Heavy Gas explosion in Lehrberg, Germany


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Heavy Gas explosion in Lehrberg (Bavaria), Germany today.

I created this thread under Current Events because I´m sure that the news will spread out to the world and also newspaper as well tomorrow since New TV is already come today.

Lehrberg is next town where I live - is only few minutes away drive between my area and Lehrberg. Lehrberg is a small town. I often went Lehrberg to buy crafts things... :(

I learned from the sad news from my co-worker thru radio and also email as well to tell us to not drive way to Lehrberg but different way to home from work.

I was informed how and what happened. A baker shop ordered natural gas to fill in their tank... The gas tank lorry came and was about to fill the gas - suddenly it blew up... It´s real BIG explosive... It explosive from baker shop to many neigbor building sites...and also to gasoline and then extra explosive thru gasoline ... BIG explosive... The firemen work all the day to night...

3 killed, 16 injured and more missing people...

I will update tomorrow when I see newspapers, websites, etc... We will drive to Lehrberg before finish our Saturday shopping. It´s only 5 minutes drive from shopping mall to Lehrberg. I know we can´t drive through Lehrberg but will look there. The film can tell from TV news that town in Lehrberg is gone...???...

I thought a lot about people whom we know well for years because we shop there often. :( I will update more tomorrow...
Hi Liebling, That is terrible and sad. I will pray for Lehrberg, Germany. God Bless Germany. :angel:
Thats scary!! If you go to there please take pictures of the damage and show it here. The pictures speak 1000 words and we will get better idea of damage from explosion.
Sorry to hear about this, Leibling, it sounds like a tragedy. Do you know more about the cause of this accident?
Don´t worry about German but you can see the picture.

n-tv.de - Aufräumarbeiten in Lehrberg

Gasexplosion in Lehrberg: Wenig Hoffnung für Verschüttete - stern.de

Click 10 pictures then you will see...
Lehrberg bei Ansbach: Gasexplosion zerstört Innenstadt - stern.de


click "Bildergalerie: Gasexplosion in Lehrberg bei Ansbach" then you will see more pictures.
Gasexplosion in Lehrberg: Identität der fünf Todesopfer geklärt | Bayern heute | BR

Gas explosion in Germany kills one
Friday Sep 22 20:09 AEST
At least one person was killed and another 12 are thought to be missing after a gas tank exploded and destroyed an apartment block in a village in northern Bavaria, a police spokesman said.

Around eight people were injured, some seriously, in the explosion which tore through an apartment block and bakery in the village of Lehrberg, north of Ansbach.

"The block collapsed in on itself right down to the ground," a police spokesman said. "We still do not know if there were more people in the building."

A police spokesman in Nuremberg said that around a dozen were thought to be missing, buried under the debris after the explosion.

The blast occurred shortly after 8am (1600 AEST), local fire service officials said, most likely as a gas tank was being refuelled.

A neighbouring barn complex was also destroyed, police said.

At least six other properties close by were damaged

I found English website for you to read but they didn´t update after that happened yet.
Gas explosion in Germany kills one

Updated 23rd September.
Death toll rises to 5 in German gas explosion

Updated: 3:38 a.m. ET Sept. 23, 2006
LEHRBERG, Germany - The death toll from a gas explosion in southern Germany that destroyed a bakery and apartment block on Friday has risen to five, police said on Saturday.

A police spokesman said that an additional 16 people had been injured in the blast, which tore through buildings in the village of Lehrberg in northern Bavaria.

"There are no more missing," the spokesman said.

The explosion occurred shortly after 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) on Friday and was most likely due to a faulty gas tank in one of the buildings, fire officials have said. Police said on Friday that at least one person was killed and another six were missing after the explosion.

Police said workers were trying to remove a refuelling truck containing 4,000 litres of liquid gas which was blown over by the blast.

The truck happened to be near the building where the explosion occurred but authorities said it had not caused the accident.

Death toll rises to 5 in German gas explosion - MSNBC Wire Services - MSNBC.com

All what I know from news and also from my neighbor as well. My neighbor is a volunteer fireman - he was there all the day to 3 am. 50 neigbor building sites are damaged and also heavy damaged.

3 women and 2 men killed -

16 injured

3 bad injured

The voluneer helpers, US soliders, firemen, etc. searched victims until 3 am. All victims were members of a baker family & also employees of the destroyed baker's shop as well. During search, the firemen & technical welfare organization exposed themselves to a large danger, since a leakage struck tank of a gas truck far gas leaked out. They tried to remove a refuelling truck containing 4,000 litres of liquid gas which was blown over by the blast. Police, firemen and red cross had been already informed before the explosion about the gas smell with the village center lying baker's shop. The rescue forces wanted to examine the liquid gas tank beside the building, it came to the explosion. It is too fast than they tried to save them. Everyone can heard the explosive in 25 km distance. The explosion also go to neighbor building site as well as a barn and a garage complex in debris and ash. All houses of the environment were heavily damaged. Thus opposite all windowpanes went to break in the freshly reconditioned church. Lemberg is a 3100-Seelen-Gemeinde with Ansbach in Franconias. Therefore there are many gas tanks in the village.

