Linux distro recommendation for old Dell laptop


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Hey Linux Users!,

I have an old Dell Latitude CSX-H Laptop that had been collecting dust in my garage for two years due to accidential damage to its hard drive that I dropped 6 ft to cement floor while trying to store it on high shelf. It can't boot from USB drive via BIOS nor don't have built in CDrom drive. It does have external cdrom which are a hassle to carry.

Finally, my Acer Aspire's Seagate hard drive got corrupted and won't boot fully to XP (it hungs halfway or popped error mssg "need xp cd and hit 'r' for Repair") and chkdisk takng forever, it spins but can be repaired anyway by installing Grub or Lilo. I bought a new 120gb Western Digital hdd for it. I was able to use old 80gb hdd to Dell Latitude to give it a lease of new life. I'm planning on to treat it like a netbook. I had been looking into Linux distro that are compatible with my old 'anchor' (cuz it's thin but heavy). I want it be fast, reliable. I don't have wifi card (I used to have Belkin Wifi card which are not compatible with linux distro anyway, I plan to get one that are 100% compatible). I MIGHT dualboot with XP and use XPlite to clean out craps to make it speedier (done this and it beats my Acer :eek2: ). I would plan to install SprintSpeed Blackberry modem software to allow me to go online.

So the config of old Dell laptop:

500mhz Pentuim 3 (it is hackable to 700mhz by swapping out 500mhz to 700mhz processor cuz there are similiar code on processor that "fools" BIOS into thinking it's 500mhz processor)
256mb Sodimm PC100 (it says 384mb max while listed 256mb max)
4mb graphic memory
PCMIAa card slot (dual)
1 USB 1.1
80gb Seagate st98823a ATA100 hdd (formerly Acer's)
12inch LCD screen
VGA jack
Parallel Port
Synapic mouse
Slot for external drive
Dock slot
Keyboard/mouse serial jack
External enclosed 16x cdrom drive
6 cell NiCad battery.

It doesn't have modem or Onboard NIC in it. The only access to network is Netcard or docking station.

That's basically it, no extras, it used to be a business laptop for Texas Instrument for years. It's thin profile and heavy, approx 5lbs(metal alloy all around 'aluminuim/zinc' I guess) and looked rugged.

Luckily, I have docking station that have 2 USB 1.1, 10/100 mpbs ethernet jack, monitor jack, keyboard/mouse jack that came along with laptop. My brother bought it years ago and it broke so he gave it to me and I bought replacement mobo and gave it a lease of new life. It was pretty zippy on pared down XP.

Now I have a hard time decide which Linux distro fits for my old "anchor". I'm getting :dizzy: over it cuz many 'lite' linux distro that works with older machines. I don't care what kind of desktop, Gnome, KDE, IceWin, ect. Desktop is desktop! My laptop can't do Compiz anyway :rofl: I be surprise if peewee grpahic can do it! (It did ran Myst Riven game just fine even it require 32mb graphic on XP.)

Give me suggestions!

Puppy Linux
Damn Small Linux (that's the least I would need)
Knoppix (unsure cuz of new kernel, tried 2.6 and it won't work, dunno abt the most recent)

I am not sure if it can run Xbuntu.

If u happen to know any 'lite' Linux distro not on the list, please let me know! I love to try out.

I used to run some LiveCD Distro above listed three years ago and most works. I ran Ubuntu and it did arrived desktop, slowly. :lol:

One of my biggest issue is that I can't use my Sprint BB Curve on Linux distro. Sprint doesn't bother to have it programmed for Linux user :mad2:
unless...... Someone got a hack for bb!

Last thing, let's cross finger that 80gb hdd would finally fixed and able to make it useful.

Catty :cool:
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I tried Mepis 8.0 (newest version) and laptop boots up nicely to desktop! But when I tried to install it to hdd. it stopped at 40% and sits there. Oh well :shrug: I even tried Seagate drive utility and it did say lot of bad sector using "long test".

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Aw crap! Hdd is no good! It had bad sectors and read error, write protected. I tried to do different tricks and it still won't fix through Checkdisk, hdd bad sector repair ect. Luckily, I backed up few important files tho.

I bought a external drive adapter and it worked great both way. I can plug cdrom drive to adapter. Neat!

Oh well, guess I will have to shelve old Dell again :(

Aw crap! Hdd is no good! It had bad sectors and read error, write protected. I tried to do different tricks and it still won't fix through Checkdisk, hdd bad sector repair ect. Luckily, I backed up few important files tho.

