Chelsea's Law


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Schwarzenegger signs California's 'Chelsea's Law'
(CNN) -- Anyone convicted of certain sex offenses against a child in California will get life in prison without parole starting Thursday, after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed "Chelsea's Law."

The law was named for 17-year-old Chelsea King, who was murdered this year by a registered sex offender who also admitted having killed 14-year-old Amber Dubois.

"Because of Chelsea, California children will be safer," Schwarzenegger said. "Because of Chelsea, this never has to happen again."

The "one-strike" provision applies to forcible sex crimes against minors that include aggravating factors, such as the victim's age or whether the victim was bound or drugged.

The unanimous passage of the bill by California lawmakers was a rare display of bipartisanship, spurred by outrage over the King and Dubois murders.

It included an urgency clause that made it immediately effective. "Very few things bring Democrats and Republicans together these days, but your daughters have," Schwarzenegger said to their parents before signing the law in a San Diego ceremony.

Kelly King, Chelsea's mother, spoke after the governor. She thanked lawmakers for inspiring "our next generation of voters by your actions."

"You've shown them what is good and right and sound decision making in government," King said.

The measure also puts those convicted of certain sex crimes against minors on lifetime parole.

Registered sex offender John Gardner III admitted last March to the killings. A few days after King's body was found, Gardner led authorities to the remains of Dubois, who had been missing for more than a year.

Gardner was sentenced in April to three consecutive terms of life without parole for the murders and an attack on a jogger in a plea deal that spared him the death penalty.

GOOD!!!!!!!! :applause:
That is good. I thought they already had one called Megan's Law though?
That is good. I thought they already had one called Megan's Law though?

Megan's Law is the law requiring the police to make information public on registered sex offenders. This law also requires the sex offender to notify the police of his/her address.

Chelsea's Law is the "one-strike" law to imprison sex offender for life.
It is good law and we should have same law like that in all states.

Hey sex offenders, have fun to rot in prison for rest of life.
Remember - this one-strike law can be used under certain circumstance. It has to be vicious. :(

The "one-strike" provision applies to forcible sex crimes against minors that include aggravating factors, such as the victim's age or whether the victim was bound or drugged.
Remember - this one-strike law can be used under certain circumstance. It has to be vicious. :(

Why does lawmakers don't make applies to all sex offenders whoever rape on children instead have certain circumstance?
Why does lawmakers don't make applies to all sex offenders whoever rape on children instead have certain circumstance?

because it's not good.

Think about it - a high school sweetheart. 18 years old boyfriend can be charged with statutory rape with minor for having sex with 17 years old girlfriend and he will be in jail for life.

not cool.
because it's not good.

Think about it - a high school sweetheart. 18 years old boyfriend can be charged with statutory rape with minor for having sex with 17 years old girlfriend and he will be in jail for life.

not cool.


yea so this clause makes sense especially for any sick f**k.

The "one-strike" provision applies to forcible sex crimes against minors that include aggravating factors, such as the victim's age or whether the victim was bound or drugged.

simple - if the sex offender's crime was grossly heinous.... he's in for life.