rear panel of it. Right?
deafclimber said:

Apparently, the magnet used to latch the screen on the Sidekick 3 can hold a fork captive, leading some guys with a credit card reader to ask the obvious question: what happens if a magnetic data stripe passes in harm's way? Sho' nuff, it looks like you get a bricked card. Of course, the number can still be read and typed in, but stay with us, folks -- the point is that the closed Sidekick ate the stripe in less than a second of exposure. We're guessing most people aren't carrying their credit cards in their pocket along with their phone, but don't say you haven't been warned. -

be ware: dont put ur credit card in ur pocket with sk3 ! or you wud be hungry at mcdonald's ! :scatter:
It's true My 2 credit card and ATM card stripes has went bad because I had my SK2 in my pocket along with my cards. I didn't care to carry a purse or a wallet. The stores couldn't read my card at all so I had to call my bank to get a new card!
Then why isn't Sidekick magnetically shielded?

Good thing I got a Blackberry 7290...
GraysonPeddie said:
Then why isn't Sidekick magnetically shielded?

Good thing I got a Blackberry 7290...

If you have a holster, for the BB, with a magnet in it, I'm not sure you would be immune from this problem.
loveofwine said:
Well that's fucked up! Seems to me that SK is poorly designed. Would have thought that SK3 would have been better designed but guess not.

that's funny, credit card won't work anymore cuz of the blasted Sidekick haha
It's not just the Sidekick. It's the speaker. Many speakers use magnets. Even computer speakers or car speakers use magnets. That's what you get if you want strong speakers.
VamPyroX said:
It's not just the Sidekick. It's the speaker. Many speakers use magnets. Even computer speakers or car speakers use magnets. That's what you get if you want strong speakers.

Don't forget CRT and TV too.

Well. Most mobile come with magnetically shielded like GraysonPeddie say.
I have Nokia 6822 and nothing happen when I test with paper clip.

I add skin for Treo 650 from
I removed swivel clip that I don't need so It's much better and VERY WEAK to pick paper clip up.

I just study that most loudspeakers for theater come with magnetically shielded. I try put paper clip on my computer's speaker and it's won't pick up anything.

You can try it.
Not all speakers and devices are magnetically shielded. For example, take a surround sound speaker that aren't magnetically shielded on topleft corner of your TV. The screen shows some kind of wierd gradient, maybe like fading from transparent to blue or red all the way to the topleft of your TV screen, but that may depend on the color reproduction of what you see on screen, as far as I remember and I've done my experienment on putting AIWA speaker putting on the topleft of my Toshiba TV.
Neo said:
Don't forget CRT and TV too.

Well. Most mobile come with magnetically shielded like GraysonPeddie say.
I have Nokia 6822 and nothing happen when I test with paper clip.

I add skin for Treo 650 from
I removed swivel clip that I don't need so It's much better and VERY WEAK to pick paper clip up.

I just study that most loudspeakers for theater come with magnetically shielded. I try put paper clip on my computer's speaker and it's won't pick up anything.

You can try it.
So, your skin reduces the magnet strength?