The Biggest Winner


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Jul 5, 2010
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In light of the many many posts of "the biggest loser" tv shows, posts, blogs, etc, people should realize that people ignore the thin too. The extremes of fat and thin are ignored equally. Both, fat and thin, have difficulty with weight control. Have you ever seen a really skinny person devour their meal? Let me cut and paste the definition for devour from the free dictionary:

de·vour (d-vour)
tr.v. de·voured, de·vour·ing, de·vours
1. To eat up greedily. See Synonyms at eat.
2. To destroy, consume, or waste: Flames devoured the structure in minutes.
3. To take in eagerly: devour a novel.
4. To prey upon voraciously: was devoured by jealousy.

I do have a friend who is very thin and struggles to gain weight. In fact my friend graduated 10 years ago and has lost 10 pounds since.

Eating habit: red meat with every meal (no chicken or fish), loads of carbs (spaghetti, etc), lots of koolaid with plentiful sugar. Forget the pop with sugar substitutes.

Watching my other friends eat and comparing them to my very thin friend, my very thin friend can eat an entire plateful in less than 15 minutes while others take up to 45 minutes eating the same portion.

Being thin can be as damnable as being overweight.
In light of the many many posts of "the biggest loser" tv shows, posts, blogs, etc, people should realize that people ignore the thin too. The extremes of fat and thin are ignored equally. Both, fat and thin, have difficulty with weight control. Have you ever seen a really skinny person devour their meal? Let me cut and paste the definition for devour from the free dictionary:

de·vour (d-vour)
tr.v. de·voured, de·vour·ing, de·vours
1. To eat up greedily. See Synonyms at eat.
2. To destroy, consume, or waste: Flames devoured the structure in minutes.
3. To take in eagerly: devour a novel.
4. To prey upon voraciously: was devoured by jealousy.

I do have a friend who is very thin and struggles to gain weight. In fact my friend graduated 10 years ago and has lost 10 pounds since.

Eating habit: red meat with every meal (no chicken or fish), loads of carbs (spaghetti, etc), lots of koolaid with plentiful sugar. Forget the pop with sugar substitutes.

Watching my other friends eat and comparing them to my very thin friend, my very thin friend can eat an entire plateful in less than 15 minutes while others take up to 45 minutes eating the same portion.

Being thin can be as damnable as being overweight.
I wonder if your thin friend has a tape worm.