Mirroring (Ah! moment)


New Member
Aug 2, 2009
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Mirroring - in ASL or PSE

I just had a "Oh!" or "Ah!" thought/moment.

As I am right dominant ambidextrous I am wondering if it is easier for me to use Manual and sign left handed because I am mirroring the signer...

(I also learn magic tricks better left handed)

Some of the letter shapes are 'crushed' in my right hand. So I have always used left for manual- I also 98% of the time sign left except 'please' 'Thank-you' 'good' 'bad' 'sorry' as I was forced to use my right hand for these (stupid teacher...)

Any thoughts on this? If I look at you and you have something on your face, I will automatically 'switch' so you must mirror me to get your face clean. (This confueses my husband, no one else... just him- he claimed it is because he is Italian, but his mother (more Italian, ESL instead of bilingual) understood just fine) :giggle:

I also can 'write/graph' in air my right to left so it looks correct to you - things I do as a tutor.

Any merit to this?