I bought a external drive adapter and it worked great both way. I can plug cdrom drive to adapter. Neat!

Oh well, guess I will have to shelve old Dell again :(


Your old hard drive looks like cracked platters after you dropped. You can find HD for cheaper, type in your HD name, cyn #, size and model on google search or you can get the 80 GB from my local puter shop at Laptop Hard Drives
Your old hard drive looks like cracked platters after you dropped. You can find HD for cheaper, type in your HD name, cyn #, size and model on google search or you can get the 80 GB from my local puter shop at Laptop Hard Drives

NO NO not that Seagate 80gb drive, It WAS Dell's IBM Travelstar 20gb 2.5 hdd that I dropped it.

As for Seagate 80 gb hdd, it have read error/ write protected through checkdisk scan. I ran HDD Regenerator and it is recovering hdd bad sector but taking forever for partitioned 40gb. So I'm going to dump the crap (maybe let my kids play with it)

I checked ur site and :eek2: yike! It cost lot more than I bought it Microcenter It was on sale, $10 off on Western Digital hdd (Was $69 and bought it for $59). My new one is 120GB 8mb cache 5400rpm Western Digital Scorpio PATA hdd (WD1200BEVE-00WZT0) here's the pix It is installed in my Acer laptop now.

I can purchase good used 2.5 hdd in Ebay cheap for my Dell Latitude laptop. I planned to get maybe 20gb or 30gb which is good enuf for me to use. I typically fills 10gb drive space so that's not much of it. Cuz laptop is old and so does buying old hdd is fine with me. I don't want to waste money on new hdd on old Dell


Oh okay but better than nothing?

It's usable for internet, not at full level due latest version of flash player won't support.

I found legacy Dell PC with slower Pentium 4 and it was from 8 years ago because need run Fast Food Tycoon 2, that's my favorite game.
NO NO not that Seagate 80gb drive, It WAS Dell's IBM Travelstar 20gb 2.5 hdd that I dropped it.

As for Seagate 80 gb hdd, it have read error/ write protected through checkdisk scan. I ran HDD Regenerator and it is recovering hdd bad sector but taking forever for partitioned 40gb. So I'm going to dump the crap (maybe let my kids play with it)

I checked ur site and :eek2: yike! It cost lot more than I bought it Microcenter It was on sale, $10 off on Western Digital hdd (Was $69 and bought it for $59). My new one is 120GB 8mb cache 5400rpm Western Digital Scorpio PATA hdd (WD1200BEVE-00WZT0) here's the pix Micro Center - Scorpio 2.5" 120GB 5,400RPM IDE ATA/100 Hard Drive OEM It is installed in my Acer laptop now.

I can purchase good used 2.5 hdd in Ebay cheap for my Dell Latitude laptop. I planned to get maybe 20gb or 30gb which is good enuf for me to use. I typically fills 10gb drive space so that's not much of it. Cuz laptop is old and so does buying old hdd is fine with me. I don't want to waste money on new hdd on old Dell


Yep either MicroCenter or Local puter shop it's cheaper than retail stores.. Sometime I go to MicroCenter on the bus and rolling to the microcenter store about 8 blocks (almost 1 mile) from the bus stop or limited time service right by the microcenter store.

Ebay good choice very cheaper you can get it.
Oh okay but better than nothing?

It's usable for internet, not at full level due latest version of flash player won't support.

I found legacy Dell PC with slower Pentium 4 and it was from 8 years ago because need run Fast Food Tycoon 2, that's my favorite game.

Yeah, My dell boots up and loads pared down XP and It ran Myst: Riven game just fine. I bet it can't do well with Myst: URU. I would plan to use it for internet purpose with everything updated along with updated flashplayer. Also I wanted to learn programming on Linux on that too.

I am well aware that some netbook are 900mhz running on Linux or XP. That kinda "fallback" and saves power. So My laptop can be hacked to run 750mhz PIII processor by swapping the processor. I found the chart few years ago from Intel and there are lists of processor speed and Stepping code and type of socket pins. I can see some similiar "stepping" code there. Although, laptop do not have jumper to overclock it, it just follow the stepping code. (I did research its motherboard and it's pretty simplistic and nothing fancy on it, I don't see any jumpers on it)

Filter Summary <<----Intel Mobile Pentuim II/III list.

Mine use Micro-PGA2 socket and it's stepping is PBO. I can go as far as 750mhz which is over the limit of maximum limit of 500mhz. The stepping code does fool BIOS into thinking that it's 500mhz maximum while it's actually 750mhz in actual speed. So I just "squeeze" it's life out of it. Making it nearly as close as current Netbook's 900mhz processor speed.

For old pc and laptops, since its memory is limited by BIOS, on Windows XP, you just simply keep it simple by installing few applications (Firefox Browser, Ebook reader, M$ Office XP or 2003, Phone Modem Software such as Sprintspeed, Media Player that allow you to play movie out of USB memory stick [converted DVD movie to smaller file format with Subtitle included] and name a few that does not hog the performance and eat up weenie 256mb memory.

If running on Linux, use the most recent version. I use Mepis 7.9 on my old 600mhz and 800mhz system with 384mb memory and it ran fine even it ran Hulu - Watch your favorites. Anytime. For free. and media player plugin video just perfectly fine as long as I use 32mb or 64mb graphic card. It ran pretty good, average speed. I could have install and use Slax or Knoppix to make things speedier but the problem was the graphic card I had was crappy. I have old monitor that can't take more than 1280x1024 so I had to use cheatcode to restrict it to monitor's spec. LCD montiors are not a worry.

So if you happen to have old laptop above 500mhz or higher, you're in luck using it as a simple netbook. If you don't have wifi adapter, get one that is 100% compatible with Linux. I found some sites that have list of supported Wifi adapter/card for Linux. Some work out of box, some require programming or linux's "wifiwrapper" program to fix. So you can squeeze its life to make it useful.

IF you have 3 or 4 years old laptop with broken hdd, If it can boots up LInux on USB flashdrive, you'll be very very lucky. If you are brave enough to crack the bottom cover and remove hdd and sacrifarce one USB 2.0 socket by desoldering it and rig a USB wire to empty hdd bay with foam or cushion and plug in USB drive [maybe 8gb or 16gb] so it won't rattle when you carry it. So you can use it as a Netbook with ease! Use the Linux distro with Persistent install (save files or program back to USB drive before shutting down) which is a biggest advantage. Perhap you'll get to see battery life extended.

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Years ago, I used to go on this site: Linux on Laptops

Which is other people experiences on their own laptop (any kind of brand laptops) and which Linux Distro they did used. :)
Years ago, I used to go on this site: Linux on Laptops

Which is other people experiences on their own laptop (any kind of brand laptops) and which Linux Distro they did used. :)

Yeah! I've checked this site some time ago. Originally, My laptop works with Redhat or Slackware as the Linux on Laptop listed.

But now, It works pretty well with "lightweight" Linux OS such as Puppy Linux, Slax, Knoppix, DSL, and Mepis. I like Mepis better and It boots right up on Mepis just fine. But I'm leaning on Slax for it cuz it's modular add-on (I checked through modular packages and found lot of nice softwares there that I don't have to compile!!). I burnt most "lightweight" Linux distro to cd and try it out.

Thanks :thumb:

I was working on laptop and something came up in my mind... SD card to 2.5 IDE adapter! I could buy it through Ebay cheap between $4 to $20 (I prefer latter because it supports up to 32mb SDHC card). Microcenter sell it's own brand SDHC card, 8gb for $15.

This adapter can act like hard drive and allow me to install OS in from Win 98 to Vista and Linux. :hmm:

Laptop can recognize as bootable IDE drive.

I am fully aware that SD card lifespan on read/write cycle is 10,000 to 100,000

I don't need lot space on old laptop drive since I only need it to browse website, IM chats, Linux programming ect...

eBay <<--- SD to 2.5 IDE adapter can support up to 32GB SDHC card

Something that I could think about to get my laptop up and running in a cheap way :giggle:.

Currently, I have 3 microSD cards, 1gb, 2gb, 8gb with two SD adapter card for microSD. 2gb and 8gb are currently being used for Blackberry. So I have left is 1GB to play around, install Puppy Linux which doesn't take much space until I purchase 8GB SDHC then install XP. I can buy 2nd 8GB for Linux only.

:hmm: Something to think about

They do sell SD to 2.5 SATA adapter for newer laptops. --->> <<---- It is called Photofast 2.5 SATA SDD Enclosure that can be a SATA hdd replacement. You can customize memory using 4gb up to 32mb SDHC card each slot (have 6 expansion slots) that bring up to 192GB memory (using 6 of 32mb SDHC )..

I never knew that existed, nice technology. I think you would be best using a high speed SD card for faster transfer rates because OS uses a lot of resources.
I never knew that existed, nice technology. I think you would be best using a high speed SD card for faster transfer rates because OS uses a lot of resources.

