What kind of brand bottles did you had when you had bab(ies)?


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Jun 2, 2003
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For Nathan, I have Evenflo and Parents' Choice bottles.. it's really good.. I have small & big ones.. I plan to save them for the next baby. :)

What about you guys?
My daughter was used Evenflo or Parent's choice too. I never save Bottles after they are used. I always toss them away and buy new bottles for next baby. But the bottles was brand-new and my son refused to take bottles and demend mommy's breastmilk all the time until he was 13 months old. So this time i m not buy any bottles for next baby as i am planning to nursing new baby on april
for my first son, used Avent. now my 2nd son, Avent and Evenflo.. some playtex... tried to breastfeed both boys,,,,first one lasted 3 months....out of milk/colic, 2nd second lasted 2 months, out of milk/he asked too much! lol.

i saved bottles, just replaced the nipples.
I still using basic bottles.. boil bottles, nipples and rings.. fill them up.. put in refrigator.. when feeding time.. grab bottle put in hot water bowl/large cup... while you change baby diapers or clothes.. by the time the bottle warms up..

traveling.. i always fill up our own water in jug.. because other places water arent same as our home water... can cause baby bad tummy... and use powder..

easy life! :D (use those bags--waste enviroment and lazyiness) lol.. :giggle: jk :P
Kayla- bottlefed with evenflo
Sean- bottlefed with evenflo

Everett breastfeed in beginning then Avent now He prefer evenflo or these gerber picture bottle LOL
Breastfeeding, then mostly glass bottles; a few plastic ones for travel.
my firstborn daughter used the playlex bottles and I use the emafimil formula for one year. she is now teenager at high school. and my second born daughter has been breastfeed for one year because I was didnt know how to stop breast fed her so I did call the nurse at my doctor about that so now I understand better. she is preteen and fifth grade at school.
My Mother used Playtex bottles to feed my sister and I when we were babies. My sister used EvenFlo to feed her kids. Both kids are now almost exclusively off the bottle. My niece is now three and a half, and she still drinks her milk from her bottle. This is a special milk formula that she needs to survive, but she refuses to take it from a cup. Therefore, my sister still gives her a bottle usually at nap time and bed time. All other times, she takes her liquids via cup.
my girls never tried any brand bottle/nipple they both were breastfed til old enough to switch toddler's cups then ready to drink what we use to drink, for younger with straw :D even older daughter has had colic i got patience not quitting breastfeeding but tried not to eat something that upset her :roll: second quiet not botherred what i ate anything, whew
I used evenflo with austin and kieran, dr. brown's bottles with Sean
i prefer to feed my breastfeeding and fisher price bottles with my baby when I have baby.
I used regular ordinary glass and plastic baby nursery bottles by Evenflo and Gerber.
did tried different kinds w/ my son but the best is DR. Brown (less spits, gas, colic) 2nd is Avent

for my next baby, not sure breastfeed but still giving Dr. Brown bottles. Its expensive but i have saved from son's tho.