What is it with those absents parents?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Under the federal Child Support Enforcement Act of 1984, each state must
develop guidelines to calculate a range of child support to be paid, based on the parents' incomes and expenses. These guidelines vary considerably from state to state.

I know one mother who has sold custody of her children has a well paying job, and an absent father is upset that he is ordered to pay child support which he refused to pay because she is making enough to cover the needs of their children. What he doesn't understand is that it doesn't matter how much the mother is making, he's particularly responsible for his children as well, It takes two to tango, It takes two to raise a child. I was telling him that if he refuses to pay, he could go to jail or the court will enforce the child
support order by his paycheck. Unfortunately there is no free ride, no matter how much the mother is making and how much she can support the kids on her own, if she wants child support she has that right to collect child support, he has no say to this point on. I don't understand those absent parents sometimes.

Every parent has an obligation to support his or her children rather they like it or not, No matter what the circumstances are.
Mine is still trying to get out of paying, he even offered to sign over his parental rights.
Well hard to say me personally. He has not even been in my children's' life not exercising his visitation, not even a card or hello to my children.

My children were quite young and they do not understand, I have talked to them about their father and they do not understand why he will not keep in touch with them.. In their eyes my husband is their father, he has raised them since they were little, and my husband is willing adopt my two to make sure they have a secure future.
Well hard to say me personally. He has not even been in my children's' life not exercising his visitation, not even a card or hello to my children.

My children were quite young and they do not understand, I have talked to them about their father and they do not understand why he will not keep in touch with them.. In their eyes my husband is their father, he has raised them since they were little, and my husband is willing adopt my two to make sure they have a secure future.

Your husband sounds like a wonderful man! I noticed that more and more men are willing to take other people's children as their own and I think that is great!

As for this issue, there will always be people who refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. Since women carry the baby, it is easier for the men to remain emotionally unattached and deny responsibility but in the long run, it will eat at them when they are older.
There are some men who will bargain with their soon to be ex in a divorce proceedings by offering to sign over the house to the wife without ever paying child support.

By my understanding, the US is really cracking down on deadbeat dads and moms over nonpayment of child support.

I read that to get a Passport in US you must pay all your child support before obtaining the passport. That's one of the measures to make the irresponsible parent pay.

I remember reading that one man owed his ex $50,000 in child support and he got his parents to take out a second mortgage on their house to pay that amount!
Well hard to say me personally. He has not even been in my children's' life not exercising his visitation, not even a card or hello to my children.

My children were quite young and they do not understand, I have talked to them about their father and they do not understand why he will not keep in touch with them.. In their eyes my husband is their father, he has raised them since they were little, and my husband is willing adopt my two to make sure they have a secure future.

wow babyblue... that man sound great man for you and your children..

my man was the same and the ex finally gave up and my husband adopted my two son then we share 1 so total 3...
i know we spoke earlier today on my sidekick lx when I was coming home from hospital Hehe...

Take care, hugs
mostly parents always pay for children support how much money would be!

when i was 9 years old my parents got divorces and my parents always support me and my brother as custody and never lose me and my brother so my parents can saving money for really needs till im reach 18 and my brother also.

movie and music stars have more lots of money than anyone but always more lots over $500,000 or less for support child but Britney Spears refuse!
i think all guys that don't want to support a kid should be in jail. Stay out of jail by sending a card, spending time with them or sending money. On the other side, there are some mothers that want to force the dad to pay just for revenge. There some fathers that support their kid and then the mother still goes to court and ask for child support. That is the only thing I see wrong with that system.
Parental support is more then just money. Personally I believe there should be a fixed amount to pay for each child which should be a reflection of real world costs and not based on a percentage. But sending money is not total support. It's only financial and a child needs more than that. A father and/or mother should be involved regardless of a divorce.
Parental support is more then just money. Personally I believe there should be a fixed amount to pay for each child which should be a reflection of real world costs and not based on a percentage. But sending money is not total support. It's only financial and a child needs more than that. A father and/or mother should be involved regardless of a divorce.

Agreed...I was telling my dad that most of my good memories with him were after the divorce cuz he really went out of his way to ensure that my brother and I had quality time with him on the weekends we spent with him. For us, no money can ever replace our memories.
Not custodial parents should pay for child support. It isn't cheap raising children. My ex husband also accused me of doing it out of revenge and accused me of spending the money on myself which is a bunch of bull. He doesn't see his kids, he doesn't call, he just doesn't care anymore. He had two more kids after our divorce and now he had 4 children.. He is just a P.O.ed man because he has to dig his pocket to pay child support and cant spend the money on himself
Not custodial parents should pay for child support. It isn't cheap raising children. My ex husband also accused me of doing it out of revenge and accused me of spending the money on myself which is a bunch of bull. He doesn't see his kids, he doesn't call, he just doesn't care anymore. He had two more kids after our divorce and now he had 4 children.. He is just a P.O.ed man because he has to dig his pocket to pay child support and cant spend the money on himself

:werd:, I'm sorry to hear about your ex husband,
TEXAS and the rules are :
1) all payments are made to the Austin clearinghouse.
2) Child Support will only enoforce the order only if the family is getting social serivces ,food stamps , medicade .
3) The only that can complain is the parent that the child resides with no one else .Even if you that someone is a DEAD beat that doesn't work here .
Even if the child is living with you and a parent and its not your affair to get involved .
So only people that are getting help are the people that only get 50.00 a month of the orginal payment order and the State claims the rest .

Sad story but these are sad facts
Yea it is sad but some situation have arrised that the dead beats parent may be dead or unable to work. Like my exh he is out of work due to his diablity and I can understand that cuz I have seen him suffer and but that didnt stop him having to see his son. They can talk to each other on the phone or visit his dad's house for a weekend or during vacation. Now that he is accusing me that I am complaining about the child support which I have not. I am very upset for that now. I just spoke to him and I am feeling like crap. He always put in a crap which I dont like to feel that way and he know that. Sigh I just wish he would stop doing it and enjoy the life cuz life is too short.
Yea it is sad but some situation have arrised that the dead beats parent may be dead or unable to work. Like my exh he is out of work due to his diablity and I can understand that cuz I have seen him suffer and but that didnt stop him having to see his son. They can talk to each other on the phone or visit his dad's house for a weekend or during vacation. Now that he is accusing me that I am complaining about the child support which I have not. I am very upset for that now. I just spoke to him and I am feeling like crap. He always put in a crap which I dont like to feel that way and he know that. Sigh I just wish he would stop doing it and enjoy the life cuz life is too short.

I am sorry and I can understand cuz my ex hubby puts me thru crap over little stupid things sometimes and I end up feeling crappy.