HOH Clarinetist


New Member
Jun 26, 2011
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Any other woodwind players here? Would love to chat!!!
I'm HOH, and I play flute and piccolo. :D

Actually, my hearing loss is noise induced. I used to listen to my ipod really loud, and I'm in a marching band of 144 people. I am the drum major for the marching band. ^.^
Any other woodwind players here? Would love to chat!!!

(several months later)

I play the Clarinet. I want to play it in a concert band, but I can't hear myself while other instruments are playing. I've been looking everywhere for some sort of device I can clip to my clarinet and stick in my ear so I can hear myself, but I don't even know what such a device might be called were it to exist. Right now, I'm playing percussion since you can hardly hit a wrong note on that, but it really doesn't match my personality. Actually, I'd rather play flute, but my band is short on clarinets and has plenty of flutes. I've played Clarinet for 18 years, but have not gotten very good since I can't find anybody willing to teach me with my hearing loss. Today is my 34th birthday. I've decided I'm too old to listen to people telling me I can't do what I want.
Not a woodwind player but I am a percussionist player myself where I play the piano. Specifically, and mostly, ragtime piano (see my blogsite - RAGTIME PIANO!)

Played the drums, too, and eventually marching band in high school but that was a longgg time ago.

Joe, there is a site where deaf/hh musicians meet. It's called "Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss." There are 264 of us who are members of that group. It continues to grow. You'll find plenty of woodwind musicians over there.


You will need to register in order to get in.
I used to play the clarinet and the alto saxophone, but not recently. (The last time I picked up a sax/clarinet was when I was 13 or 14, and I'm 16 now.)