Voyager 1


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Now Voyager 1 is over 100 AU from the Sun. It was launched in 1977 and visited Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 visited those and Uranus and Neptune. After the Saturn flyby, Voyager 1 left the plane of the solar system. From high above this plane in 1990, it was able to image some planets from billions of miles away. The line across Earth is light scattered from the optics because it was close to the Sun; it was worse for Mars, so it wasn't visible. Now it's even further away, with 100 AU being over 9 billion miles away. They didn't think it would be working so well for so long. The Voyagers should last until around 2020 before losing power.


Heavens Above Table

The table shows the distances and other information for the spacecraft headed to interstellar space.

Solar Views

The last 3 pictures are the solar system family portrait frames and a diagram showing where the frames were.
Remember on Star trek it was called V-GER
Er...I believe that was to lend credence to the idea that the Voyager had been impacted by many particles over the decades. You would expect that it "erased" some of it name off the plate.
wow it is hard to believe that Voyager I made over 100 AU. Should USA build powerful thrust powered by nuclear, ion, or another type anti-matter/matter engine to travel farther out of our solar system? I wish that.