Something familiar...

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Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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There's something familiar about these words:

Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has launched the latest phase of construction at a heavy-water nuclear reactor in the north-west town of Arak. . .

Mr Ahmadinejad insists that the technology is being developed solely for the creation of energy and not any military purposes.

"There is no discussion of nuclear weapons. We are not a threat to anybody, even the Zionist regime [Israel] which is a definite enemy of the people of the region," he said during his tour.

"No one can deprive a nation of its rights based on its capabilities," he said, arguing that the west is holding back the legitimate development of his nation.

. . . Tehran itself has shown a willingness to negotiate, saying that it was ready for "serious talks" over a package of measures put together by the international community as a possible "reward" for halting the enrichment work.

But the country insists that it will not bow to international pressure and suspend its nuclear activities altogether.
© 2006 .

It reminds me of Hitler's theory that the pursuit of Lebensraum for Germany was justified as a "legitmate development of his nation."

It also reminds me of Chamberlain's "willingness to negotiate" and Hitler's readiness for "serious talks". Hitler's "reward" to the "international community" was the (erroneous) belief that appeasement would make possible "halting the [expansion] work" of Germany.


Don't Hitler and Ahmadinejad have another common goal?

Oh, yeah; they both wanted (want) to get rid of the Jews.
Don't Hitler and Ahmadinejad have another common goal?

Oh, yeah; they both wanted (want) to get rid of the Jews.

Bull shit! You're obviously not familiar with the Persian Jews who have lived peacefully in Iran for centuries. Zionists aren't the only sect of Jews, you know? Of course, this would mean that you warhawks would have to examine the details, rather than simplifying everything. So fuck it. Lets just get this nuclear party started and get it over with. :roll:
Bull shit! You're obviously not familiar with the Persian Jews who have lived peacefully in Iran for centuries. Zionists aren't the only sect of Jews, you know? Of course, this would mean that you warhawks would have to examine the details, rather than simplifying everything. So fuck it. Lets just get this nuclear party started and get it over with. :roll:
Mr Ahmadinejad ... was addressing a conference entitled The World without Zionism and his comments were reported by the Iranian state news agency Irna.

"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," he said, referring to Iran's late revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iran leader's comments attacked
I wish that we could discuss this in a reasonable, mature way.
I wish that we could discuss this in a reasonable, mature way.

Then stop making ignorant statements.


Don't Hitler and Ahmadinejad have another common goal?

Oh, yeah; they both wanted (want) to get rid of the Jews.
You're obviously not familiar with the Persian Jews who have lived peacefully in Iran for centuries.

Indeed, but the Persian Jews are very small in number. Only about 20,000 Jews live in Iran, many of the Persian Jews have emigrated to Israel because they're not faced with oppressive legislation there.

Zionists aren't the only sect of Jews, you know? Of course, this would mean that you warhawks would have to examine the details, rather than simplifying everything. So fuck it. Lets just get this nuclear party started and get it over with. :roll:

The Orthodox Union, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Union for Reform Judaism and the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation all have policies supporting Israel. Combine their members with Israeli Jews themselves and the many other Jewish organisations around the world and one can see that virtually all religious Jews identify with Zionism.

Suffice to say, if you have a problem with Zionism, you have a problem with the Jewish people and their religion--They're essentially one in the same.
Suffice to say, if you have a problem with Zionism, you have a problem with the Jewish people and their religion--They're essentially one in the same.

Agreed, they are one and the cannot separate the two.
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