Deaf like you


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Nov 20, 2006
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I am not sure, where I can put this - correct me if I am installing in the wrong thread.

Have you, ever read the book called "Deaf like you"? It is about the deaf girl, Linda?

My mother bought that book from A.U and brought it over to Australia and it is a fantastic interesting book...
Yes, yes, my bad - I haven't read the book in ages, yes "Deaf like me" not "Deaf like you" . LOL

Thanks for the link, but I wanted to discuss the opnions of the book though.

That's okay....I jsut wanted to be sure I had the right one before saying anything. That was one of the first books I read shortly after my son was diagnosed. It is an excellent book.
That's okay....I jsut wanted to be sure I had the right one before saying anything. That was one of the first books I read shortly after my son was diagnosed. It is an excellent book.

Yes, it is - unlike myself, I am deaf, but my mum read it when she returned from the States, and was fantasticted within the book, and I read it myself, it is an excellent book, and it is a story all about the deaf girl from the start and the parents has a lot of stress with the child and worries with her how would she communicate etc etc

What was your favourite part of the book?
Yes, it is - unlike myself, I am deaf, but my mum read it when she returned from the States, and was fantasticted within the book, and I read it myself, it is an excellent book, and it is a story all about the deaf girl from the start and the parents has a lot of stress with the child and worries with her how would she communicate etc etc

What was your favourite part of the book?

I suppose I really relate to the fact that the "experts" were all pushing toward an oral approach with this child, and the parents realization that something just wasn't adding up. And then the child's signing, when she recognized another deaf person, "Deaf Like Me!" It just was so moving. And that led to the parent's realization that deaf wasn't just about hearing loss, and complete assimilation into an oral environment still doesn't produce the same feeling of belonging that being around others who share your experience do. Very similar experience with my own son.
I cant remember if I read it or not so I better order it. Looking forward to reading it!
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Looks like an interesting book to read...perhaps I'll check further into it. :ty:

I cant remember if I read it or not so I better order it. Looking forward to reading it!

Its a great book shel. Tugs at your heartstrings. After you read it, I think that you will see why it had a big impact on me and my decisions regarding my son. Really made me start questioning the oral philosophy. And if I remeber correctly, these parents were first referred to the Tracy Clinic.
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Looks like an interesting book to read...perhaps I'll check further into it. :ty:


It would be a great summer read, rr!
Yes I have read "Deaf like me" a long, long time ago. It was a very good book. I still remember the girl's name in that book and I even remember what the book cover looked like. I gave to a friend that it may help her since she had a deaf child.
Ooo I now am so curious enough to read that book! Hopefully, one day, I will but it :giggle:;)
I suppose I really relate to the fact that the "experts" were all pushing toward an oral approach with this child, and the parents realization that something just wasn't adding up. And then the child's signing, when she recognized another deaf person, "Deaf Like Me!" It just was so moving. And that led to the parent's realization that deaf wasn't just about hearing loss, and complete assimilation into an oral environment still doesn't produce the same feeling of belonging that being around others who share your experience do. Very similar experience with my own son.

Yeah, true, my mum read it as she has her own son as myself deaf but I read it msyelf, and like jillio said, definitely a good book :)

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Thank you, RR

Its a great book shel. Tugs at your heartstrings. After you read it, I think that you will see why it had a big impact on me and my decisions regarding my son. Really made me start questioning the oral philosophy. And if I remeber correctly, these parents were first referred to the Tracy Clinic.

True, definitely true.

It would be a great summer read, rr!

Yeah, it will be worthwhile your summer, RR!!

Ooo I now am so curious enough to read that book! Hopefully, one day, I will but it :giggle:;)

Go and have a read! :D
Cool. I love a good read! I'm always hungry for knowledge and to feed my brain.

Oy, Only I wish I could have the time to read it because I'm always on the go! lol
I am ordering this book now!!! heheheheeh!
I should!
I realize the word, "but", is actually "buy". Oh, well. At the least, you know what i am talking about. xD

Yeah, these things always happens and sometimes I find it funny but nowadays it happens...

Wow, I have been recommending everyone about the book, and I didn't even know some of you actually haven't read the book! :shock: But this book will be a worthwhile for you... I bet you'll thank me ;)
Yeah, these things always happens and sometimes I find it funny but nowadays it happens...

Wow, I have been recommending everyone about the book, and I didn't even know some of you actually haven't read the book! :shock: But this book will be a worthwhile for you... I bet you'll thank me ;)

Yeah, these things always happens and sometimes I find it funny but nowadays it happens...

ugh, yeah, i hate it happens to me. pfft

Wow, I have been recommending everyone about the book, and I didn't even know some of you actually haven't read the book! :shock: But this book will be a worthwhile for you... I bet you'll thank me ;)

Oh, gladly YES! :):)

Oh, gladly YES! :):)

Let me know what you think of the book :D