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Feb 14, 2006
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Until this evening, I was unaware of the trauma of not ALLOWING a non-hearing child the right to communicate and the frustration and emotional trauma that goes along with this denied right. I have a daughter who has chosen a worthy and wonderful vocation. She is to be a Nurse. Her choice to take ASL has made me proud. I have always tried to encourage my children to follow their heart and to make the Best of their lives...I am so proud of my daughter I could never explain. As she drove home from school this evening, she called and asked me an unusual question. "Mom, if I had been born deaf, would you have put me in a school that would use only speach, or would you have put me in a class using Sign as well as learning to speak? My immediate answer was "I would have made the choice of the class using Sign!"

She then told me of an hour long documentary of a Deaf Child never allowed to learn sign. For A Deaf Son. I wept to think of the Neglect due to a Selfish Mothers action, the denial of him ever learning I Love You, never to be allowed to be what he could have been. She told me the Boy had committed suicide. My heart quite literally broke at those words.

My daughter also has a daughter aged 2 1/2 who learns sign and continues to do so, why, you may ask, she is hearing, it's to help others in the future. My children grew up with a friend who started them on the road to ASL. she was deaf but through her courage, her determination, she made a difference in our lives. She is and will always remain a Hero. My daughter was with me at a Wal-Mart several years ago and witnessed a man trying so hard to make himself understood. Not one of the Associates knew what to do, Jamie asked if she should offer to help, My response was "Of Course", after a few moments everything was resolved. When she came back, she said "Mom. I want to make a difference, I want to take ASL, she was 13 or 14 at the time. From this small act to show she could make a difference, her resolve has followed her, she is now 26.

I do however, wonder at the Law regarding the child in the documentary, I'm sorry, I don't know his my eyes, this was deliberate Neglect, his Father tried , his Mother Never Allowed Him to Use His Hands to Speak, never allowed him to be what he could have been, personally, I think the Mother should serve life in prison in a soundproof room until she draws her last breath. Then and only then would Justice Be Served.
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That sounds like a heartbreaking story, I really wondrer how his family especially his mother felt after he commited suicide. But we have to know that people make these choices for a reason maybe the mother thought she was really helping so that he would be "hearing" or at least percieved taht way with good enough skills.Maybe she felt some sort of guilt of having a Deaf child - to some this is percieved as defective. I am not defending this in any way but just trying to give reasom to a choice that many people do make. A child born Deaf has no choice in weather they want to be raised orally or signing, or if they are part of the Deaf culture all these choices and more are made for them until they are able to make their own choices to change if they want.
You daughter sounds like a wonderful person and its great to hear that she is passing along signing education to the next generation.
This mother need no jail time - because she must live with her choices and that of her sons forever.

G'day rhowenna,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll enjoy your visit here. It's great your daughter wants to make a difference in life.
Cheers! :wave:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)....

Quite a story you got there.....
:welcome: to alldeaf! enjoy yourself with all of posts and threads! :thumb:

Aww, I do understand how you feelings ;)
:wave: :welcome: to AllDeaf rhowenna!!! What a touching story!! It's so sad about that boy. It's nice to know that there are people like your daughter who goes above and beyond the call of duty to help someone she sees as having a hard time. I hope she keeps up the good work. When I first met my foster son, he didn't have any knowledge of sign language, but between my husband and I, we opened us his world, and now 6 years later, he is fluent in ASL. We met him when he was 3 years old, and he will be 9 the 24th of this month.
I hope you continue to enjoy being on this forum, and meeting wonderful people that are members here. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :angel: