

New Member
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
I am a mom of 3.
I am HofH, my mother is as well as two of my daughters.
I have joined other forums (hearing fourms) ..can't help but
feel "out of place." Now I am retreating into my own familiar
surroundings. When I saw this site. I was like ahhhh Sweet!
Now I am HOME! :D
WELCOME!!!!! We have a BUNCH of dhh parents here who have dhh kids, so you HAVE come to the right place!
..............getting a tissue.
I need a good cry. Been a long acouple of weeks
with such hard battles about using ASL with our lil one.
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf Heart2Sign!! I hope you will enjoy your stay here on this forum. You certainly are home, and you will make a lot of new friends here. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard! :thumb:
Howdy, I'm new myself and found it to be a fun, friendly and informative place. Welcome.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Heart2Sign! Glad you were able to find this great site and hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here in AD as well!! ;)
my good friend deafdyke directed me here to you. I am a HOH mama with 2 HOH kids and a HOH mom and granmother. She wanted me to drop on since we're similar LOL
Welcome to AD! Enjoy your postings! Lots of us are parents here too. What state or country are you living at? I'm from Oklahoma.
What State am I in?

I am in Canada, Windsor ONT. :mrgreen:
This place rocks! Love it!