The police estimated the property damages worth millions.
Thats scary!! If you go to there please take pictures of the damage and show it here. The pictures speak 1000 words and we will get better idea of damage from explosion.

Sure, we will.

We want to go Lehrberg yesterday. We were about leave shopping mall to to there (Lehrberg belongs part of Ansbach). The way to Lehrberg are being blocked 2 miles from Lehrberg... We can´t see there. We will ride to there with bicycle today and will take pictures.

I will update what I see.
wow... pretty awful collertal damages some of houses..
How many damanges houses?
Hopefully will be found alive bodies soon.

I cannot believe, that happend explosin. Why don't Bakery should have alarm and recoglize the fuel leak.. will come sound alarm? Didn't ?
My hubby & I rode with our bicylces to Lehrberg after lunch time today. It took us 40 minutes to arrive Lehrberg from our village. We rode next to next villiages to forest.... to Lehrberg... Interesting view than on the road to Lehrberg. (Road to Lehrberg is quickly than villiage next villiage next villiage... )

My hubby & country Lehrberg

You can see Church at village Lehrberg... We rode through from countryside to town Lehrberg.

See damaged roof

People donated flowers on the plastic wall... where the explosion is...

Next road from Baker Shop to Resturant... Explosion to next road... damaged shops and resturants. We spoke the Resturant owner... He withnessed everything because his resturant is only next road to Baker Shop... He said that it took explosion 20 minutes - continue explosion from Baker Shop to back yard to neighbor building site.... The liquid gas went to everywhere - Gas liquid went near gasoline store... Firemen came to save it and protect gas from go to gasonline... There would be no more Lehrberg town if gas went to gasoline store. *phew* All what we see is only middle between left and right side road are heavy damaged - From Baker Shop to backyard to neighbor building site, not go to right or left road...

Explosion went over from baker shop next road to shop. damage on side of shop.

Exposion went over from baker shop next road to resturant - window damaged.

Exposion from Baker shop to back of house and more damage to many neighbor building sites.

Damaged on butcher shop from Baker shop

Baker shop to many neighbor building sites... total damage and collasped...

Baker shop to back yard then to neighbor building sites... (accord my neighbor that 50 neighbor building sites are total damaged...)
wow... pretty awful collertal damages some of houses..
How many damanges houses?
Hopefully will be found alive bodies soon.

I cannot believe, that happend explosin. Why don't Bakery should have alarm and recoglize the fuel leak.. will come sound alarm? Didn't ?

Damaged houses - accord my neighbor who is a volunteer fireman... 50 (6 houses including baker shop, guest house, ...)

16 injured
5 dead
3 heavy injured

Many people who live in houses are lucky because they were not in the house because they went to work, school, etc... They would of dead if they are in their houses. Explosion was started at 8 am... where all of people already leave Lehrberg for go to work, school, etc.

Well, a man who work as gas tank lorry open gas tank to fill but he didn´t notice the gas leak until he noticed is SMELLY.. and saw gas liquid go everywhere... then alarmed firemen, police straight way then informed Baker shop owner but too late to stop the baker owner to open his tank to prepare for the gas man to fill.... smelly... Baker owner thought "smelly" come from gas tank lorry.. but 4,000 liter liquid came out and go everywhere and smelly. A owner open his tank for gas to fill without notice that gas liquid go everywhere... hit.. too late... explosion went real fast before firemen come to save.
Thanks for the update and photos.

That is a very scary, awful situation. :(

I hope the injured people recover from their injuries soon.
Thanks Liebling..
for bring your pictures and share w/us what you're went there...

Pretty Amanzing everyone are lucky already left the houses but fewer killed and injured too. Yes totally awful lot damages and will repair redo new models when everything cleaned up the mess.

Wha.. 'bout the owner is already dead right? Of course so um, does next kin includes?
Thanks Liebling..
for bring your pictures and share w/us what you're went there...

Pretty Amanzing everyone are lucky already left the houses but fewer killed and injured too. Yes totally awful lot damages and will repair redo new models when everything cleaned up the mess.

Wha.. 'bout the owner is already dead right? Of course so um, does next kin includes?

Yes, the people are very lucky for not in the houses but it got them nightmares. :( Yes few killed and injured... It's too bad for them... :(

Yes the baker owner & his family and employees are dead. I don't know either they have family who are survived? Who is next kin? As I know that the baker owner have children... school? or work? Gas tank driver is survived with heavy injured. We will find out more and then update.

I will update more about the people who are survived at gas explosion.
LEHRBERG, Germany, Sept 23 (Reuters) - The death toll from a gas explosion in southern Germany that destroyed a bakery and apartment block on Friday has risen to five, police said on Saturday. A police spokesman said that an additional 16 people had been injured in the blast, which tore through buildings in the village of Lehrberg in northern Bavaria. "There are no more missing," the spokesman said. The explosion occurred shortly after 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) on Friday and was most likely due to a faulty gas tank in one of the buildings, fire officials have said. Police said on Friday that at least one person was killed and another six were missing after the explosion. Police said workers were trying to remove a refuelling truck containing 4,000 litres of liquid gas which was blown over by the blast. The truck happened to be near the building where the explosion occurred but authorities said it had not caused the accident.


Quite a tragedy for such a small village. :(




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Let you know 'bout this.. (chuckles)