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New Member
Jan 10, 2004
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Hey there. Just joined up here after googling for the Gallaudet RockFest (which I haven't been to, as I don't go to Gallaudet (yet) ). Anyway, I'm a 27 year old male, living in not very sunny Ohio. I'm late deafened, so can't do the standard school introduction thing, since I grew up hearing. I lost my hearing 3 years ago due to bacterial meningitis, and am only now trying to get more involved in the Deaf Community in Toledo. As is probably standard, feel free to ask if you want to know anything else about me.
Welcome to alldeaf, deafgeek. I’m a victim of meningitis too, as are a lot of people on this board. I’m very impressed by the tone of your introduction. You talk about yourself and your deafness in such a casual manner—almost as if you’ve been deaf all your life and consider it a perfectly natural state of affairs. It’s rare to meet an LDA who is not completely freaked out by the fact that they can’t hear anymore. And now, just 3 years later, you’re taking an active and participatory role in the Deaf community and are ready to trot off to Gally. That’s so unusual. Tell us more—what was your life like for the first few months after your recovery?
:wave: welcome to AD Deafgeek -- enjoy ur stay! :D

im a lifelong deafie -- deaf at birth due to Rubella :D if u are heading to Gally -- do enjoy ur visit there!
I guess I should have read your profile before I posted my reply. I now see what you wrote about your looooooong period of denial. Still, judging from your brief introduction, it seems that you’ve made a remarkable transition in a very brief period of time. Keep the faith—you haven’t lost anything. You’ve just gained a new perspective on things. And you’ll soon come to realize that it’s an enhanced perspective, not a diminished one. :thumb:
Levonian, credit where credit is due. I would be no where near as stable with my emotions and getting to the point of fully accepting who I am now without the help of my wonderful fiance (who may or may not be joining us on this board at some point). :ily: She really helped me understand that no, I hadn't lost anything, just changed somewhat. Also showed me that a lot of what I'd been doing before I lost my hearing was less than healthy, mentally. Yeah, it's still not the easiest thing, but if things were easy, why bother?

More details, specifically about me going to Gallaudet. Right now, I'm in a rather unsatisfying job (check the profile). But the more I think about it, the more I miss school. I have a BA in English, and would love to teach that at either a high school or college level, specifically at a Deaf School. But most places need some sort of a degree in Deaf Education, and if I'm going to get one of those, might as well get it at the best possible place. However, my fiance is still in school at Madonna University, studying to be a terp. So we're waiting until she's done to a) get married and b) hopefully run to DC.

And that's me right now. It's far too early for more rational thoughts, so I'm gonna go zone or something.
Hello DeafGeek welcome to alldeaf! hope you will has enjoy in here smile and hey let me ask you have you go to toledo deaf club before?? I think i might know you or not smile since I am from same ur hometown
Hi Deafgeek ,

Welcome to AllDeaf....*Welcome Hugs*...

btw, Im from Ohio too...It's a pleasure meeting ya.....Have fun!
LovelyBlkGal said:
Hello DeafGeek welcome to alldeaf! hope you will has enjoy in here smile and hey let me ask you have you go to toledo deaf club before?? I think i might know you or not smile since I am from same ur hometown

Not yet, but I keep meaning to go. However, already planning on going this Friday. I've done a lot of work for the DRC before, so I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.
Ahh i know where is DRC i been there few time before i m sure there will lots deaf community who interesting involved anythings smile DeafGeek
deafgeek said:
Hey there. Just joined up here after googling for the Gallaudet RockFest (which I haven't been to, as I don't go to Gallaudet (yet) ). Anyway, I'm a 27 year old male, living in not very sunny Ohio. I'm late deafened, so can't do the standard school introduction thing, since I grew up hearing. I lost my hearing 3 years ago due to bacterial meningitis, and am only now trying to get more involved in the Deaf Community in Toledo. As is probably standard, feel free to ask if you want to know anything else about me.

Welcome to AD, deafgeek -- am sure glad to see that you're coming to terms with the fact of being deaf. I'm profoundly deaf...have been since birth. It's good to see that you're taking it in stride and one day at a time and so forth. ;)
Hope you find this place an entertaining, educational and friendly site! :wave: