Man Fakes Death To Avoid Court Date


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Police: Death Certificate Contained Misspellings

SALEM, Mass. -- A Massachusetts man is accused of going to extremes to get out of a court case.

Officials said Michael Rosen faked his own death, complete with death certificate.

But officials said the document was full of mistakes, raising a big red flag.

Rosen, 42, an unemployed painter, was due in court on several warrants.

Instead of attending his hearing, he pretended to be his brother and presented county clerks with a death certificate for Michael Rosen, said Lt. Conrad Prosniewski with the Salem Police Department.

A suspicious probation officer, who had just spoke with Rosen, noticed the death certificate didn't look quite right.

The cause of death was listed as cardio-respriratory arrest, and the document contained several misspellings.

"I don't know what to tell you," said Rosen's roommate, Daniel Sheehan.

Sheehan said Rosen, 42, took off in his Jeep a couple days ago. He hasn't seen him since.

"He's creative," neighbor Barbara West said. "If he could just learn to spell, he'd be all set, I suppose."

Rosen now faces forgery charges on top of those outstanding warrants.

Man Fakes Death To Avoid Court Date - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
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Human opposum, eh? :lol:
Here is what to learn lesson... go to school and be smart! Then you would be amazing criminal who able to dodge
Wow. Everyday people amazes me with their con-artist thoughts. I don't really know what he was thinking about this situation, and hope that he'd get away with it.

Unfortunately, no - he is making it worst.
lol i couldnt give a fuck well like good on him for trying LMAO
I heard of a guy that had some over due bills coming in the mail and he decided to write he was deceased on the envelopes and mailed it back. The next month the guy did not get his SS check as the goverment believed he was really dead! It took the guy awhile to prove he was still alive!