
Texan Guy

Active Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Hello, I am wondering if deaf can earn the private pilot or commerical pilot licenses? I'm always dreaming about fly. heh....Can I???

Private, yes; commercial, I am 99.99% sure that's a no.
Alright, how do I communication with the airport tower? I couldn't understand the radio. It is difficult to understand it for me.
Alright, how do I communication with the airport tower? I couldn't understand the radio. It is difficult to understand it for me.

There are some very, very small, rural airports where you don't need to be in contact with a tower. Have a hearing friend, family member, wife, gf go with you to be your ears where communication with the tower is required.

Anyone else with ideas/knowledge?
Yeah, I have some several questions. I really want to ride on one of World War 2 fighter and bomber planes such as P-51 Mustang, Spitfire, F4U Corsair, Bf-109 and B-17 Fortress.

I heard there are some high-technial that can communication with the tower with subtitles. Isn't there?
I would like fly BF-109 and P-51. It is high performance plane. I been see WWII planes at St.Cloud flying. It was fun and walk around demo old planes.

I wish join air force but can't. :( I love high performance and speed expect high G's <---nuts but still love crazy pull hard. hehe
Deaf people can own private planes, get licensed to take off and land on own strip away from the big cities. IE Apple Valley, Calif is home to at least 2 of such facilities.
Yes ... very few deafies do have their own small planes,,, they even have license to pilot their own planes,,,