Need Job Change


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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I am tired of my job! I am a cashier. I do it well, and I am a good worker no matter what, but I am so tired of it. I am nice, but I am not a people person who likes to talk to them and stuff. I don't always understand what people say, so I have to nod and smile which can get tiring. I also don't like the complainers and whiners, especially those who don't want to buy anything not on sale. Also, I am quiet spoken, and I have to repeat their purchases a lot because it's hard to see the display that reads the total. Maybe at other stores where display is more visible might be easier. Anyway, people will be people. My concern is that....I would like to switch to a job still close to home, but I am not sure I want a cashier job again...

I am thinking I'd like to work with plants or books or animals. Avoid people as much as possible lol.

What do you think? There is a supermarket close to home, pharmacies (which will obviously be dealing with people), fast food stores, and there's PetSmart, WalkMart, Target, plant stores a little bit farther (about the same distance as my job) which is okay.

What do you think? Am I insane for feeling so bored. Even though I am a hard worker, I still do not last a year in any of my jobs because of boredom.
There is nothing wrong with wanting something different or even more challenging. I used to get so bored easily at my entry level jobs so I switched jobs and majors until I did some volunteer work at PDSD in Phx. That was when I found my calling. Now, iam in my 5th year at my job and I am still constantly challenged.

Try some volunteer work at the places u r interested in and see if u would enjoy doing these kinds of work.

I don't blame u for wanting a different job because it is so hard to stay motivated at a job that is not challenging.

Hope everything works out and good luck! :)
lol I wrote WalkMart lol...that's funny!!

Thank you for your reply. I have been thinking about volunteering, but I am not even sure about looking for them besides the humane association which I read can be depressing when they euthanize them...

Has anyone worked at a bookstore? I could try the library, but they seem to hire school age teenagers for reshelving books. I could try though, but I'd prefer a bookstore because I bet the library can be too quiet and lonely maybe...

Also, I forgot to mention that I have to work a few nights, and I get home at 6 most days which is kinda late for me. It seems to feel like there isn't much time left after 6 pm to do much. I'd like to get off work by 3 PM and if possible have more than 2 weekends off a month. Anyone know what kind of jobs offer more weekends off?

May I also mention that there are weirdos customers, and I'd like to leave that, too.

i had hard times to search for jobs after im no longer work at red lobster

and today my mom told me about offers jobs at Victoria's Secret again im been work there August 2005 till Jan.2006 but im really loves that jobs very much and my old boss asked me no longer at work but i didnt ask for that to leave this jobs! but this month im been application at victoria's secret for rehires jobs so my old boss not work there anymores i think so but we have another boss at victoria's secret and she is black woman and im still wait hears from stores to hires me.
I am feeling a little better at my job, but I still do not want to settle for it. I am looking into going to a vocational or so type of school. I have to leave work on my breaks to get my mind off work.

I have recently seen in a newspaper add about a housecleaning job, and this one had this Monday-Friday and no weekends work. That was awesome. I feel embarrassed to apply for it because of what people would think. I know my mom wouldn't like it. Housecleaning has this lame stigma. I also do not want to work in groups of strange people, you know? Because that's who you'll be riding with to places.

I know this lady at my work who works across the street that does housecleaning plus does pretty much what I do at work. I am not sure about asking her about housecleaning.

I can't remember what the name was, but there was this beautiful yellow car that'd drive around the area I used to go to college that were full of housecleaning young women like me. I'd apply with them if I knew what the name was....It was a brand new, shiny yellow cool car with their name on the side.
My advise to you... do NOT quit job, look for other job while your on job make you look ALOT better on resume and application.

At first, I don't believe my dad telling me just like I just advised you. Now I know he is darn right.

I have proven this myself. I used to be quitter, never had chance to climb the ladder until when I was 35 yrs old, I had my son on way. So, I took my dad's advice and stick the job until I find other job. After 4th job changes, sure enough I end up land job that I love to death. Took me 6 years to get where I'd love to be there, and none of these 4 jobs I quit before finding other job. So, be patience do not quit or give up.
Yeah, this time I am not quitting like that. I did before, but I don't want to do that this time. I get this advice, too.
I saw a bookstore, and I realized you have to also look at the hours they are open before you apply for a job. The bookstore was open 'till 10 pm including 8 pm on Sunday. I was like--no way.
Well, its all based on seniority. Almost all new job applicant land on the worst possible position to begin with. As you see, you may not like their hours, They don't put you on every possible hours. They would probably put you on the worst hours before they promote you to better hours and throw it to new employee. Happens all the time.

Remind yourself, this is only temporary.

I saw a bookstore, and I realized you have to also look at the hours they are open before you apply for a job. The bookstore was open 'till 10 pm including 8 pm on Sunday. I was like--no way.
My advise to you... do NOT quit job, look for other job while your on job make you look ALOT better on resume and application.

At first, I don't believe my dad telling me just like I just advised you. Now I know he is darn right.

I have proven this myself. I used to be quitter, never had chance to climb the ladder until when I was 35 yrs old, I had my son on way. So, I took my dad's advice and stick the job until I find other job. After 4th job changes, sure enough I end up land job that I love to death. Took me 6 years to get where I'd love to be there, and none of these 4 jobs I quit before finding other job. So, be patience do not quit or give up.

It's same as what my VR said.

I will going to transfer to other Wal-Mart, that near to my home or move to LA in summer but my planning is undecide right now.
I've transferred to 2nd store (work for 3rd walmart) and now I'm working on finding a better job.

It's same as what my VR said.

I will going to transfer to other Wal-Mart, that near to my home or move to LA in summer but my planning is undecide right now.

I've found some jobs through BUT I recently went to job fair earlier today and WHOA found many jobs interest so will work on them tmw..