Yup, I am already planned on that but remember that SD to ATA 44 pin adapter only allows 1 SD card up to 32GB and It would accept SDHC card. The real issue is that the upstream and downstream stream are typically slower than hdd even using SDHC (speed is better when using SDHC than regular one) It also use MMC too.

The SD to SATA adapter is much faster and have 6 slots for SDHC card to insert...

Old Dell laptop uses IDE.

So I would expect a little bit slow process on my laptop.

Technology for adapter had been around for long while (perhap around 2000 to now). It was originally started when they use Compact Flash card (big flash memory card) Type I and II since late 1980's and early 1990's... CF to IDE adapter for embedded computers and it's still sold at computer stores. It was popular for Linux user or those who builds ITX system (17mm x 17mm mobo that can fit in car radio), Robotic builders, and Military applications.. You'll have to find category under "Controller" or "Adapter" .. CF to IDE adapter wasn't popular because the cost of memory per GB. Also CF had short r/w lifecycle too. Right now memory are getting cheaper and SSD (Solid State Drive) are becoming popular so did CF and SD. So now SD card is just new because of popularity and cheap..

You might want to try that out cuz it's so cheap in Ebay (average $4 to $20 and some free sh/h). Be aware on SD to IDE adapter memory limitation (most of the time I see 4GB limit and some 8GB limit). Use the link above post that I provided the best one that can handle up to 32GB memory which is the newest. So If you have spare 2GB, 4GB SD or SDHC memory card, you could use that for your experiments. 8GB SDHC is enough for Windows XP with few apps. If you have lust to go for 32GB, be prepare to blow $$$$'s for it so you can throw in Vista plus most apps or XP with all apps installed.

I don't know how good it can handle gaming???

SUCCESSS!!!!!! :fruit: :fruit: :dj:
I just got SD to 44pin IDE drive today package from Hong Kong!!!

I got 8GB Turbo SDHC ADATA sd card few days ago.

Now, I just plugged the card into SD to IDE adapter then had to "hack" another adapter which is called 44pin IDE to slot adapter. It had one hole plugged in one of 44 pins cuz of orientation where 2.5 IDE hdd Male 44 pins with only one notch near middle/bottom section of the pins. I just simply use cloth pin to punch hole and then marked it so I would know which is which. Then I plugged the IDE adapter to SD to IDE adater.

Since my laptop's hdd bay is deep inside, there's no bottom cover to open to access to it. I had to remove bolts and "crack" open a bit to fit my fingers holding (holding like a tweezer) the cute SD to IDE adapter into the hdd slot. I got it snapped in.

Then screw bolts back on bottom shell. then plug everything in (power jack, External CDrom drive w/ Puppy Linux 4.1).

I powered on and tapped F2 to enter BIOS. I can see BIOS recognized it as a 8gb hdd!!!


Then the work begins..

I set boot order to CDrom first, IDE last.

Booted to Puppy Linux and click "Install".
I selected Install IDE (CF to IDE adapter) then next
I selected "mbr.bin (SElinux boot) and it installed bootstrap
Then let it install Puppy's files in
After that, Cdrom tray popped and is ready to use new SD hdd..
I removed External CDrom drive.

Reboot.... BIINNGOO!! It boots right to Puppy Desktop on it's own!

Then I immediately plugged my BB Curve to USB then installed "" file into Puppy. After installation, I restart X window (don't reboot, just restart X Window!!!).

Navigated Menu--Network--Blackberry-Modem then ran it.

set up and got BB Curve tethered as modem.

Logged in AD and blogged as I typed..

I was in Durango the whole time while my son is at soccer practice. :lol:

The SDHC drive get around pretty fast. So it's no issue!!

To be honest, Before I finally got it installed correctly, It took me few tries at home and it won't boot up (cursor just blinks on blank screen.) I got into frustration and didn't have time to figure it out at home so I took laptop, 12v to 120vdc inverter, external cdrom drive w/ puppylinux in it along with me to my son's soccer practice.

It turned out that I chose wrong bootstrap program (like MBR, and one of bootstrap that doesn't work). Using mbr.bin works wonder!

Now that I can take laptop to work and use it tethered to BB Curve or use Wifi adapter!!

I'm happy man!

My laptop played Youtube video pretty well!!

Any Questions? Let me know!


pix or it didn't happen :D
pix or it didn't happen :D

Will do a video and upload it to or Google Video (either one). I will include video of Sd to ide adapter in drivebay hole with status light lit on it.

It may be a short video, basically show sd ide adapter and laptop bootup to Puppy.

patient with me please :lol:
