Welcome to Czech Republic, one of heaviest drinking countries in Europe


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Jan 31, 2013
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.....and world leader in per-capita in beer consumption.

Czech police seized a million liters of illegal booze

Policie na
i'd come over lol
when i finish study or have a lot of $$ to travel
probably, or if its too high in alc, it would used as car fuels...
:lol:...singing...."Good-bye L-i-v-e-r"....and "I've fallen down and can't get up"
probably, or if its too high in alc, it would used as car fuels...

yeah, some 50 people died drinking it last year, and there were liquor sales ban for a while. Hard drinks made from ethanol is pretty common here and popular w/ poorer Czechs, but it's the poisonous methyl alcohol that is found in the illegal booze.

EDIT: oh, and illegal liquor made up some fifth of the market. I have a funny feeling that this nasty business is also being exported into the black triangle (trades between Germany,Czech,Poland)
so sad part of south east london is on lock down tonight serving soldier has been killed with mashette 3 other soldiers badly injured and numerous knives and other weapons strewn over the street..this happen out side army barracks..the police think they got the men involved,remains to be seen who these monsters are that did this...