Ex-Cons Squatting in Soldier’s Home Defiantly Stay Put

Yes, I actually know a few people in one of the motorcycle clubs and was offered to ride out with my dad and some of his friends that Sunday! :laugh2: "peacefully" they said... :ugh: Loads of people are pretty peeved... that's for sure! Read about this last week. :shock: JERKS!

Glad he's gone!
'scuse my language...these squatters are sorry-azzed mothers!....A double-barreled shotgun up their arses would be too good for 'em!....Here in Jax we have the Outlaws...and boy!...you'd better run when they get after you!
the squatters left that I read yesterday but there was no mentioning of motorcycle gangs or anything other than the sherriffs being there, there were pictures showing them moving out, they did leave all the dogs behind and tore the place up inside.