New bill would make ESRB ratings legally binding

What exactly is your disagreement with this?
What exactly is your disagreement with this?

It won't help to stop kids from playing violent games, so the rules are usually depend on parent, so it is up to parent to allow them to play violent games.

The government regulation to make enforcement on game rating is just waste of time, also why they didn't point at movie.

There are methods to bypass the law, by find a third party (high school kid, college kid) to make purchase and hand over to the children. Almost all retailers set the policy to ban on sale of mature games (Best Buy, Target, Kmart, Walmart, Sears, GameStop, Fry's, etc). All of 3 major consoles - Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft REQUIRED all games to be rated with ESRB before they licensed and released to game consoles. The unrated video games are nearly non-existant and any games that contain strong porn or extreme violence receives adult rating - so it is impossible to sell adult rated games in many retailers and all 3 major consoles banned adult rated games from running, so only limited to computer.

It is much pretty self-regulated and it is pointless to have our government involve with violent game issues.

There are no reliable study about between violent games and behaviors.
Though studies on the issue are abundant, none have been successful at directly correlating video game violence and real-world violence in children.

Do Video Games Make Kids Violent? - ABC News
It won't help to stop kids from playing violent games, so the rules are usually depend on parent, so it is up to parent to allow them to play violent games.
Do you agree that games should clearly show the rating and description of each game so parents can make an informed decision before making a purchase?

The government regulation to make enforcement on game rating is just waste of time, also why they didn't point at movie.
Are you against the rating of games, or just the enforcement of the ratings?
Do you agree that games should clearly show the rating and description of each game so parents can make an informed decision before making a purchase?

The game rating is already clearly show the description of the game, it is very clearly.



Are you against the rating of games, or just the enforcement of the ratings?

I'm against on government involvement with game issues.
New bill would make ESRB ratings legally binding -

What's stupid, ignorant politicians.

This law is EPIC FAIL - perfectly compare to useless gun control legislation.

Why not point at movie? MPAA?
it's about game, not movie so focus on that specific issue.

and also this one -
Currently, there are no legal ramifications for retailers caught selling age-inappropriate games to children.

Currently, there is a legal ramification for movie theaters caught selling age-inappropriate tickets to children. So are you saying we shouldn't have this similar law for game?

Further, the bill would make it unlawful for any entity to sell or rent a game that does not contain an ESRB rating label in a "clear and conspicuous location" on its packaging.

Don't you think all games should have a clear, conspicuous ESRB rating label?
The game rating is already clearly show the description of the game, it is very clearly.
but some games are either not rated or clearly labeled... or both. you don't have a problem with this?

I'm against on government involvement with game issues.
so you're against mandatory rating and description?

Do you have any court cases about third party purchase of games to minors?

The laws that you provided is about alcoholic beverages, drugs and pornographic, so it doesn't have anything with software, such as games.

The third party purchases are common practice for high school, especially freshmen (14, 15) hang with senior (17), so they are still minor. There are high school kids that sell games to children, borrow the games, trade the games, gift the games, etc. It is extremely difficult to crack down on those situation.

It is impossible for violent games to be off the kid's hand, unless they are confined in closed space.
it's about game, not movie so focus on that specific issue.

and also this one -

Currently, there is a legal ramification for movie theaters caught selling age-inappropriate tickets to children. So are you saying we shouldn't have this similar law for game?

Don't you think all games should have a clear, conspicuous ESRB rating label?

What about movies from retail? Does legal ramification applies to movies that sold from retail? The games are sold from retail, not movie theater.

ESRB required all publishers to show the rating label so clearly, if they fail to do it so publishers will slapped with civil fines, also retailers could refuse to sell the games until the hole has fixed.
but some games are either not rated or clearly labeled... or both. you don't have a problem with this?

Like I said, the ESRB required all game rating label to display so more clearly so I don't see any games that are improperly show the game rating label.

so you're against mandatory rating and description?

I believe that rating and description are voluntary and encouraged, so make fair for movies to not have rated or lack of description.

Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft required all games to be rated before they can licensed to running on game consoles, so unrated games are extremely rare and only limited to run on computer, so they didn't make any success with sales.
What about movies from retail?
let's focus on game, shall we? focus focus focus. don't worry about movie. this thread is not about movie.

Does legal ramification applies to movies that sold from retail? The games are sold from retail, not movie theater.

ESRB required all publishers to show the rating label so clearly, if they fail to do it so publishers will slapped with civil fines, also retailers could refuse to sell the games until the hole has fixed.
but... it said -

Currently, there are no legal ramifications for retailers caught selling age-inappropriate games to children.

that's why this new law was passed to have legal ramifications for them.
Do you have any court cases about third party purchase of games to minors?
huh? didn't you read the article? it said there's no legal ramification for selling age-inappropriate games to children. that's why Utah passed this law!!! I think all states should pass this law too.

The laws that you provided is about alcoholic beverages, drugs and pornographic, so it doesn't have anything with software, such as games.
duh..... that's why Utah passed this law so that now games will join alcoholic beverages, drugs, and pornographic materials with same laws.

The third party purchases are common practice for high school, especially freshmen (14, 15) hang with senior (17), so they are still minor. There are high school kids that sell games to children, borrow the games, trade the games, gift the games, etc. It is extremely difficult to crack down on those situation.

It is impossible for violent games to be off the kid's hand, unless they are confined in closed space.

that has nothing to do with this new law. this new law is focusing on stores that sell games.... not some kids exchanging games with each other. that's irrelevant.
Do you have any court cases about third party purchase of games to minors?

The laws that you provided is about alcoholic beverages, drugs and pornographic, so it doesn't have anything with software, such as games.

The third party purchases are common practice for high school, especially freshmen (14, 15) hang with senior (17), so they are still minor. There are high school kids that sell games to children, borrow the games, trade the games, gift the games, etc. It is extremely difficult to crack down on those situation.

It is impossible for violent games to be off the kid's hand, unless they are confined in closed space.

If you read the links, the law is very broad.....of course it would cover games if selling games to minors became illegal. Note the word "any"

Doubtful there are any cases at present since selling those games to kids is currently legal. However, there may be cases. If you read the CA statute, selling games to minors wouldn't necessarily have to illegal to qualify.
The third party purchases are common practice for high school, especially freshmen (14, 15) hang with senior (17), so they are still minor. There are high school kids that sell games to children, borrow the games, trade the games, gift the games, etc. It is extremely difficult to crack down on those

Many illegal activities are "common"...... that doesn't make them legal.
let's focus on game, shall we? focus focus focus. don't worry about movie. this thread is not about movie.


but... it said -

that's why this new law was passed to have legal ramifications for them.

What is any benefits to have legal ramification?
huh? didn't you read the article? it said there's no legal ramification for selling age-inappropriate games to children. that's why Utah passed this law!!! I think all states should pass this law too.

duh..... that's why Utah passed this law so that now games will join alcoholic beverages, drugs, and pornographic materials with same laws.


that has nothing to do with this new law. this new law is focusing on stores that sell games.... not some kids exchanging games with each other. that's irrelevant.

I think you are misunderstood - the congressman from Utah is proposing the federal law, not state law. It hasn't passed yet.

A new bill---H.R. 287--introduced to the United States House of Representatives Tuesday would make the Entertainment Software Rating Board's ratings legally binding. Currently, there are no legal ramifications for retailers caught selling age-inappropriate games to children.

It is bringing into committee to discuss, so it hasn't passed yet.

Those proposing law is federal, not state of Utah.
If you read the links, the law is very broad.....of course it would cover games if selling games to minors became illegal. Note the word "any"

Doubtful there are any cases at present since selling those games to kids is currently legal. However, there may be cases. If you read the CA statute, selling games to minors wouldn't necessarily have to illegal to qualify.

I'm very interesting to see court cases about third party purchases of games.

If you find it, so just share with us.