Calm down, Gallaudet


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Apr 18, 2004
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Calm down, Gallaudet - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

The story of Elisabeth Zinser may not be particularly well known, but a group of students at Gallaudet University would like incoming President Jane K. Fernandes to repeat it. In 1988, the University of North Carolina administrator was selected as the new Gallaudet president by the board of trustees. Of three short-listed candidates, she was the only one who was not deaf. Students responded with what I. King Jordan would later call a "student revolution," which included taking over several buildings on campus, and the trustees eventually yielded and appointed Mr. Jordan, who became the university's first deaf president.

Perhaps the success of the 1988 student opposition has emboldened the few current Gallaudet students who restarted their disruptive protests last week with the takeover of a main classroom building on campus. Since then, the university has twice evacuated the campus in response to bomb threats, was forced to relocate classes and may need to reschedule midterm exams because students staged a sit-in to oppose the selection of Mrs. Fernandes to succeed Mr. Jordan as university president. Protests first hit the campus in May, when student opposition was deplorably encouraged by the faculty, which issued a vote of "no confidence" against Mrs. Fernandes. The interim head of the board of trustees even decided to step down after "numerous aggressive threats."

That Mrs. Fernandes grew up speaking and only learned sign language in her 20s is some sort of detriment, protesters bizarrely claim, because it shows that she isn't, in Mr. Jordan's phrase, "deaf enough." Protesters have also charged that the incoming president was chosen in a selection process that did not include enough diversity. Contrary to the attacks that Mrs. Fernandes isn't sufficiently deaf or diverse, her qualifications, demonstrated during 11 years at Gallaudet and six years as university provost, were impressive enough to win unanimous support from the trustees as well as the favor of Mr. Jordan. The trustees wisely reaffirmed their endorsement of Mrs. Fernandes during a meeting on Friday.

The protesters should realize that the 1988 episode was an anomaly, not a precedent. It is the prerogative of the trustees, not the faculty or students, to appoint the university's president. This is not to say that no student can be displeased with the trustees' selection, but their methods of expressing this displeasure are disruptive and harmful to the rest of the student body. Mr. Jordan's effort to keep the university on the right track during this ugly experience is laudable, since the most baleful impact of besieging the main academic building falls on the students themselves. To move Gallaudet forward, the protesters and others who egg on the type of deaf-president-now tactics that disrupt Gallaudet's unique learning environment need to start working with Mrs. Fernandez, and stop working against the university.
Those deaf protesters at Gallaudet sure do need some growing up to do. :ugh:

That Mrs. Fernandes grew up speaking and only learned sign language in her 20s is some sort of detriment, protesters bizarrely claim, because it shows that she isn't, in Mr. Jordan's phrase, "deaf enough." Protesters have also charged that the incoming president was chosen in a selection process that did not include enough diversity. Contrary to the attacks that Mrs. Fernandes isn't sufficiently deaf or diverse, her qualifications, demonstrated during 11 years at Gallaudet and six years as university provost, were impressive enough to win unanimous support from the trustees as well as the favor of Mr. Jordan

^This above shows proof of why there is a protest going on at Gally. I knew they didn't want Jane because she is not a deaf image like them.
This is just an editorial column, meaning it's an opinionated column. So, I wouldn't rely on editorial columns because it's often a political perception. I suggest that some people here read blogs instead of the newspapers. The blogsites on the net are far more up-to-date on what is going on. As I can see, there are some erroneous facts in the column regarding the protest. The Washington Post printed an editorial column and had erroneous facts. I've been following this from day one.

I encourage everybody to go to Deaf Blogs and News - DeafRead to keep up to date on the news on the Gallaudet protest. They have several sides to the whole story balancing it out.

There's a lot more to than just the "deaf image" misconception that has been floating around.

There is more reasons than the fact that she's not deaf enoguh. That is nothing. Yes it is a specluate but they claimed there are more reasons other than that one little audism thing "she's not deaf enough."

Broad your knowledge to hear all sides.
I don't think its even possible that "she isn't deaf enough" is a reason. I King Jordan was not deaf until he was 21 years old, after a motorcycle accident, yet the student body seemed pretty open to him. So if its not "deaf enough" then what is it? Help me understand, because it seems pretty petty to this outsider.
As far I can tell, the students find her to be a weak leader and a liar. Not only that, there are also speculation that they believe Jordan is pressuring Fernandes to hold on to her incoming presidency position to cover up his tracks.

Not only that, Jordan is one of the richest presidents in the USA with a salary of a million dollar. Yet they are cutting programs and funding unnecessary projects and events. Some are even suspecting that he's pocketing some of the tuition fees for himself and his family. People pay to attend an university to learn, not to pay for their galas or big events that has nothing to do with the university's educational principles.

Hey, I'm just repeating what some people are saying.

By the way, I read that the university is now in a complete lockdown meaning they've took over the entire campus.
Theyre barking up the wrong tree by using Gallaudet University as a focal point where the focal points of the dissenter’s anger should be focused on the creators and the promoters of advancements in the deaf society like Cochlear Americas, or House Ear Institute, or the Mayo Clinic.

Gallaudet University is simply a school, not a city or a country.

All Gallaudet students will not calm down cuz IKJ and his BoT keep ignore students' demands letter and ignore their negoitate...
An unconfirmed rumor is that if Jane Fernandes is forced out, she'll get paid a nice fee of cool two million dollars.
An unconfirmed rumor is that if Jane Fernandes is forced out, she'll get paid a nice fee of cool two million dollars.

If she's forced out, then all deaf lose...... the loony fringes will run other deaf people's education, mob rule. The glee they exhibit causing all this aggrevation should be seen for what it is, BULLYING.
I've been doing some asking around and it seems that all is not what it appears to be from the outsider's point of view.

IJK and the BOTS do have a long history of ignoring the professors, students and staff's request in at least one thing:

1.) ASL is not recongized as an offical language at Gally. I though that odd 18 years ago and they STILL haven't recognized it as an offical language. I say this as someone who isn't ASL Deaf. Many hearing colleges do recogizine it as an offical language. Why not Gally of all the places? I'm willing to bet there is a pattern of ignoring people on other stuff. I want to see that documented. That is what I mean by making a case. I want clear cut examples.

2.) There is Chris Kaftan's account of how the higher ups didn't want to meet with him on a regular basis and he was the president of the SBG.

According to Wikipedia the purpose of the student goverment or union is to

"represent students' views within the university and sometimes on local and national issues. It is also responsible for providing a variety of services to students. Students can get involved in its management, through numerous and varied committees, councils and general meetings, or become one of its elected officers."

I should think it's important that the president of a small university should have personal contact with the SBG officers so they can keep abreast of student affairs. That's one example of a disconnect between higher ups and students.

I wonder if other SBGs presidents have had trouble getting in touch with IKJ? I want to see that documented.

3.) The higher ups' assertion that this isn't a full blown crisis doesn't match up with the reality of the Gally campus being locked down. If this isn't a crisis, what the hell is this? Here's yet another proof of a disconnect between highers up and students.

4.) if you want others to believe this isn't an ASL vs Oralists vs English
you are going to have to show numbers of the protesters involved in this protest. For example, suppose there are 300 protesters and about 35 are students with an oral background, and the rest have gone to state schools for the deaf.

That means that 11.6 or 12% of the protesters are from an oral background.
That may not look good. Hold on for a sec here: let's say there are about 50 students are from oral background at Gally.

So that means that 35 out of 50 students from an oral background are protesting. We're talking 70% of students from an oral background. That looks much better. You have just destoryed the claim that the uproar over Jane is because she "isn't Deaf enough."
Now I have no idea of the numbers of the protesters - let alone the percentage. I was making up numbers to show an example.

5.) I know from visting Gally that the students come from extremely diverse backgrounds. I want the numbers shown as well. That will help the case. Few outsiders are aware that Gally has the highest percentage of students with foreign backgrounds.

That is what I mean by making a case.
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There's a lot more to than just the "deaf image" misconception that has been floating around.

Yes, I am aware of that, I've read those deaf bloggers expressing their opinions on blogs about Jane Fernandes. I've came across so many of their different opinions regarding Jane, and that some say Jane Fernandes is not deaf enough because she grew up oral learning sign in her early 20's. some says there are other reasons why they don't think Jane is fit to be the President because of her performance history at Gallaudet, there's so much more. But, really which is the real and truth reason for it's protest?
Yes, I am aware of that, I've read those deaf bloggers expressing their opinions on blogs about Jane Fernandes. I've came across so many of their different opinions regarding Jane, and that some say Jane Fernandes is not deaf enough because she grew up oral learning sign in her early 20's. some says there are other reasons why they don't think Jane is fit to be the President because of her performance history at Gallaudet, there's so much more. But, really which is the real and truth reason for it's protest?

