
This is per Chase's post - before he erased his post as error has occured but this problem has been quickly solved.

Here is the code for the image above.

Thanks again, Jake. You're a mind-reader.
Practice with all the stuff you helped me with worked out the problems, Jake. My appreciation to you.

I wasn't scrolling down far enough on Image Shack's transfer page. I think I have a better grasp now, but I may practice another time or two before posting pictures again.

Jake, do you think it's worthwhile (better service) to join Image Shack ($8 per month).

AllDeaf is the only site I belong to where I can't past photos directly from "My Pictures" on my computer, so I'm wobdering about the value of joining for a picture or two a week. Opinion, please.
Why pay for services when it can be done for free and in terms of what you like to do is sufficient under its free services? Hmm?

Also, while you're working on this, you can alway hit the 'preview post' tab and see if it's working rather than hitting the 'submit reply' tab. ;)

Really appreciate both pieces of advice, RR. Thanks much. I'd stay and chat, but your wolf makes me tired.
Sorry for the late reply I have been out all day moving and stuff, will mention in the other thread in a bit.

To answer to your question, I don't think it is a good idea to join Image shack. I think this one is better for you and it is completely free, and it similar t
Sorry for the late reply I have been out all day moving and stuff, will mention in the other thread in a bit.

To answer to your question, I don't think it is a good idea to join Image shack. I think this one is better for you and it is completely free, and it similar to image shack - Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket (Registeration is free. Quick and easy!). They provide you the IMG tags of the URL automatically once your images are uploaded from your own computer. There is more options there. I am a member of two accounts for myself.

If you have any further problems in regards of the URL or image coding relations, please feel free to post it here, and I will see if I can determine to solve the problem, like I did earlier today and the other day too. Chase, it is a pleasure to help another AD'er with the HTML codes. Lucky enough, I am well known within the coding environment, and it is in part of my job too. :)
With a little help from my friends. <<Chase signs several thank-yous>>
I know how you feel. I just learned how to do my signature in marquee. I'm still LEARNING *big pat on the back* for me... I never give up until I TRY. :wiggle: