The beheading of James Foley :(


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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I've been away from AD for a couple of weeks, so I haven't kept up with all the threads. However, I was surprised that no one had made a thread about the brutal beheading of James Foley.

I can't imagine the pain his parents are going thru. :(

I hope that those horrible terrorists who kidnapped, tortured and killed Foley are caught and brought to justice.

It's als a warning that the Islamic terrorist groups are alive and well, and getting stronger and more active. They are well-financed and networked. They are also attracting more Western members.

It will only get worse.
In general the ISIS needs to be stopped. Unfortunately, Obama didn't have enough concern with minorities getting murdered in the Middle East to do more than send supplies.
I was going to made a thread but I was afraid someone would post the video
of it happening . I cry every time I see this on the news. He was from NH the next state over from mine. :( This parents are amazing , I do not know how they can get on TV and talk about him so soon after this happen.
I was horrible...the video and the pixs....just couldn't deal with it.
No. I wouldn't do that. If someone wants to watch it, they will find it (I watched the edited version - the one they released was edited).

This very frighten and it feel there will be another 9 11 and that it will be a lot worst the next time.
I looked for the video but it was removed from the site I get my info from, and the other site doesn't have it yet????
British intelligence believe they know who the executioner is. They have his father in custody.

I heard that on the news but was not able to get the whole story , I miss part of it. We should kill the terrorists the same way , that seen fair to me. But I know where not allowed to do that , I hope the hell we're not going to give the terrorists a damn trial to see if they're guilty .
I believe we can discuss this topic adequately without posting any links to videos or photos. If anyone feels compelled to view them they can find them on their own.
Reba, how do you think our nation should respond to this threat?

Under our current administration, we probably won't do anything. His brother said Obama mentioned that they tried to rescue the journalists but failed. According to the brother, that's the first time he heard of it and he didn't believe the president was telling the truth; he felt Obama could have done more and I agree. Obama feels compelled to speak out whenever the person in the headlines is black, whether he has all the facts or not, it doesn't stop him from making a statement. If it's an American overseas, he clams up. I'm inclined to believe Foley's brother that there was no attempt to rescue anyone. Obama has been tripping all over himself not to use the term "Muslin Extremist" and that's exactly what they are. The British press is now saying that the man in the picture with Foley is a British rapper....

I was always curious why my coworker at DHS left for the UK on assignment - I never really got why England....but it's probably plain to many Brits why it's now called Londonstan.....

Under our current administration, we probably won't do anything. His brother said Obama mentioned that they tried to rescue the journalists but failed. According to the brother, that's the first time he heard of it and he didn't believe the president was telling the truth; he felt Obama could have done more and I agree. Obama feels compelled to speak out whenever the person in the headlines is black, whether he has all the facts or not, it doesn't stop him from making a statement. If it's an American overseas, he clams up. I'm inclined to believe Foley's brother that there was no attempt to rescue anyone. Obama has been tripping all over himself not to use the term "Muslin Extremist" and that's exactly what they are. The British press is now saying that the man in the picture with Foley is a British rapper....

I was always curious why my coworker at DHS left for the UK on assignment - I never really got why England....but it's probably plain to many Brits why it's now called Londonstan.....


I do recall the very public execution in the middle of the street there - and no one had a gun - but they all had cellphones to call the police with and record with ...
These cowards also killed(beheaded) 700 men in a village in Syria last week and have been killing women, children and whole families. When they kill the family they often leave one member alive to watch their family beheaded and then take them as a slave or leave them behind to tell the story and spread the panic in the region. These people are not members of Islam and do not follow the religions beliefs, but are nothing more than brutal, power hungry killers who hide behind a covered vail because they are nothing more than cowards and know their days would be numbered if their identities were found out. In many ways they are very similar to the Nazi's in WW II who killed for their warped cause and must be stopped and killed themselves at all cost.
These cowards also killed(beheaded) 700 men in a village in Syria last week and have been killing women, children and whole families. When they kill the family they often leave one member alive to watch their family beheaded and then take them as a slave or leave them behind to tell the story and spread the panic in the region. These people are not members of Islam and do not follow the religions beliefs, but are nothing more than brutal, power hungry killers who hide behind a covered vail because they are nothing more than cowards and know their days would be numbered if their identities were found out. In many ways they are very similar to the Nazi's in WW II who killed for their warped cause and must be stopped and killed themselves at all cost.

The Isis are like Hydra the mythical snake , you cut off one head and two heads grow back . They're not worried about their days being numbers .