Resources on teaching art to deaf students


New Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Hello all!
I'm currently studying to get my degrees in art education and Deaf education (two bachelors at the same time-yes, I'm crazy). For my Issues in Art Education class, we had to read a whole bunch of articles, choose one and write a 4 page paper regarding an "issue" presented. We have to narrow our focus versus doing a broad topic. Anyway, there was an article about teaching art to students with disabilities and inclusion. Now granted, I could do a "personal experience" paper on having a severe-profound hearing loss, using an interpreter while being involved in art and my observations on teaching but this isn't what my professor is looking for. Instead, I'm looking for actual articles and references that have been published regarding teaching art to deaf students. Needless to say, my searches are coming up pretty slim so far.
Anyone have any good references I could look at? The paper is due Tuesday (I know I'm a bit late with trying to find these-the semester has been nuts). Also any thoughts would be appreciated :o)