The more you look into it, the more you realize the "not deaf enough" excuse doesn't hold water. I. King Jordan did not become deaf until he was 21 years old, and from all accounts I've heard, his signing is not so great, yet there were no mass protests when he came into office. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that the reason for protests are what the students are claiming: her administrative skills, dishonesty, and cut-throat personality. I've read several accounts of people's experiences with her, and they all seem to give the same idea. Judging from these accounts, its easy to conclude why there are protests, however to the extent that these protests have gone to is almost ridiculous. I would like clarification on a lot of things, such as the apple juice incident and taunting DPS. The BOT's denial of a crisis is mind-boggling, and only leaves me more clueless. As a person who is considering applying for admission to the HUG program, I'm going to be sure to keep up with this all I can and hopefully come to right and just conclusions. I just hope this nonsense comes to a peaceful end soon, but with either side unwilling to bend even a little, its not looking like it.
"represent students' views within the university and sometimes on local and national issues. It is also responsible for providing a variety of services to students. Students can get involved in its management, through numerous and varied committees, councils and general meetings, or become one of its elected officers."

And they were doing so well.... UNTIL, the above interferes with the working of the said University, and affects students EDUCATION. In the UK NO student body has any right to elect STAFF, or interfere with the University's personell requirements, they don't pay the wages. The lock-outs, lock-ins or whatever prevented OTHER students from doing lessons, so it doesn't hold water, so the arguments ISN'T a globally accepted one by students either.

Why be held to ransom by a fringe activist whim ? Students bodies should represent ALL sectors of deaf and impaired at Gallaudet, they aren't there just to fight one aspect of it, and certainly NOT to block access to lessons for others. There's no moral high ground, it's Ivory Tower politics.
Oh, I didn't know that I.King Jordan was not born deaf... That
means he can talk verbally....

That isn't fair.

We really didn't have a Born Deaf Person President of Gallaudet...

I think we really do need a Deaf Person who was born DEAF and
grew up learning ASL since Toddler, and be a good role model for
all Deaf people.... and a good IDOL.

oh man, we have been Burn badly, we have been a fool, they cheated us.
The more you look into it, the more you realize the "not deaf enough" excuse doesn't hold water. I. King Jordan did not become deaf until he was 21 years old, and from all accounts I've heard, his signing is not so great, yet there were no mass protests when he came into office. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that the reason for protests are what the students are claiming: her administrative skills, dishonesty, and cut-throat personality. I've read several accounts of people's experiences with her, and they all seem to give the same idea. Judging from these accounts, its easy to conclude why there are protests, however to the extent that these protests have gone to is almost ridiculous. I would like clarification on a lot of things, such as the apple juice incident and taunting DPS. The BOT's denial of a crisis is mind-boggling, and only leaves me more clueless. As a person who is considering applying for admission to the HUG program, I'm going to be sure to keep up with this all I can and hopefully come to right and just conclusions. I just hope this nonsense comes to a peaceful end soon, but with either side unwilling to bend even a little, its not looking like it.

You do have a point there about IKJ.

Like you, I find the BOT's denial of a crisis mind boggling. The lockdown of the the whole campus and protest certainly screams crisis. I'm starting to feel like I'm in one of George Orwell's books.

I've not read many reports on JFK but she seems to be good at alienating everyone and this includes people who are from a background like her.

I think the situation is a lot more complex than I had thought at the beginning. I was wrong when I thought this was deaf vs Deaf.

It can not be denied that there has been conflicts bewteen deaf vs Deaf and IKJ and the BOTS certainly took advantage of it and used it as a weapon against the students.

I've noticed no one knows the selection process of the president. That means that things aren't as open as they need to be. In other words, the process isn't transparent.

Protests do not just come out of the blue. But I'm really dismayed at the direction of this one.
And they were doing so well.... UNTIL, the above interferes with the working of the said University, and affects students EDUCATION. In the UK NO student body has any right to elect STAFF, or interfere with the University's personell requirements, they don't pay the wages. The lock-outs, lock-ins or whatever prevented OTHER students from doing lessons, so it doesn't hold water, so the arguments ISN'T a globally accepted one by students either.

Why be held to ransom by a fringe activist whim ? Students bodies should represent ALL sectors of deaf and impaired at Gallaudet, they aren't there just to fight one aspect of it, and certainly NOT to block access to lessons for others. There's no moral high ground, it's Ivory Tower politics.

Again you have a point there.

I know that Gally has the highest diversity of students from foreign backgrounds but I think this is a strawman given the context of the protests.

The real question is Does Gally represent all secctors of D/deaf and impaired?

I don't think there are going to be any easy answers to this whole mess.
Well, Christy Smith didn’t know that either until I told her, and she’s a hell of a lot smarter than Miss P here.
If she is so smart, then how come she didn't win Survivor....

I bet I am smart enough to win on that dumb show... if they give me
the opportunity to get on there....