Want a new bracelet? Want it to suit your personality or mood?


New Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Want a bracelet that matches your mood, personality or just want something awesome for a friend or family? Even you suit the colors of a bracelet for yourself. Its so easy and here is the site that enables you to do so. the Tigerheart Bracelets Co is the link that is in blue below.

Tiger Heart Bracelets Company


Note: Admin approved site. -a
They are great bracelets....they take anywhere from 30 mins to 4 hours to make

they are fabulous!! Trust me!
Hi Deafmedicalpoet, I am ordering a light tan necklace, A man's necklace that will hold keys on it please ? Contact me in Oct. and I will send you a money order from the U.S. Post Office. Thank you very much and God Bless, Heath :) :thumb:
you betcha heath and that will be the best newest thing from my company. There is the option of necklaces now.

Hi Deafmedicalpoet, I am ordering a light tan necklace, A man's necklace that will hold keys on it please ? Contact me in Oct. and I will send you a money order from the U.S. Post Office. Thank you very much and God Bless, Heath :) :thumb:
I know this is brought back up

Hey there, sorry to renew this post area but my business has now moved to a different area and I was wondering if it might be an interest to you all.... so now if you want to get jewelry please go to: http://tigerheartjewelrycompany.tripod.com
I have had alot people love my jewelry and my feedbacks are just pure amazing!

just thought to update this

Hey there, sorry to renew this post area but my business has now moved to a different area and I was wondering if it might be an interest to you all.... so now if you want to get jewelry please go to: http://tigerheartjewelrycompany.tripod.com
I have had alot people love my jewelry and my feedbacks are just pure amazing!

just thought to update this


Let you know your updated website comes up

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