This story is for the birds...

Yikes, that is very expensive fine for a day.
It is like telling the homeowners about their other buildings like shed or shack to be included for the law on their property. Now it is the bird feeders that need to be taken care of and the city hall were complaining about the deers. Good grief. That is not the business of telling the homeowners what to do with their lifestyle especially they love birds so much including the animals (squirrels and deer). **shaking my head** I don't like this what they are doing to the homeowners. :(
Government already tells us what, where, and when concerning our yards, gardens, livestock, pets, color of our houses, approval of any additions or removal, if you are allowed to wash your car in your own driveway, height of your grass, flags and poles. etc. Nothing ever surprises me anymore.

I have a matching small trailer for my motorcycle. According to my covenants, no trailers. If I paid monthly to store it where I could not see it, it would be gone by the next day.

Hands off my bird feeders!